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The Crazy going through your head

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by rogue49, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    The brain is a weird thing.

    It thinks up all types of things...crazy, violent, disgusting, unethical, dirty, pathetic...and so on.

    I'm a pretty decent guy, responsible, ethical, caring, intelligent...nice guy.

    But the shit that goes through my head...OMG!!
    Those instant flashes of thought, reaction, paranoia, anxiety, envy, pettiness, violence...and more.

    The only thing that see between me and a bad person...is that it goes away and I don't act on it.

    See...the thing is...I think EVERYONE has this.
    And the only difference between typical citizens and those who do bad things,
    are that they let it happen...they followed-thru on their Crazy.

    Now, good people do bad things too...a moment, an incident, a situation.
    That bad thing may not be totally impacting.
    Or it was not long-term or severe.
    Or it wasn't caught...or the person forgets about it...or denies it to themselves.

    The bully you want to kill briefly.
    The money you find in the register..."it's yours...or no one will miss it..."
    The SO's sister you find REALLY attractive despite your love for the SO.
    and perhaps even deeper, darker things...

    Psychology calls this the Id.
    This shit, this CRAZY that goes through your head.

    What do you think? Give an example...please something SAFE.
    I don't want to hear anything bad...nor have to report you.

    With all the crazy going through your head, I'm sure you can come up with something "sharable". :rolleyes:

    - God knows I've wanted to do things to companies that have dicked me over. Just to teach them a lesson.
    - And I know I've been attracted to previous GF's sisters...boy did that play with my head.
    - And as a dirty little teen, I've thought that if I just cut a little circle into that store window...
    - The paranoia that goes thru my head when my wife says, "We have to talk..."
    And so much more...
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2012
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  2. streak_56

    streak_56 I'm doing something, going somewhere...

    C eh N eh D eh....
    For me the most its holding back from trying to knock someone out... I usually have an urge to hit my site supervisors because they're condescending as hell.

    As a hormonal teen, I could tell you countless stories of things I wanted to do to the girls in my high school... if I only grew out of that phase....
  3. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    Oh yes the brain and the unconscious, subconscious thoughts that surface when different experiences set them off.

    I will tell a story that happened a couple of months back.
    Something happened to my daughter that set me on fire. I consciously went to the gun safe, loaded the shot gun and took the 357 revolver, the 38 just would not do the job, placed them in my car. Drove some place, and sat for hours into the night. By the time 3:eek:oam rolled around I calmed down and realized the thoughts that were going through my head would not solve anything. They were dark of course, revenge oh yes I could taste it.
    Change my thoughts to positive thinking to help my daughter and I drove home, scared to death I was going to wake up my husband.
    I believe the calm that came over me, helped her in away I can't explain. That is the most anger I have ever felt in my life.
    But I feel good and so does my daughter now.

    So you don't have to report me on this one. :) But really don't mess with my kids, a mother's fury is nothing to mess with.
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  4. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    It's your shadow archetype and if one denies it's existence, one's personality is not whole. I love telling kids that everyone thinks about what would happen if their car ran off a bridge or they shot the person that's annoying them. That they're *gasp!!* normal.

    I'm not going into detail in a public forum on the shit that runs through my head. It would be counterproductive with my desire to be licensed in the near future and, you know, not involuntarily detained. But, cool thread :)
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  5. Regarding a specific type of thoughts (sexual) given to men, I recall a comic once saying that women would never quit slapping us (men) if they knew what we were thinking. And that is true. The thoughts I have never see the light of day but damn are they fun to have bounce around inside my head. And yes, I would be continually slapped silly if they were ever expressed.

