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Why don't people vote for Democrats/Progressives

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by ASU2003, Aug 5, 2023.

  1. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I think there are a lot of issues that aren't "politically correct" to talk about when it comes to the true reasons people are locked into their "sides".

    Plenty of it comes down to fitting in to your local community and your vision of success, but I think there is more to it than just candidate quality or tax percentages. My non-political friend says he votes based on sex and picks whose policies is more likely to get him laid. Either the better job/tax policies, or the freedom that birth control gives women to sleep with him... And I wonder how many people really have that view on politics, yet nobody is going to talk about it.

    So talk about it in this thread. Crazy theories are OK and encouraged, I want to hear them all. :) I figure most of mine will be about the culture war issues that don't get talked about much. I also made a thread about why people don't vote for Republicans/Conservatives to be fair and balanced.

    In no particular order:

    If some random guy can get 20 million followers, not have to work a "real" job (yet makes more than they will make in their lives in a year or two), and provides no benefit to society...That's not right. And the mob that causes NYC to become a uncontrollable nightmare of making things worse isn't what they view as the right direction for the country. This is who will get "reparations" for slavery from 160+ years ago, even if your ancestors never owned any slaves or came way after the Civil War.


    Modern music sucks, and the "stars" are not the deserving rock stars of the 70's and 80's. Country music doesn't have this problem. And nobody should ever have face/neck tattoos unless you are a Pacific Islander.


    My conspiracy theory is that a lot of conservatives or troll farms posted black porn guys banging thin white women back in 2015 to sway the election. It was around before then, but the algorithm seemed to favor showing it more on the Hub and posters kept posting pictures on 4Chan a lot. It is a big fear that many white guys have still. Either if their partner will cheat on them, or that their daughter will get persuaded if it is acceptable and "normal". Now having access to abortion might be a good thing if you vote for the Democrats, if the woman can hide her cheating or past relationships, along with the whole white nationalism thing, that is a big reason to vote for Republicans.


    And you have people making millions and convincing a lot of other low-income workers that they should quit to become an Only Fans, YouTube, Twitch, Insta, or Tik Toker. Why work 8 hours a day for 50 weeks a year, when you have a chance to make it big by taking your clothes off? This girl who yelled at Dr. Phil supposedly made $50 million dollars over the past few years. You must be a loser if you go to work a job you hate for a paycheck that you can barely live on.


    I really don't know what the real reason conservatives don't like the LGBT+ movement, but I have a suspicion that it has more to do than just the bible saying it is wrong and having biological kids as being necessary for a local community. I wonder if a few of them wish they could come out, but don't like the other issues that the Democrats stand for or would be ostracized from their community. Maybe they fear asking someone who appears to be female out, but they have male reproductive parts. Maybe they think that some guys would be willing to partially transition just to sneak into women's locker rooms or beat them at sports. Or they feel that if this is an option, that some of their own kids will choose to live this way. The LGBT+ activists are a well organized group that has some political power too, which takes some of the power away from traditional groups.


    The environmentalist protestors who damage things or do meaningless acts isn't really helping the cause, and more people won't care now because of spite and they really don't want the activists to "win".


    Do you agree? Do you have any other ideas?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  2. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX

  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Eh, they do it no more than anyone else's groups, IMHO
    There's nutso's and extremists on any side and even independent.

    It's just that they aren't trying to take over (for now)
    and the Dems tend to cooperate more and come to some consensus. (at least a lot more than the GOP)

    This is more like America is all about.
    I'm talking about activity, not values.

    My own values are a mix of all sides. (and used to be a GOP member)
    I just can't vote for bullies and bile.
  4. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    I do vote dem pretty much 100%
    But I vote no on some progressive issues if it means it'll cost me personally too much. I can say what that number is I just decide as I vote.
    Mainly property tax issues cause it's more than $6k a year now for me.

    I do agree that trashing the business district isn't really awesome way to gain favor unless Starbucks is specifically targeted but that's personal to the owners of Starbucks in total, no specific store.

    Also agree about most music. I mean, Cardi B, can we raise the discourse above the volume of your pussy juice ?

    But whatever...that's not politics exactly it's culture.

    Aside from the utubers and tick tokers who make a lot of cash from idiotic bs...ehh, I dont watch them.
    There's plenty of stuff that looks legit on utube that really is just psudo- whatever... motivation, weight loss or muscle build, self esteem or charisma building, tons of crap.

    But there's a lot of good stuff too that you can see a fair amount of work and money went into production.

