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Superhero Death Battles, Flying Cars, and Pop Culture in General! Oh My!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Speed_Gibson, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Howdy kids,
    Creating this thread after some slight general prompting which should get interesting and diverse quickly. What belongs here:
    - Spiderman could whoop Batman soundly in a deathmatch if neither one had their stringent moral codes in place....(change names or details as desired, pulled those out the blue)

    - Would you get hover conversion for your car if it was available even if the power cell efficiency was not-so-great and the sky full of the same a**hole drivers now in flying missiles?

    - If your side gig was killing the guilty (or perhaps not so guilty) and chopping them up into garbage bag size bits, where would you dispose of the bodies while juggling everything else in life?

    - If you suddenly had the abilities in Jumper or the literary sequel, how would you use this power?

    etc, etc.

    I am starting with that last one. I read the first book in high school (loved it) 20 some years back and read the sequel a few years back as well. If I could choose I would pick the scenario in the books and not the scenario in the not so good recent film (in my opinion).
    In the books David can only move what he is capable of lifting clear of the ground and holding in his arms; there is none of this 'create a field around objects such as cars you driving' business.
    The second book get even better when he is placed in a bad situation and finds out what he can really do when he is pressed.
  2. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I would not get a hover car unless we had self-driving hover cars. I don't trust other people that much.
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  3. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I feel the same way. Another point - losing a tire at 50 miles per hour is bad enough, losing a "hover pad" at 2,000 feet and crashing is a slightly different matter.
  4. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I would totally get a flying car as long as the fuel consumption wasn't ludicrous (no flying version of the Lamborghini's 8mpg), and if it wasn't environmentally hazardous (i.e., hovers but runs on something radioactive, or emits clouds of CO2, or whatnot), and as long as there was some kind of reliable energy shields or inertial dampeners or something, because I don't like the odds of getting rear-ended or broadsided at several hundred miles per hour at several hundred or several thousand feet, and trying to get the kids, the wife, and I all safely ejected before the car hits the ground like a fucking supersonic brick.

    If I could teleport, OTOH.... First of all, I'd get rich. Not by stealing or anything. By opening a super-premium courier service: if a corporation had a small package or suchlike that had to be somewhere virtually instantly, I would be the guy they call. I'd guarantee to get it there within an hour, anywhere in the world, and charge like $25,000-- minimum-- to do it. Like one trip a month or so and I'd be making a nice living.

    Second of all, I'd do some superheroing. Not like crimefighting, but like taking sick kids in the Third World to doctors, getting food and medicine to far-flung communities as best I could.

    Third of all, I'd take the family on some great vacations.

    I would probably sneak onto movie studio lots, into amusement parks, and into other places where I would technically not be permitted, or would have to pay to go, but that would probably be the limit of my criminal activities. Just sort of enhanced sightseeing....

    Frankly, given my choice of powers, though, teleportation isn't my top pick (though it's definitely on the list). I've always vacillated back and forth between wanting to be a metamorph or having telepathy and telekensis (but under easy control-- I've seen too many examples of what goes wrong if you have uncontrollable telepathy). Being a metamorph always appealed to the actor in me: to be able to assume different identities, to explore different cultures by blending in perfectly, or to see the reality of people's unguarded moments, to hear them say the things they only say to people they don't distrust. And it would be great for literal acting: a metamorph could play anyone. You could audition for any role that pleased you-- male, female, young, old, heroic and beautiful, quirky "character" roles, whatever.

    Then again, telepathy appeals to the voyeur in me, and to the amateur psychologist in me. Plus, it would be a cinch to get rich that way: you go to Vegas or something, play blackjack or poker, know exactly what the cards are, bet accordingly; or use a little judicious telekenesis on the roulette wheel or craps dice.... And a telepath could be an incredible detective: I could do some superheroing that way.....
  5. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I always wanted a hover car but having seen how horrible many drivers are, it just doesn't seem like a good idea.

    As for super hero battles...
    I think we have missed the one guy who could be the most dangerous assassin of them all, Ray Palmer or Ryan Choi.

    Just think about it.
    He can shrink down to microscopic size, get inside your body through any orifice, and mess with your very DNA.
    This is a guy who could give you kidney stones or a brain tumor.
    Then slip out and nobody would know it was him.
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  6. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Spider-Man could easily kill Batman if each was so inclined. Spidey has super-human speed, reflexes, stamina and strength, plus he has Spidey sense to warn of anything the Batman throws at him.

    If I had a flying car I'd be like Meteor Man (from the movie of the same name) and only fly at low levels, like a landspeeder from Star Wars. That way if the flying parts failed I'd only fall a few feet. ;)

    As for the teleporting, I'd like to go in partners with @Levite in his transport business. That sounds cool.

    @Speed_Gibson, I'd think you'd want to use the teleporting powers to get those great camera shots no one else could manage to get.

    As for the body disposal part, there are several locations near where I live that no one ever goes to which would be ideal to hide pieces forever, or at least several years.
    Innit creepy that I've thought of that before? :eek:
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  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    All I know is I'd like Greatest American Hero to return and for him to know The Book.

