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The "Whaaa, I don't want to do what I need to do" thread

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by rogue49, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ever since I can remember, I've been resistant to doing things I need to do.

    Procrastinator galore.
    I do things at the last moment.
    I do things in bursts.
    Thank god I've got enough talent that I end up doing it better than most...it is my saving grace.
    Or I'm enough of a bullshit artist to delay it...

    But there are often times, even though I have a sickening sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach
    and I KNOW the damn thing is due...I do EVERYTHING I can do avoid it.

    So this thread is to bitch, complain, kick, scream and list everything and anything
    you do NOT want to do, even though you know you need to do it.
    Work, home, bills, etc...hell, even walking the dogs EVERY damn day.

    Express that inner child.
    Get it out.
    • Like Like x 3
  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I love this thread idea!!

    I'll post some of the stuff I'm procrastinating on.............later.
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  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I'll start...there is a demo I need to do for the boss tomorrow when he comes.
    Hell, I even want to show it off...I created it, I want to promote it...and I initated, hell pushed the scheduled time too.
    Yet, I'm sitting here...just typing to you all, with it still not done.

    I don't want to do it NOW...but I have to, I guess I need to...I know I need to breathe deep, and dive in.
    Ok, maybe if I start with an outline of what I want to express...oh, I'm hungry....what's to eat? What's on TV?
    Man, I feel tired. :rolleyes:
  4. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    right now I am procrastinating on scheduling my dog's dental cleaning.
    it freaks me out to think of putting him under gen anesthesia.
    i am thinking i will think about it when the semester is over.
  5. SuburbanZombie

    SuburbanZombie Housebroken

    I need to get caught up on my documentation. I've got 2 days worth and the office will start getting a bit testy real soon.
    Just need to check out one more thing online....
  6. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    I have my last final exam tomorrow.

    I've gotten mayyyyybe an hour or two of studying done for it. I'm just ready to be finished for a while.
  7. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I keep putting off loosing weight. I suck at it cause I have no I self control.
  8. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    This is the perfect thread for me right now.
    I really don't want to be bothered with this midterm.
  9. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I've procrastinated getting in the shower for the last half hour, does that count? I blame TFP....
  10. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I am editing some writing-for-fun instead of getting started on my homework.
  11. itwasme

    itwasme But you'll never prove it. Donor

    In the wind
    Taking out the garbage is not my favorite.
    Any errand that requires me to dash through the cold rain to my cold truck, I can do without. And I do, until it can't wait any longer. Better weather, no problem.
  12. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I can't think of a time when procrastination hasn't paid off, when working on a project. I mean really, sometimes when I put off work it just goes away. Some things that seem so important today just get dropped off on the wayside tomorrow. Creativity is sometimes easier to come by when there's a short deadline, or mine is especially sensitive to deadlines. The talent is what you're paid for, btw. The most diligent of project managers will, at best, turn in mediocre work without that talent.

    I have, on the other hand, worked and 'finished' projects early, only to have the damned things scrapped or completely redefined just short of the due date. It's enough to piss off even the gentlest of Cayvmenn. In other words, most of the early work I have ever done has been wasted effort. The payoff isn't there to get things done too quickly.

    There are limitations though. That dirty ass floor will only wait so long before I have to sweep it, and those dishes... But these things pay off right away
    • Like Like x 1
  13. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, I finally got something done for that presentation...just started this morning.
    Kicked off an outline starting with my bulleted list that I did in the invitation.
    Then made sure that I incorporated a basic setup outline.
    Then made sure what friggin' worked in the tool from the get-go
    Then setup some pre-made queries I've already been working with...made sure those worked.
    And because the only remote person wasn't available, quickly scheduled a conference room so I could wing-it off the outline and setup reports.

    Only one BIG problem, the one guy I set this up for, my boss,
    who had already rescheduled the meeting from tomorrow to today from an hour to 30 min,
    came in 10 minutes late, rushed through the whole thing and paced off fast.
    Nothing wrong, nothing bad...I just didn't have time to get across the concept...and its benefits.

    So the only thing I could do...whip up a quick email followup with the Intro outline, the setup scripts and some sample reports to run
    and send them off to him...so he could give it to others to confirm its usefulness.
    And briefly touch-base with him one more time, just to emphasize that I didn't waste his time, push for him to play with it...and glad-hand a bit.

    So, I guess it wasn't BAD...and I made him aware of more skills/abilities of me...but the real goal of using the tool...well that's up in the air.
    Now...I guess I can only offer my assistance, an open door...and followup.

    And go back to procrastinating on OTHER damn items that I don't really want to do. (friggin' Monthly Ops Reports...and weekly Ops reports)
    I hate reports...they never look at them anyway...and when they finally do, they find something petty to change ASAP.
    I wonder what's the next BS I can come up with to avoid doing them...thank god the legacy app has enough errors to excuse it for "fixing time".
    I'd rather be making things better previous developers mucked up, than reporting on inane metrics.

    hmm...maybe I can sleep, then wake up early and get those reports out of the way.
    ooo...wifey is home, FOOD! TV...dogs... what's that on the Net??
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2012
  14. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    We waste an awful lot of times here on reports nobody uses, but damn they have to have them. I've ghost written scripts for reports that other people have gotten credit for. Me, I'm glad the big wigs don't know I wrote them or I'd be stuck doing them full time.
  15. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Deal with my dad. I need to do it but I don't wanna.
    I'd always communicated via my mom, who is dead now 14 months. My dad hates talking on the phone and his emails are a few sentences. And, he lives near D.C. and I near Chicago so no dropping by for a chat.
    There is business stuff that needs to be discussed and for whatever reason I'm too chickenshit to do it.
  16. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I should be working on my income tax returns for 2011, which I'm procrastinating on because I know I'm going to have to send umpteen thousand dollars to my bankrupt Uncle Sam, which I hate. I was late paying one of my 941 estimates, so I'll probably get a penalty too.
    I got away from it last Saturday by going on a weekend escape with Sig, and now I'm unpacking boxes of books instead of working on my taxes.:)

    Related to the above, I really should be looking for a new CPA here in Nebraska because it will be a PITA for both of us if I use my old one in Boston.
    So I'm looking for a car on ebay instead.:)

  17. SirLance

    SirLance Death Therapist

    I was going to post something to this thread, but I think I'll do it another day.
  18. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    My kitchen is a yawning abyss of chaos and despair and I JUST CAN'T KEEP UP WITH IT!! I keep trying, but so what.
  19. SirLance

    SirLance Death Therapist

    AlterMoose, check out irobot.com
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Do it tomorrow.
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