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The thread of weird dreams

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Strange Famous, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    I'd call this a nightmare to be honest, but it was wierd.

    Share your own, laugh at mine, whatever..

    So in my dream I got out of bed and felt ill. I decided I would call in sick, so I walked into the kitchen to get my phone, but then the flat I live in transformed to the house I grew up in, and I was in my sisters bedroom (but it was empty, no furniture)

    Then my boss turned up out of nowhere. I tried to tell him I felt sick but he wouldnt let me get a word in. He was asking me questions and laughing... not in a really nasty way but he was taking the piss. Within the dream I started to feel worse and worse. I could physically feed my head spinning and I couldnt speak and on one level I could hear what my boss was saying but I couldnt answer.

    Then I fainted and fell flat on my back. At that point my boss pulled my trousers down and grabbed my balls while I was literally paralysed. A female co-worker walked in through the door (but I could only see her back) and asked my boss "is he ready?"

    At this point I wake up in a state of terror and cold sweat

    What do you make of that? I call it strange.

    The wierdest thing was how I actually physically FELT ill in the dream (but felt normal when I woke up, other than the fear)
  2. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I know this does not feel under 'weird' but the dreams I remember vaguely now from my younger years involve flying.

    That dream sounds like the start of a promising story Strange Famous.
  3. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    i had a dream that aliens took over the world but then it transformed into a half resistance Red Dawn dream and half district 9 dream. on the higher parts of the hill where i live you could shoot at the aliens that were coming down from a truely massive ship. but if you went down hill a little ways, people were mingling and even having those wierd little alien cock-fights like they did in district 9. then i woke up and went about my business like those dreams are totally normal
  4. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    Just to clarify, my boss is a man.

    I mean, I'm not trying to be homophobic, but "promising" ain't the first word that comes to mind when the prospect of another man grabbing your balls while you are completely paralysed is looming over you.
  5. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    that does make a difference. And "promising' does not have to mean happy by any means. That just sounds too 'Russian Gulag' /ugly torture angle for me to attempt to write anytime soon.
  6. streak_56

    streak_56 I'm doing something, going somewhere...

    C eh N eh D eh....
    While growing up in my "puberty" stages.... I use to dream of a naked lady coming out of a whiskey barrel.... recently its been just techno-colour, no sounds but just a lot of visual distractions, more of a like Alice in Wonderland falling down the rabbit hole type deal, but in techno-colour....
  7. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    So... I was one of a band of warriors and we lead an attack on an enemy. We killed a lot of them and took a few casualties. (this was like swords and chainmail stuff, no guns)

    Then when we captured the castle, the ghost of the old king rose and became like a zombie. Suddenly all his sons (one of them was my leader) started turning up. Some of them turned up in taxi's... one was just bout 15 and had his pushy girlfriend telling him "just say yes to whatever he asks... everyone wants a yes man". Some were intimidating military leaders that the other soldiers obviously respected. One was a black guy.

    Then we were in a modern room, and it turned out that all of the sons had to compete for the dead king crown by playing jazz records (and it was called a "jazz off")

    The girl went first and picked a track, and one of the other sons shot the stereo after 5 seconds and she was thrown out.

    Then one of the military guys picked a CD, and this one was given respect (somehow the stereo still worked after being shot)

    Then the black guy had a turn, and for some reason he started talking in the most stereotyped "pimp/gangsta" style. He picked about 8 CD's to play in order... at that point I woke up thank God


    Pretty strange, huh? Sometimes I wonder what kind of stuff is going on inside my subconscious mind.
  8. Stick

    Stick Vertical

    Mudgee, Australia
    I had a dream I was in a pub and various members from my old bike club walked in and said I could come back if I wanted.

