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the ACTUAL primary reason, vs head shots.

Discussion in 'Tilted Weaponry' started by ronnee, Jan 27, 2013.

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  1. ronnee New Member

    is that they RECOGNIZE the reality that they can't hit the 4" mark at 5 yds, but they KID themselves about hitting the chest at 15 yds. :) In fact, most are convinced that they can do so at 50 yds. :) All it would take to prove them SO wrong, at 25 yds, is to remove the hearing protection, and bet a year's pay that at least 1 out of 5 shots will miss the chest. Add to that the stress of being shot at, the likelihood of target movement, and the likelihood of bad light, and guess what? the reality is that most shots miss the chest at 15 FEET, guys. Now, let's see some REALISTIC commentary about it. Since that seems to be the requirement here, or threads get locked. As little traffic as this board sees, expecting lots of comments on a weapons thread, in lesss than several DAYS, is pretty unrealstic of the mod.
  2. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    -+-{Important TFP Staff Message}-+-
    I don't see a discussion here. I see a rant. Maybel you should try again by stating your opinion, why you believe it is true and inviting constructive criticism of it. Perhaps ask some questions to stimulate a discussion.

    I do see a flaming of the staff. You want to stop that. We don't expect any set amount of comments - we do expect good faith efforts to stimulate discussion. And you're failing at that.
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