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What video games are you currently playing?

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Ice|Burn, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Now it's time to sign up for the hardware beta: Steam Machines
  2. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    Along with (so far) 35 000 other hopefuls. For 300 spots.

    Yup. I'm still signed up though.
  3. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Those are better odds (so far) than the average lottery. And it's not like it's costing you anything.
  4. Lucifer

    Lucifer Slightly Tilted Donor

    I managed to get Homeworld re-installed and playing on Windows 7; haven't played this in years, not since 98SE. Still looks as glorious as it did back in the day, as usual I spent more time zooming around my ships and looking at the colours than I do playing it.

    • Like Like x 1
  5. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    65 000 now. And no, it doesn't cost anything to sign up.
  6. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    cool, they just announced some stuff about a new upcoming homeworld...

    There's A New Homeworld Game Coming
  7. TheSurgeOn

    TheSurgeOn Getting Tilted

  8. Currently enjoying TF2 for the first time in a long time.

    Also got Steam and TF2 working in Linux, so that's an excellent thing. Looking into more games for Linux, but also looking into America's Army for Win.
  9. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I suspect it's a bit premature to declare the console obsolete. I haven't looked at the numbers lately but the last time I bothered to look into such things consoles were still gaining major ground in the gaming market. Console gamers tend to prefer the simplicity that a console provides -- there's no guesswork about whether something will run (or how well). It's also cheaper, at least up front.

    If anything the Steambox seems to be indicative of PC gaming moving in a more console-like direction. I'll be interested to see what effect it has on the market, ultimately -- Valve has a history of setting industry trends, at least through Steam, but whether developers will be willing to follow them into the untested waters of these Linux-based console like machines remains to be seen.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I guess this will be much like a Netflix of gaming, right? Much of the commentary I've read has been somewhat indifferent. Many don't think it'll have a huge impact on consoles, while others think this is mostly something that would appeal to existing PC gamers.
  11. Taliesin

    Taliesin Slightly Tilted

    Western Australia
    What am i currently playing? Nothing.
    Origin hasn't bloody worked since the last update. I did todays update & it still doesn't work.
    I miss simcity...
  12. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I've been playing Lord of the Rings Online again! I got it to run under Ubuntu after a catastrophic (and likely permanent) failure to get it to launch under Vista a few years ago.

    I'm starting from scratch, which is fine because I hadn't gotten too far into the game initially.

    I started a dwarf champion and a human hunter. The free account limits your characters to two, which is fine by me.

    It's nice to unwind in Middle-earth. Bree-land is particularly charming.
  13. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Hmm...tempting...I wonder what the graphics look like now. I haven't tried LOTRO since the beta.
  14. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It's free. What do you have to lose, except a bit of time and bandwidth, right?

    Although I'll admit that some of the paid content looks tempting.
  15. Lucifer

    Lucifer Slightly Tilted Donor

    I was so far into LOTRO (level high 20's, I was on the outskirts of the Mines of Moria, about to enter Lothlorien) and then I re-installed Win7 and forgot to copy my LOTRO folder. Lost everything, and didn't have the heart to start from scratch again.
  16. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    just finished bioshock infinite; great story middling combat mechanics and enemy ai.

    also got an email today with a ticket into the pre-alpha alpha for magicka wizard wars!

    Magicka: Wizard Wars - Paradox Interactive

    it's like magica but with a moba twist which is perfect since i've been playing so much dota 2. i'll give some feedback after i dip my toes in.
  17. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Recently I've been toying with Papers, Please. Part of my indie fanboyism, it's a neat little game about border control. Yeah.

    The premise is simple: It's 1982, and Eastern Bloc nation Arstotzka has opened it's borders again after a long and difficult war with neighbouring Kolechia. You, an Arstotzkan citizen, have been selected in the Labour Lottery to man a border crossing. Your job is to examine papers presented by would-be entrants, ensure they comply with the ever-changing list of entry requirements and, ultimately, decide whether they will be allowed entry, turned away, or detained for further questioning.

    It sounds about as dull as paper. I don't know if "fun" is the word I'd use for it, but it certainly does draw you in.
  18. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    new humble bundle just went live and as of now, you can still do the unlock games for under 5$.. includes:

    batman arkham asylum AND arkham city
    F.E.A.R 2 AND 3
    scribblenauts unlimited
    lord of the rings war in the north

    VERY good value. also sometimes they add a game or 2 after a week and you get grandfathered in.

    Humble WB Games Bundle (pay what you want and help charity)
  19. Foxy6971

    Foxy6971 New Member

    New York
    Love the Sims 3 !!! Can't wait to try Sims 4 next year.And I love Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2
  20. TheSurgeOn

    TheSurgeOn Getting Tilted

    Oh yes!!! Out today (pre-alpha). Dayzgame.com or Steam.