    • Spiderman v. Batman - if it was immediate, Spiderman...if Batman had time, he'd win. I'd prefer to see a Superman v. Wonder Woman battle, no holds barred. WW would win with her warrior training.
    • No hover conversion for me...I'd hate the "what if" scenarios if it didn't work...and Gravity always works. At least in a car, if your breaks don't work, you can step off the gas and guide it to a halt, not so in hover-mode.
      This is not like planes, planes are commercially maintained regularly and monitored...cars, people forget...and you're in them in much greater volume.
    • As an assassin, I would not chop up bodies. I'd prefer the powers of the comic character Ghost or Jumper. Simple shot to the head while asleep. Ghost off, leave them where they are. (or Jump to middle of Ocean, dump them.)
      If I had to remove the bodies, there are plenty of remote places to put them. The key is not to leave any traceable materials on you. And don't leave them where you are, keep it very random.
      If I "had to" dismember the bodies (as a client request, not a preference) I'd invent some type of easy modular guillotine machine that cauterized the cut area to minimize the fluid loss and spread.
    • If I could Jump, then I'd be a lot more subtle to cover my tail than the character. Take a gig to allow for income, like a Transporter or Import/Export, but keep it legit and not traceable. This way you're not a target.
      Time the lag between points, don't want too quick delivery, so no one knows your power.
      Then I'd travel all over. Meet lots of women. :)
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  8. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Was it Batman who let go of a bad guy so that the bad guy fell into a vat of acid?

    No hover vehicle for me until the technology is truly proven, and the drivers license test is extremely stringent.

    I'd turn those bodies into a rare & very expensive meat. Similar to Soylent Green, but the product would be marketed to the wealthy instead fed to the hungry.
  9. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Going with the book version again of Leaper where David has to have a physical memory of being at a location and seeing it with his own eyes rather than just a photo (and yes the film is the same here) -
    Off the top of my head right now I would be able to transport to Ireland/Israel/St. Maarten/Corfu (Greek Island)/Cannes/Marseilles just for a starter. I would find a place to live in St. Maarten for the warm environment and likely in Corfu for the food and atmosphere. Taking pictures of France and branching out to more of Europe from there would be high on my list.

    On the superhero thing: Spiderman is actually Superhuman and Batman is just a rich man with fancy toys and physical training paired with conditioning. The same could be said for Tony Stark but his fancy toy can fly and fire whatever the hell comic book energy bean it uses.
    I would be more interested in a Spiderman vs. Wolverine match.

    obviously my reference to disposing of bodies was thinking more of Dexter just for a broad discussion point. He has some challenges with the environment and situation he is in. (currently on season 4 still of that show)
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
  10. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I liked The Flash's take on leaping with Peekaboo where she had to see where she was going so she either did short hops or used a spyglass.
    You couldn't jump into a safe or get around the world but you could get to work in no time.

    Elementary had a former crime lab guy who quit and went to work freelance cleaning up crime scenes.
    He had a special acid bath that smelled of nutmeg that he used to dissolve the bodies and clean up blood spatters.
    If you knew the formula that would be the way to go.
  11. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Yeah, I watched that episode, too. kinda interesting
    Sherlock's new partner almost used the concoction recently against her rapist/kidnapper from the past.

    /end threadjack
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  12. POPEYE

    POPEYE Very Tilted

    OK @SPEED_GIBSON Here's the underscore truth of the matter. IF we as a society went with Tesla, we would have free electricity along with flying cars that healed to a GPS more than 100 yrs ago. However the powers at be wanted us to pay for electricity and society didn't want to withstand the static noise of the coils. all this NEW stuff we are privy to is actually more than a century outdated.
  13. weezer

    weezer Getting Tilted

    this mortal coil
    1. ok, first of all... how did it take me three days to realize this thread existed?

    2. second, everybody offers some weak-ass excuse as to why they don't want a hover-car is a liar. EVERYBODY wants a fuckin' hover car.

    3. The "mr. fusion" that was used in the aforementioned "Marty McFly Documentary" is based on clean technology and leaves no radioactive waste. And it runs on banana peals and coffee grounds and shit... totally eco-friendly

    4. roads? where we're going... we don't need roads. [dun dun daaa da-da dut-dut-dut daaaahhhh]
  14. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Wonder woman beating superman? No way. She is not as strong, as fast, and doesn't have his invulnerability. Nor superbreath, heat vision, or flying ability. That would be like me fighting a 10 year old black belt. The kid might have skills,but it doesn't matter when I hammer fist him on the top of the head.
  15. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor


    In the reboot Wonder Woman was hit with feather from Hermes so she can fly.
    She has the golden lasso that's magic so Superman can't break it.
    And she will kill if necessary which is something that Superman has proved to have a problem with.
    She also has access to a large number of magic weapons from her dads side of the family.
  16. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    We already know what would happen in a Superman vs. Wonder Woman:
    Best Battles in Comics: Wonder Woman vs. Superman (WONDER WOMAN #219) - Comic Vine

    Wonder Woman -- kick ass
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2015
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  17. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    Oh,I see it's some retconned bullshit that has recast wonder woman. She was never that powerful before.
  18. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    Actually that was from 1985.
  19. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    She's had flight since the early 60s and has always had speed, super strength, agility, etc.

    The only real change was the source of those powers.
  20. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    I have crisis on infinite earths #12 where wonder woman was blown back in time to be reborn,and golden age superman kicked the shit out of the anti-monitor,which was the living manifestation of the anti-matter universe. I also have the wonder woman #1 reboot following that. And superman has been nerfed several times since then.