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What is Your System?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by genuinemommy, May 9, 2013.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    We all have some sort of a system. A specific way of doing a task to make it more efficient, more bearable, or just remembering to do it all-together.
    What is your system?
    How did you make it happen?
    Do you ever tweak it to make improvements?
    What little details make all the difference?
    Feel free to give a complete run-down of your system, if you'd like - and maybe even offer suggestions to improve the systems that others have shared.

    Most of my life I have been interested in making things more efficient. When I was in junior high I started using the stopwatch feature on my wristwatch obsessively, improving my time not only on running a mile, but also on showering, reading, eating meals, etc. Eventually I realized I could make things move even faster if I did things precisely the same way every time, developing muscle memory and habituating myself to a rapid set of tasks to take out the guess work. That passion for efficiency has worked well for me over the years. Life is always more enjoyable with a clear system.

    But recently I have felt out-of-whack. Things just haven't been flowing like they should. There are so many new things to deal with (new baby + lactation) I have had to develop an entirely new system.

    My husband and I have worked hard the past 2 months to develop a system for getting both of us to work on-time with the new baby. This morning it all fell into place and worked perfectly.

    Here it is:

    Night before:
    Pack lunches. Sandwich & apple each for dad and mom My previously-pumped milk filled to 3 oz in date-labeled 5 oz bottles then placed in open cooler lunchbox in fridge for baby.
    Prep breakfast. 3 scoops of quick oats in a bowl with brown sugar and nutmeg. Fill kettle with filtered water and place on stove.
    Pick out clothes. Baby's outfit placed on changing table for morning. Mom's outfit on closet door hook.
    Go to bed early. Wake up at 10: 20pm and 2am and do the following: Pee. Feed baby, drink 1 liter H2O, and pump milk simultaneously. Change diaper. Clean pump parts. Prepare a bottle for the next feeding and leave within arm's reach (in cooler if room temperature is excessively warm, otherwise breastmilk is good left out for up to 6 hours in a fresh bottle). Place excess pumped milk in fridge so it's available for the next day.

    Morning of:
    Awake at 5:30. Tt hops in shower, dresses, and goes downstairs for breakfast with no baby obligations. I hydrate (1.5 liters water), then wake baby and feed while pumping.
    5:50am. Tt puts heat on tea kettle and grinds coffee, makes coffee press of coffee and pours boiling water in oatmeal. I make goofy faces at satiated baby while dressing myself. Take baby to changing table and change diaper, dress her, file her nails, sing morning songs. Slip contact case in pocket, wash face, comb hair.
    6:15am. Walk downstairs with baby and packed breast pump. Hand baby to Tt with bottle. Throw ice pack in baby's cooler, check diaper bag for completeness, then pack car. Return to kitchen/family room.
    6:25am. Take baby from Tt. He leaves for work. I eat breakfast and brush teeth - either with baby in arm (if fussy) or playing on play mat (if happy). Grab baby and load her into carseat, making sure she is happy before I sit in my seat. Usually this entails blasting classical music, showing her a toy, and kissing her on the forehead.
    6:45am. Drive out of garage.
    7:15am. Arrive at daycare. Get baby comfortable.
    7:30am. Leave for school.
    7:50am. Park in specific parking space by track. Walk swiftly on track to microscope facility (this is my morning workout).
    8am. Walk in the door of my office as bell tower sounds. Put on contacts when have a few minutes.
  2. fresnelly

    fresnelly Getting Tilted

    I don't know that I'm especially efficient. You'd be scandalized by the array of post-its littering my desk.

    The best thing I've done for myself is locking down where I put my keys, wallet etc... every time I get home. Not only do I use the same spot as much as possible, I stop and take the time to mentally mark where it is.

    It's enough of a hassle getting the kids out the door every morning but my record for misplacing these things myself (plus the tv remotes) is much improved.
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  3. Whoa! If I regimented my life to this extent I'd be constantly constipated and pissed off. Kudos for being able to pull it off.

    I do have a schedule of approximate times for my morning routine, but as long as I get to the store 15+ minutes before we open, I'm good. My day is typically 1/3 planned, 2/3 reaction. If "organized chaos" isn't too oxymoronic, it describes my day. I make it work.
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  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    No, unfortunately I wing it for the most part.
    And yes, this has gotten me burnt in the past.

    My routine is only in the morn.
    Up, coffee, check web, shower & shave (brush while water is heating), dress, walk dogs, eat food, get essentials (key, wallet, cell), then out the door to work.

    Now on Sunday,
    It's get up, walk dogs, coffee, food, check web...watch all the political shows, nap, then get up and do something...

    Everything else is up for grabs.

    And if I'm with someone, their routine becomes my routine...I'm easy that way.
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  5. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Other than getting up and putting coffee on and brush/flossing my teeth every morning and every evening, I have no system. I can't even keep a calendar organized for more than a few weeks.

    I think and rethink about the things that need to get done on a daily basis and rarely do I outright forget anything. I guess that's my system.
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  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I try to frontload tasks as much as possible. For example, one thing I do consistently is empty the vacuum canister after I'm done vacuuming. Then, the vacuum is ready to go when I want to vacuum the next time.

