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What Greatest Movie Series Film Franchises of All-Time have you seen EVERY movie?

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by cynthetiq, Oct 29, 2011.

  1. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    What of the AMC list have you seen all the movies?

    Holy crap I've seen a lot of movies.

    Austin Powers
    Back to the Future
    Beverly Hills Cop
    Die Hard
    Friday the 13th
    The Godfather
    Hannibal Lecter
    Harry Potter
    Jurrasic Park
    Lethal Weapon
    Lord of the Rings
    The Matrix
    Mission: Impossible
    The Mummy
    A Nightmare on Elm Street
    Planet of the Apes
    Start Trek Original
    Star Trek Next Generation
    Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
    Star Wars Trilogy
  2. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Die Hard
    Beverly Hills Cop - watched the last one at the hometown drive-in movie theatre that was closed down and eventually torn down to make room for a f**king safeway
    Lord of the Rings - really should have found a way to show the Shire being ravaged and enslaved
    Star Wars Trilogy - love these
    Jurrasic Park
    Back to the Future - watched the last two in the theatre in first release
    The Matrix
    Austin Powers
    Aliens - I liked all of these, good example of sequels each pulling their own weight and adding something substantial to the series without completely f**King things up
    if the 2009 "reboot" of Star Trek counts as sequel then I am sorry to say yes to the Trek Films - really wish I had skipped that one entirely.

    in the "no" category:
    Star Wars Prequel Trilogy - I tend to go with the whole "these just do not exist" theory and try to forget the travesties of the first two. Stopping now before my "Star Wars rant mode" kicks in.
    Batman - have not seen anything involving Christian Bale or Heath Ledger, and was not that impressed with "Mr Freeze" or Jim Carrey's foray into this area.
    Planet of the Apes - never have seen the new one. But Markie Mark's character was a fool to leave that oh so pretty girl at the end of the 2001 film staring at him with the "take me now eyes" just to crash land in the Ape central version of Washington D.C. I do have the box set with all of the original films on DVD.
    The Godfather
    Friday the 13th
  3. Arc101

    Arc101 New Member

    Star Wars Trilogy and Prequels - Yes but the only good films are the first 2
    The "Harry Potter" Films - Bit up and down but he last one was good
    James Bond Films - Yep seen them all, very mixed bag. Sean C is still the best Bond
    The Batman Films - Not seen Batman and Robin. Have seen about 30 mins then realised life is far too short to watch anymore of that sh*t
    Shrek Films - First was was best
    Spider-Man Films - I enjoyed all these
    "Pirates of the Caribbean" Films - After the first one it was all down hill. Have not seen or want to see the last one.
    The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - These were very well done. Got all on DVD
    Star Trek Films - Being a geek of course I have seen them. Did like the reboot.
    The "Indiana Jones" Films - The last one was bloody awful, no more please !
    Toy Story Films - Never really enjoyed these.
    X-Men Films - I actually think the last one is the best
    Jurassic Park Films - Started good then went down hill
    The Transformers Films - Only seen the first one. That was a waste of time, really did not enjoy it.
    The Matrix Trilogy - Why, why, why did they make more after the first one. I actually pretend they did not make any sequels
    Rocky Films - Not seen all of these, Have seen the first 3, just thought they were ok
    The Mummy Films - First 2 good, the rest should be binned
    The Bourne Trilogy - Good but prefer Bond
    Terminator Films - The first 2 excellent but then badly downhill
    Lethal Weapon Films - Started well, wish they had only made the first 2
    "Die Hard" Films - Well the first one was great, the others are all just so - so. Hope no more are made
    Beverly Hills Cop Trilogy - Eddie M just is not funny after the first one.
    Back to the Future Trilogy - Number 1 and 3 good, but number 2 went all wrong.
    Alien Quadrilogy - Should not have made the last one, 3 was not great and it should have ended then.

    Will make a special mention of Highlander - the first was absolutely brilliant, and I firmly believe all the rest should be destroyed and wiped from peoples minds for the good of humanity.
  4. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I'd actually seen a lot more that I originally suspected.

