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Tell me your dreams

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by curiousbear, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    I thought this deserves a thread for itself. Please tell your dreams you would like to share or wonder how to interpret.

    I dream almost each night. Very very vivid and mostly remember them for few days. I do not interpret them.

    Last night I had two dreams. One I was jogging. It felt so good to run. I use to jog 5 km everyday early morning outdoors when I was 27. The dream was inspiring.
    The other dream was more like a thriller movie lol.
  2. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Early this morning I dreamed I was taking a midterm exam in English class, possibly as a 9th grader. I inexplicably put my head down on my desk for a chunk of time following the beginning of exam and dozed off, then woke up in a panic realizing I was running out of time. I scrambled to begin answering questions, but for some reason I kept writing and rewriting headings on sheet after sheet of paper, tearing away notebook pages each time because I was unsatisfied either with the appearance or content of what I'd written. Also inexplicably, Lauren Graham was teaching the class. I remember pleading with her to help me, since I both couldn't understand and was very frightened by what I was doing.

    Woke up before the end of the test. Glad it was only a dream.
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  3. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I rarely remember my dreams. When I wake up I will sometimes vaguely remember dreaming, but nothing vivid or exciting.

    However, the last few days I've been taking a mild muscle relaxer for my back in the evening. Nothing crazy or super strong, but it does seem to be causing some really vivid dreams. I still usually forget them within a couple minutes of waking, but I remember them being more gripping than normal. Last night I know at least one of my dreams was that I was a Union soldier in the Civil War. Not sure what all that was about. I know I had a couple other dreams too, just can't remember them at all.
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  4. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    I always have very vivid dreams that are sometimes so mundane and similar to my real life, I often wake up slightly confused on what's real and what's the dream. That's pretty annoying.
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  5. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    Wow you slept in your dream.... meta sleep! It's little unusual
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  6. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    OMG that is how I am also

    But some of dreams are extraordinary like flying

    And some are very disturbing like I went to school and realized I am not wearing my pant and struggle to hide etc
  7. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Last night I dreamed that I was part of a team chasing down Hitler to kill him. Like, it was during WWII, maybe near the beginning, and we were assigned to try to end the war early by covertly getting into Germany and assassinating him. Lots of motorcycle and car chases, both to keep from being caught and to pursue him. Eventually we were at some secluded place near a small river, some wild shots killed his security team. I was on the same side of the river as him, maybe 50-70 yards away from him. Two others (the only ones left) that were with me were on the opposite side from us. My gun was out of bullets, they both went to throw their guns across the river but both went in the water. He turned and charged towards me at that point. I jumped into the river and waded/swam across, yelling for the other two to get back to our vehicle, which was maybe 30-40 yards away through some trees in a parking lot. We all ran for it and jumped in our blacked out Ford Expedition (apparently they had those in late 1930s Germany). As I was starting it and backing out of our spot Hitler came charging through the trees firing away. He took out the back window but I used the back-up camera (we had a Ford Expedition, why can't it have a back-up camera?) to accelerate in reverse and run into him, throwing him back against the wall of a brick building on the edge of the parking lot. I did a quick k-turn and he was standing against the wall injured. I ran him down and pinned him against the wall, killing him.

    Not sure what all that was about. :p I haven't watched any WWII movies or read any WWII books lately, not even anything action/adventure. Like I said earlier, I rarely remember having vivid dreams, and even if I do I usually can only remember THAT I had them, not the details.
  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I have dream like IMAX movies.
    Action oriented, plot driven.

    All the colors and senses are in play and are real.
    I can also manipulate them...and have woken in the middle of doing an action. (and yes, I fight in my sleep, every once in a blue moon)

    Mine are not typically meaningful...only interesting, because they'd be a great TV show or movie.
    When I do take serious note, is when I'm dreaming of a boss or nemesis...that's when I know reality has become a problem.

    However, I do seemingly dream of futures...and they seem to sync with certain situations.
    But I don't know when it's going to happen, just when it does happen, I remember the dream.
    Then again IRL, I'm a bit of a futurist anyway, analyzing the variables of events to predict situations or trends.
    So maybe this is simply my mind continuing the skill on it's own.

    Often, I write down certain dreams...because they could be valuable ideas, stories, etc.

    Recently, it's just me arguing with a variety of people who've created some conflict in my life.
    But those are easy to interpret.

    Mostly, me thinking of what I "would" have like to have said.
    But this is a bit one-sided and to my advantage, since they're MY dreams.
    Dammit, why can't my opponents just play along like that in reality??? :rolleyes:
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  9. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Since I quit using marijuana last summer---well about a month later, I started recalling more dreams than I had in a decade or more. It's mostly stuff from real life that I'm trying to work out and when awake it is pretty obvious what is what.
    Last night however, I had a dream featuring the guy that plays Daryl in The Walking Dead--not Daryl but the actor, Norman Reedus who is pretty interesting and witty, IRL. It was like a first date situation (for my part) and he was extremely laid back--sort of asexual like his Daryl character. There was no tension of any kind unless you counted mine, in that I was very aware that it was him and we were not acting. I'm forgetting details of it but it was sort of me doing an interview with him during his daily life activities (off camera). It was very low key and mellow.
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  10. Once I dreamed I was in hospital or maybe at the dentist. They put the big black oxygen mask over my mouth and nose...... it must have disturbed me, as I opened my eyes, and there I was, with the mastiffs open mouth covering my nose and mouth - think he wanted to go toilet, but did think suffocating me in my sleep was not his brightest idea to get the door opened.
    Dreams will sometimes weave reality of the moment into themselves dont they.
  11. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    Yes I have several of them. Common one is when ibadly need to pee while asleep luckily I woke up before I actually did it in bed.

    Once my friend dreamt of being poked in his chest with a metal pin and woke up to realize there was a centipede on his chest and freaked out
  12. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    I once saw my wife with her close friend making out. It was very hot. I told her next day and she just giggled. While I am very sure they didn't in real life the dream and her response let me know that she is potential bi and there are some planning going on.