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What weird things does your pet notice?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Borla, Oct 30, 2015.

  1. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Is there anything that your pet(s) pick up on that surprise you? Especially if it is not food motivated (because of COURSE they come running when they hear the can opener, fridge, food bowl being filled, etc. :p )?

    Stanley is very in tune with what clothes I am putting on. It really surprises me sometimes how much he notices, even listening from halfway across the house as to which closet/room I go into to get them. For instance, I have a particular pair of shoes I always wear when I walk him. He can be dead asleep on the couch, or in his bed, but when he sees me with them on, or even carrying them, he hops up and follows me expectantly. I can put on other sneakers that are similar to them, but he mainly just hops up anxiously when I put on THIS pair.

    Also, I have a pair of black Nike jogging pants that I wear almost only when walking him. In the summer, or any weather over about 55*, I wear basketball shorts. But when it is colder I wear this particular pair of jogging pants. I have literally not worn them a single time since this spring, probably March or so. Today I got them out of the closet and started putting them on. Stanley immediately jumped up from the couch and trotted over, ready for a walk.

    The other thing that I think is interesting that he tunes into is packing for a trip. I travel weekly, so I have a roller suitcase that I use that is perpetually being packed and unpacked. I can take this anywhere in the house and be putting clothes in and out and he won't bat an eye. But if I get out a second suitcase, even though one is almost identical in size, style, and shape as the other, he reacts. He'll immediately lay in the room I'm packing, or in the doorway of it, and watch. It's hard to explain the exact difference in his behavior, but he starts sighing a lot, doesn't relax, and stays watchful the entire time. All of this is behavior he doesn't do if I'm packing just one bag, or any other time. It's like he knows the extra bag(s) means a trip, which means a ride in the car for him, and a possible drop off at my parents' house. Which leads to another weird observation. If we take him over there with a loaded car, he will not leave my side at my parents' house. Even though he likes it there, loves my dad, and enjoys my parents' dog, he doesn't want left there. However, if we just take him for a ride over there, and don't load up the car first, he's totally relaxed over there and shows no desire to be right next to me. He'll play, cruise the back yard, and nap.

    I could list another half-dozen behaviors that I am surprised he picks up on (seems to realize the difference between cleaning the house and cleaning the house because someone is about to stop by, knows who he can wrestle with and who he has to be gentle with, etc.), but those two really stand out.

    Am I the idiot pet owner that reads too much into his pet's behavior, or do your dogs/cats/birds/fish/undeadsquirrels do the same types of things?
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  2. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    The packing for a trip, thing, definitely. The boys get all nosy and morose and want to be right up in the suitcases or bags or whatnot.
    What really creeps me out is how self-aware they are. Faust, especially, will check himself out in the mirror, make eye contact with you, then turn and respond to you exactly where you are without missing a beat. He gets it. I'll get to the annoying stuff another time.
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  3. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Molly is very perceptive.
    I'm pretty sure she knows what day of the week it is. Her demeanor is different on Saturdays and Sundays. I realize she picks it up from me; but I have no idea what she is keying on. She watches me like a hawk and won't leave my side. If I grab my helmet or put on my motorcycle jacket, I'll get the poor, neglected Newfie look immediately. If I put on any other jacket or touch my backpack, she starts bouncing off the walls. I expect her to eat my motorcycle jacket, at some point.
    If we are packing for any reason, she watches what goes in and out. 1 or 2 trips to the camper and she knows what's up.

    She seems to know where she is, most of the time. Bumpy roads and slower driving means that we are approaching a trailhead or home. She always wakes up / perks up before we park.

    While she's good with all children, my 5 yr old grand daughter has her all figured out and Molly will obey her as well as she obeys me. Molly knows an Alpha bitch when she sees one.
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  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    My cats know when it's Caturday. They don't wake us up until 7 at the earliest, and they wake us up by cuddling. It's sweet.

    They also both know the sounds of our cars, and my husband and I both get greeted at the door by the cats. If they're cuddling with me and hear my husband's car pull in, they rush off to greet him.
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  5. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    The area thing always amazes me too. My parents live about 45 miles away. Once we get about 2 miles from their place he starts perking up and looking out the window. A couple times there has been construction, or we had to make another stop along the way, so we came from a totally different direction, on different roads. 1.5-2 miles away and he still perks right up.
  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Studies have shown intelligent animals are in tune with their owners/parents...especially dogs.

    Mine does it all the time...and it depends on the individual animal how aware they are by intelligence and personality. Just like any human.
    I think we are arrogant to presume they are oblivious. When I see so many humans that aren't aware or engaged.

