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TT Schlibberybabble, Esq.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Taneytown, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. Taneytown

    Taneytown Guest

    Last night I hung out with this guy at a biker bar in Hermitage, TN.

    He said his name was ^.

    I'd put the girls down early so I had a hall pass to get out on the town. Actually just right down the street. I met a zombie looking ma on the way back who tried to sell me a footlong Subway for $2, he didn't take debit cards, but that's another story. I really needed to get out of the house. Next time I'm going to take the dogs.

    Apparently the bikers who built this nice little bar together leased this parcel from a land trust from the estate of AJ's favorite house slave. For some reason I'm very approachable and the one part-owner kinda made me his new project. There were other people, but no shit, this (very nice biker man) told me that his "THEME" in college was Andrew Jackson! He's in "big concrete" so I really didn't want to even nudge Thesis vs Theme. Maybe that is a thing in trade schools, I thought. I onkno! Hell I didn't even finish my B.S., who am I to judge. This guy has a bar and a $50k bike. I don't have much at all anymore. Used to.

    So after learning that Old Hickory was AJ's nickname (never even wondered about that, but it was a revelation for the area) I sat back down where this TT, Esq. lets me know that there's a guitar behind me. He'd jammed it right up into my stool. I'd held the door for this guy at least three times as TT roadie'd the equipment in. This motherfucker picks my stool to jam his case right up behind me. I did respect the guitar and the case, but damn dude- I've been sitting here for two hours and though I held the door for you, that does not mean that I need this responsibility. I have to pee, I have to stand up to shake hands, I have to do a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with being the shepherd of this fucking guitar right behind my stool, dude.

    In talking with TT, I had to ask if he was indeed an attorney, or if he just liked the title of Esquire, where did he earn his J.D., etc. TT wouldn't answer straight and I didn't press it as I got a dirty look from his bandmate who leapt into some Black Sabbath sounding shit. Pretty sure it was Black Sabbath, but then the funny thing was the guy somehow transitioned straight into a Beatles tune and then to some serious Glen Campbell, So I shut up and looked after the guitar case as it turns out when I was in the pisser, TT pulled the goods out but let on that I should guard the shell.

    Later in casual conversation, TT mentioned that he was on an alternative country tablature board based out of Canada. He bought a couple of drinks, but now I'm making it a mission to figure out just who on here I met last night at the Biker Bar.

    So anyway I'm safe at home watching Gold Rush Alaska and I cannot stand that little prick Parker. I hope Grandpa Schnabel gets to see the big nuggets at the bottom of Smith Crick before he checks out. God bless him for never calling it a gloryhole. I'd like to jump off of a cliff on Center Hill, land on a Todd Hoffman. I'd bounce high and often off that mound of 3:16. I feel so bad for Thurber. What tha frick is right.

    Come clean, TT, who are you? Do you travel? Do you have a street team?
  2. Taneytown

    Taneytown Guest

    You said say something crazy!
  3. Taneytown

    Taneytown Guest

    I'm not going to listen to you anymore.
  4. AuntBee

    AuntBee Vertical

    Dude we're gonna be kicked outta here in no time! Please forgive my friend Taneytown for he is a little off.
  5. Taneytown

    Taneytown Guest

    Why? Just wanting to get some talk going.
  6. AuntBee

    AuntBee Vertical

    You ever figure out who the attorney was?
  7. Taneytown

    Taneytown Guest

  8. AuntBee

    AuntBee Vertical

    Probably. Cocksucker. Could have been any of them. They're all lawyers.
  9. Taneytown

    Taneytown Guest

    Too many lawyers to deal with. I'm moving on.
  10. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    Sock puppets anyone?
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  11. Taneytown

    Taneytown Guest

    No friends from another forum.
  12. Taneytown

    Taneytown Guest

    Lovers even.