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The world of human teeth

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Street Pattern, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    The dental work issues that popped up in the women's tattoo item raised a number of questions.

    * What kind of teeth imperfections are sexy?

    * How do you pay for your dental work?

    * If you're an employer, have dental issues ever influenced your hiring decisions?

    * When was the last time you had a toothache?

    * Do you regret any of the dental work you had done?

    * Do you use an electric or a manual toothbrush?

    * Are dentists, as a group, considered sexy?

    * How many teeth do you have left?

    * Do you give or receive bites during sex?

    Highlights of the story so far:
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
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  2. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Oh man...I have a lot to say about teeth.

    I have a fairly pretty smile. Yes, my teeth could be whiter. I'm not particularly worried about that aspect, though. I was blessed with relatively straight teeth. My bottom teeth are slightly crooked, but they are not visible. That said, I was NOT blessed with good oral bacteria. Despite following good oral hygiene practices, I have a filling in just about every tooth. In a recent year, I paid $3000 out of pocket for my teeth. $3000. That included an extraction for my singular wisdom tooth, though. However, I did have to pay for the extraction almost entirely out of pocket because I had already burned through the puny $1000 benefit limit on my insurance. A good friend is a dentist and he says that some people (like me) really need serious dental insurance, because despite our best efforts, we are going to need fillings. What's good is that my husband has great oral bacteria and NEVER gets cavities. He's kissing the babies first in our house.

    Some things have improved since I started chewing Spry regularly and use a Sonicare toothbrush, in addition to the usual hygiene things. I've had gum issues that were largely resolved, and I had zero cavities at my last check-up. Right now, we have no dental insurance, so I would have to pay out of pocket entirely, and since we're underemployed, that's not really an option. I do my best to keep my teeth in my mouth. If it came to it and I had a terrible toothache, I would just go to my dentist. So long as I pay the bill within three months, he's cool--my whole family goes to him.

    I have 28 teeth--I only ever had 29, and they yanked the 29th one (sideways/impacted) last Christmas. I spent last Christmas break high on drugs. It was AWESOME.

    Dentists are totally sexy. I have a crush on my Mormon family man dentist. He's super cute, though. It definitely makes it more pleasant to go to the dentist! My friend is also very sexy. He'd love to hear me say that, lol!

    I'm not allowed to give bites during sex--while it turns me on, it is not a turn-on for my husband.
  3. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Some sexy teeth "imperfections"....

    One of my early crushes was Jewel:


    I'm a little obsessed with Sarah Silverman, who has some pretty big chompers:


    Keira Knightley falls under the stereotype of a Briton with "bad teeth":


    Anna Paquin! Mind the gap! Oh, the lovely, lovely gap!


    My redhead dream girl, Christina Hendricks, doesn't have anything close to the Hollywood "perfect teeth":


    Also, without a doubt, Claudia Schiffer (my god, that overbite!):

    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  4. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I would like share on this topic, but it will have to wait until I get back home to my computer (on wed). Too many words to type with a stylus.
  5. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    i have dentures on the top and the bottom is a process that has not been completed yet but is in the works. i have more money in my teeth than in my truck
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  6. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Dentists as a group sexy? Not really.
    My dentist? I'll admit that the thought of having her bent over the dental chair may have crossed my mind one or maybe a few dozen times.
    Totally hot.
  7. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    The librarian at a university dental school once told me about how dentistry got to be a big deal.

    Before 1918, dentistry (beyond yanking out bad teeth) was a kind of boutique specialty, mostly for the rich.

    Then World War I came along, and millions of young American men were drafted to be soldiers.

    One of the physical standards for draftees was a minimum of eight teeth. That is, at least two, upper and lower, on both sides. It was considered necessary to have that many teeth to chew field rations, like hardtack.

    But a great many otherwise qualified young men failed this requirement!

    So, suddenly, dental health was a national security issue, a national priority.

    A whole lot of dental schools were started, with federal and state support.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
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  8. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    Never heard of this, nor is it in a history if dentistry book I have. Dentistry as a science, like modern medicine as a whole didn't really follow good evidenced based practices until after the mid 1800's. it really started to take off prior to WWI. One of the early text books I read for fun was written in 1908 and was surprising "modern" in outlook.