    I go by the presumption that they are aware and are their own person. And that doesn't surprise me, actually it makes me smile.
    They're just like kids. (kids who are isolated by not being able to communicate directly and have no hands)
    My current pup is around the equivalent of a 5 or 6 yr old.
    My past one, that I lost last year, was incredibly intelligent...she was more like a 9 or 1o year old. (hell. if she was off the leash...she'd even walk herself home if she got bored of a conversation I was having)
    She'd try to have full conversations with me...knew EXACTLY what she wants...and how to get it or ask for it.

    You treat them like individuals...engage them...they behave like individuals. Again, just like humans.
    Have you ever met a person who's been isolated all their life?? Or mistreated? They don't react fully.
    I dated & lived with a deaf girl for 2 yrs...her parents didn't teach her how to speak or communicate. So by the time she grew up, even other deaf using sign couldn't speak fully with her.
    Her dynamic was very similar to the more intelligent "kids" I have/had.

    Go by the presumption, they're aware...they respond as individuals. (again. depending on each one's intelligence and personality)

    We're an arrogant sort of being...we presume that if others are not like us, don't act like us, are not to our same capabilities...then they are less.
    Look what we've done to other cultures and the handicapped over the ages.

    My dogs are my kids...I treat them as such.
    And they surprise me with their awareness and personalities, just like children do with me.
    I'm only grateful they are more capable than human kids and take care of themselves when I go to work...otherwise I'd have to get a baby-sitter. ;)
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
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  7. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Okay, food-motivated one first because it makes me laugh: Eden used to make pancakes, sausage, & eggs every Sunday. Sunday is also the only day neither of us set an alarm. The pups picked up that no alarm = yummy breakfast treat, and got to the point that if I woke up first and let them out, they'd come in and wait by the bedroom door until Eden got up. If he got up first, they'd just follow him around all morning. We haven't done a big Sunday breakfast (well, lunch, I guess) in months, but they still want/expect some of whatever we're cooking...and they're more expectant on Sundays.

    When Benjen was a puppy, I'd grab a cigarette before taking him outside. Within a week, he'd learned my habit, and ran to the door every time I reached for a pack. He still does this, and Leia follows his lead.

    They also know that suitcases mean one of two things: Either we're going to visit Grandma (dubbed "Puppy Paradise" because they get to run around in the huge fenced-in yard, and because my mom spoils the heck out of them); or I'm going somewhere and not taking them. Either way, they won't let me out of their sight and follow close behind...to the point that if I stop suddenly, they both run into me.

    I'm not sure if they know how my hometown smells, or if they know getting off the highway means we're almost there...but they definitely get excited. They perk up when we stop for bathroom breaks, but somehow, they know the difference between those exit ramps and the last exit ramp.


    "Why are we stopping? We're almost there!"
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  8. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    One of my guinea pigs has a tendency to look up into the sky. I don't know why, or what he's looking for, but he'll be ambling along/grazing and he'll pause to examine the heavens.



    The other one clearly doesn't give a damn, and concentrates on the good stuff underfoot.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2018
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  9. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    My dog notices when my wife wants to go for a run with her. She runs upstairs and tries to pretend she's still asleep.
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  10. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    It's not exactly weird; but Molly stops and admires the scenery. While Colorado is just one gigantic playground for Jackson, Molly will pause at overlooks and just survey things.
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  11. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    These are probably due to conditioning.....

    My wife and I follow different schedules, and very rarely do we take showers back-to-back. When we do, the dogs get restless in anticipation of us leaving the house together (which is usually the case).

    Sometimes I like to step outside for a smoke without the dogs. No matter how quietly and carefully I pick-up the cig pack, at least two of them will suddenly awaken from a deep slumber.
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  12. SirLance

    SirLance Death Therapist

    My psycho dog, when not chewing up Mrs. Lance's favorite pair of heels, notices shit that isn't there, and barks at it.
  13. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Jackson will bark at that nasty Golden Retriever in the window (dumbass).
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  14. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    As dumb as it sounds my dogs notice when I oversleep
  15. SirLance

    SirLance Death Therapist

    LOL, mine barks at the dog in the pool. Also at the wind. Stars. Random thoughts...
  16. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    One of my cats has a favorite sweatshirt of mine. I have two black sweatshirts, but she only ever wants to lay on the one, never the other. She can unerringly find that sweatshirt, no matter where I put it.
  17. SirLance

    SirLance Death Therapist

    Did I mention that photons apparently make a very loud noise when the first one hits the desert in the morning? At, say 515... I'm sure that's what psycho is barking at. Couldn't be anything else...
  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    No, it's noting the patterned signals being sent from space by aliens replying to us, like in "Contact" (A mini radar)
  19. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    My pup knows that if I'm making coffee, I'm probably going to leave for work soon. Camelbak means we're going hiking and she gets the wiggles and follows closely behind me until we're out the door. She licks my face and loves on me whenever I put shoes on, in an effort to convince me to take her with me.. however, she doesn't do it when I put heels on, since she has it figured out that I'm going somewhere she can't go.