    Later that week the club President was shot dead just around the corner from an old haunt of mine from the old club days.
  9. BadNick

    BadNick Getting Tilted

    PA's on U SofA
    I had this recurring dream from about age 8 to 12 and my dad at the time was younger than I am now. << that's not a math word problem

    My dad and I are bicycling on what seems to be a celestial body, sort of like the moon except perfectly smooth and smaller since I can clearly distinguish the smaller curvature of the horizon of this planet suspended in space. It is very peaceful and I'm smiling and feel happy as we slowly pedal along. Gradually a few other people on bicycles come into view and they are also pedaling along with us. More cyclists show up and it's quickly getting more crowded and starting to get hectic. I'm getting anxious and look over at my dad who seems to still be smiling and at peace just pedaling along. My anxiety is quickly rising and I start to panic. Bicycles are crashing and falling down. The tension and mayhem are increasing exponentially by the second. There are now so many cyclists and bikes that I can no longer see any of the surface and loose site of my dad. Everything around me is now a twisted wreckage of steel tubes and I can hardly breath. The end of the dream comes quickly about now as suddenly I wake up in a cold sweat of fear.
  10. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I have so many weird dreams, it's ridiculous. Informal conversation has led me to believe that I remember my dreams far more often than anyone I know (hmmm...maybe I'll start another thread on that), and I dream more intensely than most people I know, as well.

    The weirdest one I've had recently involved playing soccer (or football, if you're European) with a demon. Pretty nasty looking thing, too, with horns and fangs and all that. I'm not sure how it came about, but the prize was my soul. We were playing in a racquetball-type court, and it was an intense game... I mean, I was pretty much playing for my life. I was terrified, and sweaty, and absolutely throwing myself around the court in my attempts to score the first goal. I don't know how it ended though-- Lordeden woke me up before the conclusion.

    I'm not sure where it came from. Or why it was soccer... I've never played, except for an occasional backyard kick-a-round.
  11. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    That sounds like it could have been inspired by a Nike advert starring Cantona?

    Last nights dream wasnt really wierd. A lot of incidental stuff, but the key thing was I was at home with my mum and dad (except my Dad wasnt really my dad) and I saw a load of wierd lights in the sky. I was going nuts thinking it was a UFO but my dad took me aside and said before I was born I had had a brother who had died and the lights appeared around the time when he had died, and it was painful for my mother so could I stop going on about them.

    I then went into the shed and found a load of envelopes with pictures. I "Borrowed" some to look for any pics of this new brother, but my sister almost caught me stealing them. I managed to put her off and smuggled the pics into the toilet and locked myself in, but was then distracted by a radio in the toilet, and then woke up.
  12. Bear Cub

    Bear Cub Goes down smooth.

    I routinely dream about being at work. Full blown work days, right down to all the technical details. I hate it with a passion. It's like Groundhog Day sans Bill Murray.
  13. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    ha, weird. I've never seen that before.

    Last night's dream is really fuzzy by now, but I do remember sneaking around the side of my house and trying to dump water out of a washtub without attracting any attention or waking up my dog. Then, instead of going around to the door, I tried to climb into the window. I was too short to reach the ledge, so I kept jumping...and then I woke up.
  14. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    So, in my dream last night, I found a puppy. Beautiful little golden retriever. The weird part is I found her curled up in a pool....while I was swimming. I looked up and asked the owner of the pool if she was dead. "Nah, she's just having a nap." Sure enough, when I lifted her out of the water, her eyes fluttered open and she licked my nose.
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  15. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I was looking for another thread and this one popped up in a most timely way.

    Last night I dreamed that I was teaching a week-long films course, some kind of summer school credit recovery deal. Problem was, the class kept getting interrupted by silly things: a parade, taking the kids for ice cream, a softball game. It was like interruptions during the school year but on steroids, and it was annoying. Finally, the last day of class came around, and I looked at the kids who were there. I said, "All of you are going to fail this class because of missed content, unless you can somehow pull a really amazing paper out of your ass."

    I handed out the final essay assignment, in which they were to analyze the films we'd watched that week, sat back, and watched them panic. I explained that they had had choices, and they had chosen to do the fun things without considering the consequences. This was the consequence.

    I got maybe three papers handed in in time, because ANOTHER parade--this one to celebrate the last day of summer school!--came through. Like, literally through my classroom.

    And as I sat down to do the grading afterwards...everyone did fail. Teacher's nightmare!