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The Good Old Days

Discussion in 'Tilted Art, Photography, Music & Literature' started by Liquor Dealer, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. Liquor Dealer

    Liquor Dealer Vertical

    Southwest Kansas
  2. Liquor Dealer

    Liquor Dealer Vertical

    Southwest Kansas
    Actually, the good old days for me were more like good "young" days. How do you remember yours?
  3. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Lunchtimes at the cafe, having cups of tea with Nicky, talking about love'n'stuff
    Afternoons practising MMA with Clare in her bedroom and getting accused of sex by her father ... who got even more irate when we sincerely explained we were attempting tai-o-toshi into jempo-gai-tan-ukemi on the matress. He was an Elder of the Russian Orthodox Church.
    Dancing to 'Money' by Pink Floyd with Elena at her house. We danced side by side, facing the record player ... we were a shoulder to shoulder couple.
    I was 17. We were a tight little group of four. We never went out together. We watched each others' backs and were true with each other. We spent more time with each other, and were closer to each other than to any of the people we went out with.

    Rose coloured spectacles? Probably, Liquor Dealer, but I promise you: only by one notch at most.
  4. Saltpork

    Saltpork New Member

    riding my bike with my friends to the corner store to get cigarettes for my parents...good times. They always gave us extra $ for incentive so we could get something for oursleves. Sometimes those trips took hours. Now, as a parent, I see what they were up to...tricky.
    racing down the winding back roads at midnight with no headlights on ...so stupid.
    heading to the beach at 5 am to watch the sunrise, and then falling asleep midday only to be cooked completely, but only on one side. It was a good look.
  5. CaptainBob

    CaptainBob Slightly Tilted

    Kingston, eh?
  6. greywolf

    greywolf Slightly Tilted

    Afternoons lazing down by the clothing-optional swimming hole (honest! hillbilly though it sounds)
    Riding my bike everywhere (spent a summer living out of my backpack between the lake, the hunting camp, and home on my bicycle.
    Sliding down the big hill out back in winter.

    And... grabbing ice chips off the ice-delivery wagon in the middle of summer!!! Somehow they were SO much better than ice out of our refrigerator (we didn't have an ice-box ourselves, being in a "modern" house, lol).
  7. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    when i was young, all of us kids used to OWN the road where we lived - rode our bikes all over the neighborhood, played chicken, had BB-gun fights, etc. now, many years later after i retired and moved back 'home,' there is so much vehicular traffic that it's difficult to walk for a couple miles without getting blown into the shoulder by cars, trucks, SUVs, etc...

    beer, water, and soda cans and bottles littering everywhere...
  8. Fly

    Fly music is the answer

    i forgot........ :D

    we had a huge bush at the bottom of our street.....tree houses,bike tracks.......the blackberries.

    damn i wish i was a kid again sometimes
  9. CaptainBob

    CaptainBob Slightly Tilted

    Kingston, eh?
    When I was a kid, we had a cottage in the country on a lake. We used to spend the entire summer there and my dad would work in the city and come up only for weekends. We had a boat with a 35hp Johnson and we water-skied all the time. We were allowed to charge groceries and gas for the boat at the country store. Gas was about 50 cents a gallon and a quart of 2 stroke oil was about 80 cents. We'd fill both 5 gallon tanks for about $6.

    We even bought fire-crackers at the country store. At night, we played "Commando". We'd each have a pocket full of firecrackers and a smoldering cord to light them with. We'd chase each other through the woods and try to blow each other up with firecrackers.

    One year, we made a point of swimming every day. Rain or shine, even thunderstorms wouldn't stop us from swimming each day.

    We had 22 calibre rifles and liked to target practice. My brothers got into trouble for shooting up an old car. The thought it was a wreck, but apparently it was an antique somebody wanted to restore!

    Good times!