    Now women on the other hand, if you have these types of thoughts, men would welcome them! We wouldn't slap you, we'd probably faint actually.
  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

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  7. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Oh, my dear. If you only knew. You know the saying "men think about sex every seven seconds"? That seems a little low to me.
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  8. 'tis not the frequency of the thoughts, but the depravity of them. Men are pigs. ;)
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  9. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Well, that, too. :)
  10. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    hehe, lol I can agree to maybe 90% of men. The other 10%, well, maybe something is wrong with them. But really it's just the way men and women are wired. I can accept that.
  11. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    I have to comment on this string again, but in a more serious tone.
    After reading grumpyoldudes blog, I came back to this because you just never know when someone is going to act on their thoughts or feelings.
    Angry, mistrust, paranoid, and many other patterns of thinking can create a dangerous situation. I was angry a couple of months ago, but came to my senses, some people don't have that ability. My anger came from experiences I had as a teenager. It possesses you and hides within until something triggers it...
    I don't quite understand it. How or why the mind works the way it does.
    If you guys get a chance read Grumpyoldudes blog, its quite sad.:(
  12. What is it that cause one to actually act on those demons? I have to think that the amount of stimulus varies by individual but also believe that we are all capable of those actions once our individual trigger is tripped. I've known guys that have put their fist into a wall. My neice just got roughed up by her ex. Are these people capable of much more extreme actions or does punching a wall or (sadly) punching my niece become a relief valve that releases the pressure, not allowing anything worse to happen?
  13. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Interesting topic. I know I randomly get thoughts about doing things I would never EVER really do. Like have someone standing next to me talking and thinking "what would they do if I punched them right in the face?" When, in reality, they are someone that I actually like and the conversation we are having is completely mundane. Or driving down the road and thinking about literally running someone off the road, and not in a 'road rage' kind of way, just in a 'what if I did that?' kind of way. I think I generally have pretty good impulse control, and I usually try to shove those thoughts out of my noggin. I can't remember any time I thought something like that then really seriously considered doing it.

    I think some people follow through on those impulses because they have an actual emotional or mental problem. I think others follow through on them because they feed their mind on those thoughts, or thoughts like them, more than is healthy. I hate the copout that "violent videogames/death metal/gory movies made me do it". But I do think that IF someone is on the edge anyway, filling their brain with those things desensitizes them and makes them more likely to go that route.
  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Yes, there has been debate for years...back & forth, as to what causes this.
    Now, agreed..."some" have issues...emotional, mental, chemical, drug...whatever.

    But somewhere, I think in the back of my head...I believe it's random to a certain extent.
    There is NO reason nor rhyme...it's just that sometimes it happens, someone is stupid enough to followup on these outrageous thoughts.
    Could be something provoking it at the time, anger, envy...even a sense of justice.
    But still...maybe half the soap opera people of all types put themselves through...or you have to deal with them directly or indirectly,
    is because just by chance...they act. (big bads, little bads...or just pure silly thoughts)

    Your Crazy doesn't have to be bad or evil...your Crazy could be...I think I just saw a ghost. (is it real?? who knows?)
    Or rationalizing something totally off the wall.

    Have you been ever talking to a person, completely normal...then something totally absurb comes out of their mouths in full sincerity, if not passion?

    And it doesn't have to be even sincere...but just a thought process, or something that's fun inside your head.
    Any one remember "Pet Rocks"?? uh...a rock that's a pet???

    Hell, even I...Mr. Science on-the-side...when I walked my dogs this winter at my new place, there were a couple of trees, bent over in an arc to the ground.
    Natural, totally random. You could walk underneath them as if they were a archway.
    Well, I thought in my imagination, "what if" these were gateways to parallel dimensions. In all fun, enjoying the romantic notion.
    I walked underneath with my dog, just to "see". Everything was the same.

    Hmph...well then I made sure I walked back just the opposite, it just felt "right". Just in case, I needed to "get back" correctly.
    Then a couple of days ago...I found the gardeners had cut the tree tops off...letting the base go back up into the air.
    Aw man...they fucked it up, they ruined the "gate".
    In all seriousness, I was completely bummed and disappointed. And with a pout, life moved on...

