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What would you pay to watch new movies at home opening night?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Borla, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    A new start-up with major backing has announced a service called The Screening Room. Their plan is to get major studios (Fox, Universal, and Sony are supposedly very interested) to agree to distribute movies through a screening service to home users. Movies would be released at the same time as they are in theaters.

    Here's the cost breakdown:
    $150 initial fee for the equipment/service
    $50 per movie

    Those fees would be split between the movie studio, the movie theater owners (so that they don't lobby against this), and the service itself.

    Here's what you get:
    Set-top box used to stream movies to
    48 hours of access to the movie (so you can rewatch in that window of time)
    Movie picture provided in 4k
    2 tickets to also see the movie in your local theater

    Day & Date Movies at Home for $50 Being Pitched to Studios, Exhibitors | Variety

    Is this something that would interest you?
    How often do you go see movies in the theater?
    What does it usually cost you to go to the theater?
    Do you prefer the theater experience, or watching at home?
    What advantages and disadvantages do you see?

    I'd definitely be interested. However, it would have to be something that basically all of the major production companies signed up for, and would have to include all movies made (no holding out premium movies for theaters only).

    I rarely go see movies in the theater. Sometimes I'll go an entire year without going. Aside from seeing Star Wars twice, I can't remember the last time I went to the theater more than 2-3 times in a year.

    Star Wars tickets were about $13.50 each. Popcorn and a drink are musts. So if my wife and I go, it's almost $50 right there. And that isn't including gas or drive time.

    I definitely prefer watching at home. I don't have an epic home theater system, but I do have a nice 60" TV with a 7.1 surround sound system. The biggest factor to me is convenience of watching whenever I want, being able to pause or rewind, not having to travel to the theater, not paying for concessions, not dealing with noisy or distracting theater goers, and being able to lay on my own couch.

    The advantages I see are above. It would be almost cost neutral for me (after the initial fee). If I invited friends over occasionally and asked to split the cost, the fee would eventually take care of itself. For those that have a family, it might even be a cost advantage.

    The only disadvantages for me are the fact that I don't have 3D at home, nor an Imax. Neither are a huge deal, but they are small factors. That, and I love movie popcorn, which is hard to replicate properly. :p
  2. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Nope. I still like going to the theater. I like the presentation, even though all the commercials before and the 87 previews are kind of annoying. I like no pauses, no bathroom breaks, and no distractions. I guess if I had friends and it was like a special thing it might be different. But not in my current situation. Big screen and big sound. Even though my stereo does kick ass.
  3. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    No. Not a movie person.
  4. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I love watching movies at home. I have a reasonably sized flat screen hdtv and a surround sound theatre system, so I get a reasonably cinematic experience, my couch is comfier than the seats, popcorn is cheaper and better out of my air popper, nobody kicks the back of my seat and pants are optional. So that's all better in my opinion.

    But on the other hand I'm pretty content with my current setup. A set top box and a bunch of extra costs doesn't really sound like something I'd want. I'm perfectly happy to wait for movies to show up on the playstation store or google play or whatever and just rent them there. Or better yet, watch them on netflix.
  5. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    Yeah, no.

    If I'm interested enough in a movie to want to see it right when it opens, then I'm interested enough to find the time to go to a movie theater and see it there. Watching movies at home is for the movies that I don't care that much about.

    I like going to movie theaters, even if it has gotten a bit expensive. I enjoy the experience. My problem is that it's hard for me to find the time to go, what with work and two small children and babysitting being even more expensive than the movies....

    But if I really care about a movie, I find the time. Often an early matinee, but whatever. Still better than watching at home.

    So I would literally pay zero dollars for this service.
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  6. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I can wait.

    Blue-ray and my home setup are just fine by me. While movie theaters have a nicer setup, they also come with annoying people, crappy popcorn, and a real lack of quality beer. There are very few movies that can't wait a few months.

    Edited to add:

    I'm impatient; but not $150 upfront / $50 per movie impatient.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
  7. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Nope. That isn't worth it to me, by far. I can wait. And if I can't, I'll go to a weekend matinee. We don't eat popcorn or get drinks, so it's under $30 for two.
  8. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    While I enjoy watching films at home, I also enjoy the theater experience. I think that this concept is not for my demographic.
  9. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I love movies. I love going to the cinema.

    I do like to watch movies at home, but I like to see new movies at the cinema.
  10. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    It seems heftily overpriced, when you compare it to services like Netflix. I don't see how this would fly at all, purely on that.
  11. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    Nope, if the movie has just come out and is important enough I will want to see it in the theatre.
    I like the seeing movies that way, with friends, on the huge screen, and popcorn.
    For the rest I'll go Netflix and chill or DVD if it's something I really have to have.
  12. If I care enough about a movie, I want the big screen, big sound experience of a theater. As empty nesters, we'll get out to a pre-noon screening at a discount, then go out to lunch. It's a cheap date that leaves a lot of daylight for other activities.
    I can see this appealing to parents of young children, though. The savings for a babysitter, concessions, etc, might make it worthwhile.
  13. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I have a 10 foot projection screen and major surround sound at my house, yet I will go to the theater for the latest Star Wars or Lord of the Rings type of movie. I wait until it comes out on DVD for most movies, and as I am so far behind and don't watch commercials, most new DVDs are just like they are just out.
  14. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    as little as we have timw to watch movies theres no way id pay that much, but tahts me. I have a movie guy that I buy bootleg movies from. and there excellent quality and there only $3 a piece
  15. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX

    Do the BLs cause any problems with your DVD player? A neighbor used to buy BLs, and said they eventually caused problems when he tried to watch regular DVDs. He said something about a code? Possibly a security safeguard built into the player?
  16. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Minus the crowds, I like the theatre experience better. Now if I could pay a little extra to get a small auditorium to myself...that I'd probably consider.

    FWIW, I don't watch a whole lot of movies, either at home or at the theatre.
  17. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    ive never had an issue with them, or my player and ive been watching them for about 5 years
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