    My system for grading is very simple. I have a document wallet with 8 slots. I have a slot for my action research consent/assent forms, a slot for my originals, a slot for Per. 1's daily work, a slot for Per. 3's daily work, a slot for Per. 1's project work, and a slot for Per. 3's project. One slot is for my work sample stuff. The other is for student work that needs to be recycled. I don't take out student work at home. I keep it in the document wallet at all times unless I'm working with it or handing it back. The document wallet lives in my backpack. I only take out student work at school or at the coffee shop. As I grade, I flip the paper over so I know I've marked it, and create a new pile of upside down papers. I then go through that pile once more to enter the grades into the electronic gradebook. Then the stack of papers goes back into the document wallet. It works well for me.
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  7. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    Wake up
    Watch a little TV
    Check Internet
    Eat breakfast
    Brush teeth
    Put cell phone, wallet, and keys in pants
    Fill water bottle
    Put on sunglasses
    Bike to work.
    Last edited: May 9, 2013
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  8. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I've always been generally organized and systematic. So is my wife.
    We had our kids a few years back. At one point we had 3 children under the age of 3.
    That's when our systematic behavior went into overdrive, like gg's above. it was the only way we could sanely and productively make it through the day.
    I still have some mental shrapnel remnants from that time that have stuck with me.
    I get up at 0545 on workdays. I get my breakfast set up, take care of the animals and do stretches. I know that I should be completing my leg stretches by 0601, eating my cereal by 0606, and be done with it at 0625.
    It's insane that I have those things timed down to the minute yet if I stick to that schedule I'm calm, low stress and happy because I know that I will be at work by 0715 and the day will be off to a good start.
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  9. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I still think that anybody who gets up before 7:30am has something wrong with them.
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  10. Poetry

    Poetry Totally Sharky, Complete

    Los Angeles, CA
    There's a number of different ways I have of keeping efficient.

    1. Being smart.
    >>Yeah, I said it. And it's true. I wouldn't get half the shit done that I do if I wasn't a brain.
    2. Being aware of time.
    >>One of my best qualities when it comes to planning out my day (which is never, ever consistent) is being able to accurately estimate how long things will take. Most people I know that can't manage their time or their schedule fail to do so not because of a lack of organization, efficiency, or intelligence, they fail to do so because they have no idea how to accurately determine how long a task will take them: from doing the laundry to driving across town.
    3. Paying attention to my thought patterns and habits.
    >>Whenever I create a new way of organizing things, the primary thought behind it is always, "In two months, where and how will I look for this?" And then I sort things based off of my knowledge of my own behavior patterns. Works like a charm.
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  11. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    To give a visual as to how I am, I'm like Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang's Dick Van Dyke's character the random scientist/inventor, Caractacus Potts

    Everything I do by pattern is by obligation, like work's hours.

    I'm inconsistent, activity and creation comes in bursts...intense, fast, targeted...like a Cheetah.
    Otherwise, whatever...It looks like I'm languishing. But I'm actually analyzing and planning.

    It annoys the shit out of many, they can't predict me. (or categorize)
    Likely a reason why I'm not at places for years...it's not by choice, people and groups like predictable. (even fast excellent results don't matter)

    If I was very rich, then it would be a much better situation...but I never get the chance to leverage it.
    Maybe now, now that I have some freedom.
    Last edited: May 10, 2013
  12. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    i don't have a system, really. in terms of making stuff, i work steadily. ideally every day, but lately it hasn't always worked out that way. that's fine. and it's ok for outcomes to not be awesome. i try to bring them to a finished state then put them away. then, usually, i forget about them. maybe go back later. maybe not. anyway, the same basic approach obtains when i'm working on sound stuff or on research projects. i don't maintain a particular rate of producing things in that there's no requirement as to length. just to keep moving.

    beyond that, system seems to me largely imposed by external factors. it neither interests me or doesn't interest me...i find these imposed systems neither useful or the opposite. one just navigates them and hopes not to come out the far side of a day a week a month a year a lifetime thinking that one has entirely wasted one's time, i think. but that's got nothing to do with system, for me. other folk are differently inclined.
  13. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I don't know that there is anything systematic about my life. If there was one it would likely involve coffee (and booze).
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  14. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    that's my kind of system.
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  15. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member


    Reminds me of another aspect of my system: get my shit done, then DRINK!
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  16. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    If I have a similar schedule every day, I develop a system. Unfortunately, school has me in different places at different times, so it's difficult to have the same morning/evening schedule without a lot of dead space.

    Maybe I'll have a good system going for my clinicals this summer. I'll report back.
  17. Raghnar

    Raghnar Getting Tilted

    My efficient system to be inefficient.

    If something amazing happens, stop whatever you're doing.
    Eat slowly.
    Follow your thoughs.
    Enjoy Life.
  18. I'm moving this coming week into my own place, so I'll have the chance to develop my own system without having to worry about getting in anyone else's way (or, in turn, anyone else getting in my way). I've been trying to have a system for years and lots of things (usually, admittely, myself) keep getting in the way of it, so I'm really excited to see where this goes.

    Taking lots of things that have been said in this thread as suggestions, but most of all to allow for some time to just... be. To enjoy the little things in life. That might be, perhaps, what I'm excited about most of all.
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  19. *Nikki*

    *Nikki* Slightly Tilted

    I have two children, systems don't work here. Each day is a new day and we play it by ear. If everyone is fed, clean, and still alive at the end of the day I have done good.
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  20. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    I see how listing my system out as I have may make me seem uptight or like I'm not taking time to smell the roses. But the reality for me is that I feel much more comfortable taking the time for such things when I don't have to think about my actions - I strive to develop systems so that I am better able to relax. Being able to think out a process for a task so completely before you begin makes it so each movement is mechanized and pieces fall into place without significant thought about that task along the way... it frees the mind for other thoughts.

    Hm. Yeah. Perhaps I am wired differently than you, but I wouldn't be able to do these things if I were to drop my systematic way of living. Especially the "Follow your thoughts" and "Enjoy Life" aspects.