    Now, did I "really" think they were literally gates? No, not at all.
    First, there was no direct obervation or experience in my "test". So that invalidated the "scientific" theory. :rolleyes:
    But truly, I didn't think so.
    But it was a crazy thought...in my head. I was fun, a nice symbolism, a warmth, like a toy a kid plays with.
    But my emotions were truly there...I can't deny that.
  15. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    "Don't stick your dick in crazy."

    I always wonder if I'm the crazy one. I have bizarro nuts thoughts as a kid that I've seen come to pass as an adult. I know that I just cannot act on them any more than I can act of the lazy behaviors that rest inside of me.

    I'm not 40, I'm all that I was, 10, 15, 18, 21, 26, 30, 36, 40, 42. I'm all of these things that culminate in me being me.
  16. LinaT14

    LinaT14 Vertical

    Oh, we do. Maybe we're just better at keeping them hidden ;D
  17. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Well, I can say with absolute candor that I never have thoughts of hurting someone. Just doesn't strike my interest.

    I do have thoughts about violence, though. I wonder, from my cushion-y, relatively chaos-free life what it is like to be struck by that moment of horror, knowing that someone means you or a loved one irretrievable harm. Especially when it comes to my children. There have been many occasions when I have had to tell myself to stop thinking in order to escape them. I can go through all manner of irritating, annoying and just plain mean people, but I cannot fathom the thought of harm coming to my children. Or to other people's children. Those are the only kinds of thoughts that haunt me, really.

    I cannot understand the kind of mind that can hurt someone or watch someone suffer, regardless of what that someone has done. I don't understand the impulse that wishes for suffering upon someone. And I think I am pretty whole.

    I think about sex, like, all the time. I don't think that's crazy, though. I'd just really like to have more sex.
  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I agree...to a certain extent.
    While I can instantly think about punching someone out.
    Or even imagine to kill them with a bullet to the head in a sense of justice. (for a evil killer, for example)

    I cannot consider making people suffer, even in my head, even if they are the worst person on Earth.
    In my mind, get it over and done with quickly if you are going to take any action...even in my imagination.


    I've found that even people who are supposedly grounded in FACT that they can rationalize or consider weird things.

    For example, scientists trying to prove string theory, which requires more dimensions, will say that the dimensions
    shrank away sometime in the past...or are speeding away faster than the speed of light, which is why we only have 4.
    They punt, and come up with a "story" to cover their lack of something substantial.
    (BTW, I'm not saying this theory is wrong, it's just their definitions are not based on reality, here & now)

    Or Bill Maher, who is supposedly an Atheist, hates religion, looks down upon other with distain if they expree any religious idea,
    will state in all sincerity publically on-air and multiple times, that he is "Half-Jewish".
    It's a religion.
    Even if you go by traditional definitions, with his mother being Jewish, he doesn't practice... he is NOT Jewish.
    Even if you go by culture, he doesn't practice...he wasn't raised it, he father dominated his upbringing which was Christian, which he hates, Not Jewish.
    And it's not genetic...it's a faith.
    Maybe even if you called yourself "somewhat" Jewish, because you believe in or practice a little...so that would be fair, so be it.
    But you cannot hate religion/faith, call yourself a full Atheist, not be raised it...and just because one of your parents was...call yourself "Half" of anything.

    Crazy in your head can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere...even the most sober/factual of us.
    Actually some of the most sober can be the worst...you just don't know it.
    (hear the phrase before?? "He was just a nice man...")
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  19. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    As a child, I used to hanker after nanobot-maintained stargates in my bladder and rectum, so I'd never need to worry about being near a bathroom again. My dream was not ambitious enough. More recently, I realised that such dimensional portals could enable all of me to to go not only to bathrooms, but to other places on this and other planets.
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  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Or you can simply shit on other planets.

    /talk about leaving a mark. Sirius the Dog-star would appreciate it though. :p