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What's your hope about the SCOTUS decisions on Prop 8 & DOMA?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by zoolady, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. zoolady

    zoolady New Member

    As someone who has loved many gay people in life....I want marriage equality and the end of DOMA.

    What do you think?
  2. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I'm a big supporter of marriage equality. As far as the ruling for Prop 8 goes, I've been displeased by some of the inaccurate information that surfaced during the oral arguments. First, Justice Alito suggested that gay marriage is newer than cell phones or the internet. This is false. A marital relationship in family science is defined as one that is long-term and committed. It has been defined this way for years because both hetersexual couples and homosexual couples engage in these kinds of relationships. Mother Jones has a snarky piece that gave me some chuckles here about other things newer that Justice Alito has ruled on: 8 Things Justice Alito Has Ruled on That Are Newer Than Cellphones and the Internet | Mother Jones The other thing that we know quite a bit about homosexual couples raise children, contrary to what Justice Kennedy said. The quote below is from the Stranger:

    Five years of information? Hardly! A brief search on Google Scholar found citations going back to 1977 on same sex parenting. 1977! Furthermore, looking at the studies pulled up on Google Scholar, research into same sex parenting has been an established focus of family science since 1993. That's at least 20 years of Justice Kennedy's "sociological information." Also, the research has shown time and again that where the difference lies is NOT in the gender of each parent, but rather the quality of the parental relationship, the resources the parents have, and in the number of parents.

    We'll see how it goes. In the DOMA case, I find the story of Edie Windsor and Thea Spyer so touching and romantic. I think DOMA has a definite chance to be overturned.
  3. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    I'm cautiously optimistic, but what I hope happens and what I expect to happen are two very different things. What I hope for is that both cases are decided based on Equal Protection, that sexual orientation and gender identity are established as suspect classes, and that same sex marriage is allowed nationwide. What I expect to happen is that they rule No Standing on Prop 8, the federal court ruling stands, and same sex marriage in California is allowed; DOMA will be overturned but marriage will be up to the states to define and same-sex couples will be entitled to federal benefits. Still better than the status quo, but leaving us with a long road ahead of us. I don't expect for the liberal side of the court to push for a 14th amendment ruling unless it was a certainty because the stakes are so high - if they won, it would be a monumental victory, but if they lost, the LGBT movement could be dead in the water for decades .
  4. Yojimbo1963 New Member

    I believe in equal rights for all. I also believe that whatever two or more consenting adults want to do in the privacy of their home is none of my business, and defiantly not the governments.
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  5. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted
