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What kind of Weather scares you?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by chipperaroo, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. I just walked out my door. It's hot, humid, muggy, wind is picking up, and I saw lightning in the distance. This doesn't care me per se, it's what it carries behind it. I live in the DFW area of Texas, and, tornadoes can happen (have several times this season/year already).

    I'm from CA, and I'm used to all sorts of weather. I've voluntarily hiked out an exposed ledge / rock face and had lightning and thunder close in so fast I couldn't get away (scared shitless). That's my own damn fault. But, I didn't think about my fear of tornadoes (and hurricanes) before moving here... can't avoid them, really.

    This weather scares the shit out of me.

    What kind of weather scares you?
  2. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    I'm in the same boat, so to speak. I live a bit further SE of you in East Texas, and the tornadoes, while not as numerous as in your area, are definitely worrisome.
  3. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I've personally seen at least seven tornadoes on the ground. Once I saw three tornadoes on the ground within the same week. I've had flying debris from an F4 break windows out of the vehicle I was madly driving trying to escape said tornado. I've watched a tornado cause a Ford Taurus to be picked up, turned sideways, and land across the hood of a Ford Mustang 150 yards from where I was at. I watched a McDonald's roof implode from a tornado. I drove almost 250 miles in the worst blizzard to hit the area in over 15 years. On another occasion I passed 87 cars in the ditch on my way home (yes, I counted). At this point 99% of weather makes me go "ehh, I can't change it, it probably won't kill me, so whatever".
  4. SuburbanZombie

    SuburbanZombie Housebroken

    Weather events don't scare me, but I do get some trepidation with the winter storms. A good old fashioned Nor'easter with a lot of really wet snow can take the power out for several days. If I get caught out on the road when the storm hits, can make for an anxiety filled ride home, especially if the towns are holding the plows till after the worst hits. (That doesn't happen often, but every now and again, a storm will get here quicker than anyone thinks it will.)
  5. Wish I had that experience w/ this weather under my belt... I'd probably be more like you.
  6. Ayashe

    Ayashe Getting Tilted

    Not much weather wise ruffles my feathers. I live in the upper midwest, we get snow, rain, tornadoes, flooding in some spots. If anything I find bad weather exciting, can't say I have ever been truly scared of it. I may certainly react differently if I lived elsewhere or had different experiences.
  7. I just looked @ the weather, and, there's a big-ol red line from Austin, TX to Mobile, AL, north of which severe weather is expected tonight. I'm a little less freaked-out, but, wary.
  8. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Sand storms.

    The flat terrain of the desert means there is nowhere to hide.

    I've seen a sandstorm pick up a double-cover'd, staked GP medium tent and throw it a hundred yards.
  9. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Drive 300k miles through the Midwest in 5-6 years, you'll get there. :eek:
  10. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    Sunny, warm weather. Because we only get nice weather 2 months out of the year (July, August) when the sunny weather arrives that means WINTER IS COMING !!!
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  11. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Ah, so it's like Vermont's four seasons: winter, spring, mud and winter.
  12. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    Yeah this past week I was still wearing jeans, a fleece jacket, and a rain jacket over it. We call in June-uary.
  13. That's actually gonna end-up happening! Well... I dunno about 300K, but I love driving.
  14. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I love hurricanes and thunderstorms, but the thought of tornadoes scares the crap out of me. You can see hurricanes coming for days. Not so much those crazy funnel clouds.
  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I'm fascinated by all types of Mother Nature
    And I'll actually go out of my way to go look at it.

    I've been in a couple of tornados when I was young...near a breakout just a year or two ago.
    I've walked out into a middle of a hurricane, only to almost be blown away or get my ankles sheered off by a piece of hovering sheet metal.
    I've watch storm systems tear down the county next door from the roof of my apt complex in Oklahoma one summer.
    I've seen the town across the highway being burned down by a massive brush fire.
    I've seen floods, ice storms, snow storms and more...don't hesitate in watching it go down.
    And living in San Diego for 12 years, had my fair share of earthquakes.
    Only thing I haven't seen yet is a volcano and tidal wave.

    Hail storms are pain to my insurance, but not usually me.
    Snow storms I think are not scary...but they can be dangerous, since everything is isolated and not moving.
    Floods you just need to be ahead of...and hope your home isn't in the path.
    Ice storms are a pain, because they usually take down the electricity.
    I'm smart enough to be wary of tornados.
    Hurricanes haven't been that big where I've been...so I wouldn't be a good judge.
    Lightning, you just have to be smart enough to get out of the rain.

    I'm not going to usually be around a volcano...so that would typically worry me.
    I'd say if I was afraid of anything, it would be a tsunami/tidal wave...if I was near the beach.
    With that, you best get the hell away as far as possible.

    As far as more typical weather, I say...just prepare, be wise and cautious. But they don't scare me.
  16. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Scariest thing for me is being out on the water when a thunderstorm comes up.
    We love to canoe and kayak and we get out on some large bodies of water.
    We've done several trips in northern Ontario where there is no appreciable land within sight distance; just some scrubby little spits of sand 1-2 feet above the water line.
    We've had big thunderstorms blow up around us with little warning and not enough time to get to solid land.
    Scares the crap out of me.
    Makes you feel very powerless in your little boat, trying to paddle as fast as you can, and barely seeming to move relative to the giant water surface that you are on.
  17. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    I have seen some photos of a sand storm with camels and villagers, someone had a small video camera taped to the out side of his vehicle. Pretty wild with the sound on.

    I don't like hurricanes at all.
  18. Was in a sandstorm at Monument Valley - like a red fog. That was about 15 years ago and I am still finding sand on myself.
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  19. herostar New Member

    Tsunami is the only one I'm really scared of. Tornadoes are kinda scary too, but mostly just tsunamis.