    I would probably put Back to the Future at the top of my favorites, though...Star Wars loses some points for the prequels (yuck.)
    • Like Like x 1
  5. streak_56

    streak_56 I'm doing something, going somewhere...

    C eh N eh D eh....
    Austin Powers
    Back to the Future (personal favourite)
    Harry Potter
    Indiana Jones (a family favourite)
    James Bond (dad was a fan)
    Jurassic Park
    Lord of the Rings (not bad)
    Mission: Impossible
    The Mummy
    Spider Man
    Star Wars (prequel) (forced to see)
    Star Wars (original)
  6. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I liked the last Indiana Jones film. The part where he survived the nuclear blast in the refrigerator was perfect action film physics that I would have mocked in any other film almost as much as Edward "glittering" in the sunlight in the first twilight film. If only Blade could have had a cameo just for a few brief moments and used some of his weapons of choice..........(and yes I have that seen that Photoshop creation floating around out there showing the two of them in the same frame)
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Only these:
    • Bourne
    • Harry Potter
    • Lord of the Rings
    • The Matrix (a mistake)
    • Pirates of the Caribbean
    • Star Wars Prequel (a mistake)
    • Star Wars
  8. SuburbanZombie

    SuburbanZombie Housebroken

    Easier to list the ones I haven't seen:

    Evil Dead
    Friday 13th #6-12
    Halloween #4-10
    Harry Potter
    Nightmare on Elm St #4-9

    Only Bond movie I haven't seen is the one with Lazenby.
  9. MMB737

    MMB737 New Member

    North America
    I agree with SuburbanZombie. Haven't seen...
    Chronicles of Narnia 2 & 3
    Mission: Impossible 3
    The Mummy 3
    Shrek 2-4
    Pirates of the Caribbean 3
    Tarzan (any)
  10. Eddie Getting Tilted

    Two of my favorite series are the Underworld movies(love them all, love Kate Beckinsale!) and the Resident Evil movies(love them all, especially the last one...the shower fight scene was amazing and dead sexy.)
  11. Carbonic

    Carbonic Getting Tilted

    Alien - The first is undoubtedly the best.
    Back to the Future - I've only seen the third movie once, and that's enough. The first and second are both classics.
    Bourne - I really love these movies. Matt Damon is fantastic in them, and they're consistently entertaining.
    Lord of the Rings - Let's just say I'm really looking forward to The Hobbit.
    The Matrix - You know what? Fine, the second and third movies weren't as amazing as the first, but I enjoyed the entire trilogy. I don't care what anyone else says.
    Star Trek - I'm a Trekkie, so I've naturally seen all of these multiple times. Not too happy with the reboot, but let's face it, I'm going to see the next movie in the theatre anyway.
    Star Wars - Are there people who haven't seen all of these? How sad. I know some people think Attack of the Clones was worse than The Phantom Menace, but I disagree. I even think Revenge of the Sith was a pretty entertaining movie. The excellence of the original trilogy goes without saying.
    Terminator - I'm on the fence, but after rewatching the series recently I think I might actually prefer Terminator to Terminator II. Terminator III is a mildly entertaining action movie but doesn't achieve the proper tone until the very end. Terminator Salvation was better than Terminator III, but still underwhelmed me... until I rewatched the first Terminator and realized how well they recreated the world as described. I just wish they had skipped the whole Helena Bonham Carter/Sam Worthington plot line (which, to be fair, is the main plot of the movie!).
    X-Men - I hate X-Men 3. Not just because it was a bad movie, but because thanks to it we will almost certainly never get another X-Men movie with Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. It ruined a great franchise. That said, I was very skeptical of X-Men: First Class and I enjoyed it immensely. Hopefully this new iteration of the series will not fall into the same traps.

    There are a handful of series on the list where I'm only missing having seen one movie. For example, I haven't seen Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. My understanding is that I'm not missing much.
    --- merged: Nov 7, 2011 12:51 AM ---
    Glad I'm not the only one who hated that. I just don't understand what people saw in it.
  12. m0rpheus

    m0rpheus Getting Tilted

    Guelph ON
    You should. I find it underrated. Unfortunately he was following Connery.