    Now at being said, I'm sure the army had a role in it becoming standard for everyone. The number one cause for someone being out of action for years was tooth problems. This caused the military to have very strict dental rules and make dentistry part of being in the military. This sort of thing will spread to the general public after they get out, much like smoking and the safety razor did via the military.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    The answers...
    - I take my imperfections like I do my music, sometimes it hits me, sometimes it makes me cringe.
    - Dental Insurance
    - No, employment is on what you can do (unless you're going to be in front of clients...but then it hasn't been an issue yet)
    - A couple of years ago, gums have bled...but this is gone now.
    - No regrets...sometimes wish I could do more, then again I don't
    - Manual (but I use a specialized toothpaste...either for gums or enamel)
    - Only if they look sexy
    - All except my wisdom and one that got messed up due to a misaligned wisdom growth
    - I'm not into bites, give or getting (ok, maybe a light nibble)

    My teeth aren't great...but then again, they're not so bad either.
    I've seen bad...my sister has had terrible luck with teeth.

    I've ground them down some over the years of sleep and stress. (guards don't work well)
    One eye tooth was shorter than the other front...so I got it bonded to balance it out.
    Some cavities...in my youth were metal fillings...now I make sure they're the blended white fillings (may cost more...but last longer and less drilling, but look the same color)
    I found my enamel wasn't doing to well after some "whitener" paste...now I protect it.

    A couple of my wisdom teeth came in on an angle, damaging the base of one those molars in front.
    So I had all of them taken out...and the damaged one had to have a root canal and crown. (friggin' expensive things...grumble)

    I skipped a few years when I was younger and poorer, starving wanna-be...so I had to play catch-up. (got to love those deep cleanings)
    And I found out that I had ignored them a couple of years after focusing so much on my wife (ex) and her illness at the time (only so much time, mind and money to go around...)
    So now I'm playing catch up again...but all is doing better. (using gum protection paste at the moment)

    The key, really is maintenance.

    I go back and forth...whether I'd want something like veneers.
    But they'd have to be decent blended natural one...I can't look like I have a bunch of glowing chicklets in my mouth. (I hate celebs that have that...:rolleyes: )
    But do I really want to deal with them???
  10. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I'm ok with small gaps. It depends on the person, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm picky as fuck.

    Dental insurance!

    Almost never.


    I have one of the vibrating, $10ish one. I like it a lot.



    All of them except my wisdom teeth.

    Occasionally! Like everything, in moderation it can be lovely.

    I love nice teeth. That is high on my list of potential dealbreakers in relationships. I have oddly deep groves in my back molars, so I have to take a little more effort to take care of them properly. I have one filling due to these grooves. My dentist saw how upset I was and reassured me that it wasn't due to my negligence, just my weird grooves!
    I don't think at least basic oral hygiene (brushing and flossing) take any major effort, so for me, dirty teeth are unexcusable. Orthodontia and the like can get very expensive, so that I can usually look past, but seriously, brush your teeth.[/quote]
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  11. Rebel CR

    Rebel CR Vertical

    Cell Number 99
    * What kind of teeth imperfections are sexy?
    pointed eye teeth are sexy for me but anyone who has a gap in their front, that's abount as sexy as th hairy fish and makes me just wanna force them together, regardless of the pain it would involve for the victim

    * How do you pay for your dental work?
    ACC mostly since i was ran over by a car xmas '99

    * When was the last time you had a toothache?
    my last tooth ache was a long time ago but the body is such a strange thing in that whose to say my tooth was aching and not my ear???

    * Do you regret any of the dental work you had done?
    nope although one dentist wouldn't replace a filling after it was done the week prior so i did regret going to THAT dentist

    * Do you use an electric or a manual toothbrush?
    manual toothbrush & it still astounds me people people have an electric toothbrush do it for them! and i used to think I was lazy..........

    * Are dentists, as a group, considered sexy?
    i was hoping the dentist who took out all four of my wisdom teeth TWO WEEKS before my wedding would insert himself in my mouth. still don't believe ANY of my wisdom teeth needed to be removed either but any excuse to driblle over that dentist was acceptable

    * How many teeth do you have left?
    discounting my wisdom (teeth), even after being ran over by the careless driver xmas '99, every single one of my teeth are still with me.......even if 5 of them are now chipped to buggery but only noticable to myself, as a consequnce of being ran over by the careless driver

    * Do you give or receive bites during sex?
    growing up hickeys have not, and never will be appealing, for me to give or receive
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014