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Speed dating and does it work?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Metallica_Band, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. So just curious. Never knew that a speed dating service operates their event to various groups of people (straight, gay, lez, older, younger, etc.) at a pizza restaurant near where I work.

    Has anyone participated in a speed dating event? Anyone know friends/family who had long relationships come out of such an event? What happens during and after a speed dating event? Sounds intriguing. Memphis is so boring.
  2. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    I've not been to one, I admit. However, I do have a guess.

    I would guess that during the event, 90% of the time people are avoiding connection with the person in front of them and willing the clock to tick faster. The other 10% of the time they are saying whatever they think gives them the best chance of getting laid.

    After the event, they think of all the things they should have said to get themselves laid. Some masturbate about the people they met.

    However, that's just my imagination.
  3. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Speed dating for geeks:


    I have to say, that method would certainly work for me :)

    Seriously, though, I've never tried it. I'll admit to being a little curious about it, but it just seems so...impersonal. Then again, I like those long conversations where you discover the other person's a closet Broadway musical fan, or their favorite book is one you also love, or they have this completely adorable snort when they laugh. Y'know, the stuff you learn when people let their guard down a little, which usually doesn't happen in 60 seconds.

    You should totally let us know how it goes if you decide to try it out!
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  4. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    I would put a vote down on it being a good way to be introduced to people... maybe you get a number two.. may not work but hey, it's another shot at finding someone. Could even work better than the Internet?
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  5. kramus

    kramus what I might see Donor

    Never done it, never will.

    My Lady tells me I would be a total fail. Apparently I tend to give a horrible first impression. Couple that with social awkwardness and a general lack of experience when it comes to doing the meet'n'greet thing . . . I'd have to approach it as a complete lark, and money spent was entertainment dollars akin to shelling out for an Imax theatre experience. Personally I'd prefer Imax. At least my body would get shaken, stirred and get trembly to the core even if it was only due to sound-effects from the Hollywood-fare I consume.

    As a meat market I'm guessing speed dating is as good as or better than hitting a club. Don't personally know about those either. I hope I never ever have recourse to the dating scene. I foresee a painful series of lonely fails, which is not my idea of growing old gracefully.


    btw a solid positive vote from me for the internet being win/win partner-wise
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  6. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    I'm very shy, but it may not be such a bad experience, as some in previous posts have stated it would be a nice way to meet people the first few maybe awkward but eventually knowing everyone there would be there for the same reasons may actually help ease the discomfort. I suppose for those of us who do not go out to bars much it is a good way to get numbers and have that beginner's knowledge of each other.

    My past experience at bars sucks, I would work to get all dressed up nice, look my best go out, be too shy to introduce myself to a lady, think a drink or two would help and eventually get smashed and still be too shy. So, bars didn't work. Besides, to me if a woman wanted to go home with me from a bar chances were she would have gone home with anyone (that was my thinking or rationalizing once drunk, it made it easier for me to swallow my failure at the bar).

    The internet works, not the dating websites, but chat rooms have for me. Met both my wives and several more than a month relationships in them. It's another good way to "meet and break the ice". But again there are plenty in both sexes looking to just get laid. The dating websites, I seem to not be able to write a good profile about myself. It either comes out sounding snobbish or juvenile, just not good at that, nor am I going to lie about myself because IF I do meet a woman I would have to pretend to be someone I'm not and keep that facade up. That was me in a previous life but not today.

    Another good place to get to know someone are 12 step meetings, support groups, dry clubs, etc. If you are there for the right reasons it is possible to meet a kindred spirit. I have seen many, many LTR and even marriages start from people who met in the rooms or dry clubs.

    back to speed dating, it must work because it seems to have quite the following in many cities. If I knew of one in the area, I'd be tempted to go myself just out of curiosity. Don't know if I would have the testicular fortitude to try at first, but using small baby steps, I think I would eventually do it.
    --- merged: Nov 21, 2011 6:23 PM ---
    Anywhere is boring if you don't allow yourself to go out and find things to do. I am one to talk I hate going anywhere by myself, BUT I still do just to experience life. It bothers me that I don't have someone to share it with but at least I am out experiencing instead of hiding in my apartment and wishing I had done something. My problem is monetarily, but that is a lousy excuse when there is a dollar cinema and I can get the same candy/snacks and soda to sneak in with me when there it would cost 5 times as much.

    The stares I get for going to a movie by myself used to bother me, but now I realize it is their problem not mine, chances are I'll never see them again. Art galleries, clubs, I'm sure Memphis has a hopping nightlife if you allow yourself to just get out there and experience things.

    Make no excuses, just go out and live, you'll find things to do. The more secure you become in being alone, the more interests you will develop to attract someone.
  7. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I saw this link as an advertisement somewhere tonight and just HAD to look out of sheer curiosity. Geek 2 Geek - my area had a whopping 4 registered females and 9 males but that is no doubt due to the small town area this is.
  8. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    ha-- I forget where I got the original pic. Someone posted it either here or on FaceySpace.

    I mean, seriously, who doesn't like Star Wars?

    ........don't answer that.
  9. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    If we are talking original films then hell yes. My memory gets very fuzzy with protective amnesia if you mention anything about "prequels".
  10. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Well, yes. I forget, with other people, that does NOT go without saying. For the record, I fell asleep during the Clone Wars, and only really enjoyed Revenge of the Sith for the way it synced up with A New Hope.

    Aaaand now back to our regularly scheduled thread.
  11. Yeah, this is me.
    Dude, if I was back in Orlando, I could *SO* get me a date. Hella fun place to meet people and so many fun things to do and places to go. Memphis? Uh, there's the zoo and maybe a concert somewhere? The other places are nice touristy places but not a place you would take a date. I miss Disney's Pleasure Island. Loved the clubbing. But yeah, I dunno anywhere to go to meet people around here.

    I *am* kinda interested in this speed dating thing though. It's peaked my curiosity now. I might do it just to cure my curiosity.
  12. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    Orlando and Las Vegas are both created to be exciting. Try the speed dating, I hope it works for you.

    Being shy, even when I lived in Vegas it still didn't help. I had the money lived in a decent area and could meet women it was the shy thing that kept me from being able to do more than have just 1 fate. Very awkward.
  13. Doris

    Doris Getting Tilted

    As I'm in a relationship, it's not really something I would consider. It might be an interesting experience, if these things could be arranged for finding friends, not just dating companions.
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  14. dodger01

    dodger01 Getting Tilted

    Heck, I founded the Star Trek Fan Club in my high school (1971)> Geek to the core......
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  15. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Oddly enough, there was a commercial on speed dating during the news this morning when I was making breakfast. I guess there's a big speed-dating industry in our city. I wouldn't have considered it, seems an awkward way to meet people.
  16. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I'm thinking of speed dating my wife. She might like me better in short doses.
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  17. Doris

    Doris Getting Tilted

    My husband might prefer blind dating me...
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