    I don't care too much one way or the other what ppl do with their sexuality - unless it's non consensual or child abuse.

    I don't think as a white educated guy I'm owed any kind of attention from women, I have no sexual dividend I'm entitled to. I'm not incel I'm more volcel or just indifferent. I mean, if you don't effort for a goal you won't get it for the most part.

    Ya know ppl doing more weird shit sexually than ever (I think) I mean, men buying 12" GI Joe dolls with magnetic dicks so they can be hard or soft, 12" or 1/6 scale girl dolls with squeezable boobs...men in vr chat wearing anime girl avatars lapdancing for other men...
    Humans have really pulled up anchor on "normal sex rolls" I don't think too much about it cause...it is what it is ?
    (I know about the dolls cause I used to buy resin model kits of monster and sci Fi movie characters and these things live in similar eBay search catagories. I know about the vr chat thing because of some utube vr chat vids that ultimately led to some of these oddities)

    I think all of the sex thing spooks people cause it just means society is drifting away from known, simpler realities and some aren't comfortable with it. It's gonna get worse, or more hard to define when some doctor puts a functioning uterus in a man and that biological man actually births a child. I think that could happen in my lifetime, so maybe 20 years or so. Sooner than that some men will be out as having a relationship with a synthetic woman doll and something like an AI Sire for a brain.

    I've also read that abortion is statistically more white women and those who fear people of color becoming dominant really want more white babys, in addition to the whole religion thing. I don't know how true that is but I do know, in a world with Q people, obviously crazy ideas find an audience.
    But bottom line is, conservatives prefer a simpler landscape across the board and the stratification of sexuality makes it harder to deal with, leaving you asking where you fit in. For men who just want the old school, world of marrying your sweetheart, buying a house and raising a family, it can be really hard if you think that's how it should be.
    We don't live in 'should be' we live in reality.
    In 'should be' we're floating free but we see land we can swim to. In reality there is no land to swim to and that's scarey.
  5. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Upper class (in name, not actions) whites are scared of the working class and minorities. This certainly isn't a new revelation.

    Working class whites have been feeling abandoned by the Democrats over several decades. They are scared of progressive programs, especially ones aimed at helping minorities. Somehow NPD Trump managed to tap into those fears. That, & many other factors, gave us The 2016 Perfect Storm of Discontent.

    Greed has also taken a firm grip on many people. I'm not sure when the I Worked For It And Want To Keep All Of It movement started, but it ties into whites thinking the Dems do too much for minorities (blacks mostly).

    I have thoughts about how labor unions have ran their course, but that's going require some thinking & a lot of stretching :rolleyes:.
  6. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    From my vantage point in upstate NY:
    1. Crime. Liberals have some crazy ideas including most recently making it very difficult to keep people detained without bail. As a result have had some horrific crimes in NY committed by people who should have been jailed after a crime, but the judge was unable to keep them detained and then they commit another crime in short order.
    2. Lack of a plan for addressing illegal immigrants. The latest idea is putting them in Central Park. Wait, what? Why should our park be turned into a shithole at our taxpayer expense to house people who are here illegally?
    3. Related to #1 above: Failure to address homelessness and drug abuse in public in cities like San Francisco, rendering parts of the city extremely hostile for citizens that want to live their lives without daily exposure to the decompensated mentally ill, public intoxication and drug use and urine and feces in the streets.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    My frustration with the Dems is that they are often wishy-washy...or don't act
    and give too much benefit of the doubt at times.

    Now it's dynamically understable, since their party encapsilates a much broader, mixed and cooperative group
    BUT, there's times to make a decision. Shit or get off the pot.
    Oh yeah, and fight back and enforce.
    and have a consistent message and talking points.

    Yes, it's a contradiction from me.
    But you can be open minded and considerate...and still act with intent and fairly quick.

    Then again, I'm not trying to get a consensus of many people and opinions.

    However, this is what people think often...illogically so. They want open but action oriented.
    And they vote that way...keeping the more linear opposition in mind because it's easier and it seems as if someone is doing something.

    I'm not saying it's right or how it should work, it's just how many think at times.
    I go back and forth on it emotionally. (and yes, this makes me wishy-washy :rolleyes:)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    You hit the major problem with the Dems:
    Trying to appeal to, and satisfy, too many diverse groups.
  9. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Soft on crime is also a major issue for the Dems. And a major part of that is how easy it is to use crime to scare people, making it a convenient -- and convincing -- weapon for the Repubs.