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Sorting Books

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by snowy, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    How do you sort your books?

    I'm neck deep in a project to reorganize my book collection. It's so big that I don't have enough shelves for it in this house. I also have some boxes of books that will have to remain unpacked.

    I tend to sort my books by dividing them into categories à la my English classes in college: American literature, British literature, Western literature, World literature, Modern literature, and then I separate out Fantasy and Sci-Fi into different sections. I also have several shelves of what I think of as "fun" fiction, but I try to group those together: romance novels, historical fiction, etc. My commentary books are separated out with my textbooks into their own shelf, as I have many books on criticism and commentary, and organized by their category on the shelf. Philosophy has its own section, as between my husband and I, we have a significant collection of philosophy books (apparently we both love Nietzsche). I also separate out my professional library entirely, which consists of books on pedagogy, classroom management, educational psychology, sociology, my content areas (language arts and social studies), and human development, among others. I inherited my father's professional library of about 100 books on education, which grew my professional library significantly.

    Additionally, I separate out most of my nonfiction. Cookbooks have their own shelf in my dining room. Travel books, food/travel writing, homebrew books, and general how-to books have their own bookshelf in our guest/craft room.

    I need more bookshelves.
  2. girldetective

    girldetective Getting Tilted

    Im in the process of thinking this through myself, having boxes of books all over the place. I also tend to group my books, but more broadly. Cookbooks are together, as are fiction, and writers tools, ie dictionaries, style handbooks, and so forth. Also type, languages, religion and gardening. My other reference books I tend to sort by size and group, depending on the shelving. I can usually remember where a book is, what shelf and where on the shelf as I tend to remember the bindings rather than the covers.
    Good luck! Its a big, but satisfying job (?)
  3. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I generally group them roughly by genre, then author.

    In the last several years I've actually gotten rid of a lot of physical books and went to electronic books. It's nice to be able to carry around a couple hundred books in something the size of a small note pad.
  4. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I used to sort my books by author w. a secondary genre system. But I no longer sort my books at all. They're just haphazardly shelved in rows and stacks w. no system whatsoever. My school books live in stacks on the floor either in my room or the living room. It's a mess.
  5. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    The big sort in our house is between professional/traditional Jewish scholarly books and other books. After that, we sort roughly by genre/topic. But we just have too many to waste time with more specific sorting, like alphabetizing or by date or Dewey Decimal or something.
  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    My woman and I have separate bookshelves. A shelf of professional stuff for her, a shelf of professional stuff for me, a shelf of fiction for her, a shelf of cheesy '80s action DVDs for me.

    The cool part about cheapo Target / Ikea bookshelves is that you can line a whole wall with them for a hundred bucks, fill them up and they don't actually look too bad.

    As far as I how I sort stuff, I tend to place things that I use often at eye and chest level, fancy stuff up high and the rest of the junk on the lower shelves.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2013
  7. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I agree. We have a couple from Ikea and one from Target. I've also discovered that the cheapo $10 bookshelves that kinda slot together also look fine if they're painted. My mom painted one white for me, and it looks great.
  8. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Cookbooks are on the kitchen bookshelf. Most of the YA books are on a smaller bookshelf in the living room. All my Buffy books and DVDs are grouped together, and all my fantasy/fairy tale books have a shelf of their own.

    Everything else is on the other side of the kitchen shelf, or a long bookshelf by the front door, sorta-kinda by genre.

    The thing with sorting books...I like them to look aesthetically pleasing more than anything. So, while they're roughly together by genre, they're mostly shelved in order of book height. Hard covers first, then paperback.
  9. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Cookbooks are downstairs by kitchen. Children's lit soft squishy books are downstairs by toy bin. Most other books are upstairs in guest room, as are hubby's textbooks. His stats textbook remains on his desk for easy access. All plant phys / gardening/ hort/ bio/ cell/ chem books are at my office save those few I keep on hand for easy reference.

    We sort by topic, and by ease of use. Regularly donate books to keep our collection to a minimum. Those things are difficult to move across country every few years..
  10. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Mmm, does anybody use those super OCD color dots on their book spines?

    I've seen that before. Kinda person that covers their couches in plastic.
  11. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I sort books by getting rid of them.

    I love reading books. I just don't have a lot of space for them.
  12. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    It's an automatic process, they're listed in the order in which I read them last. The Kindle even has a built-in search function.

    • Like Like x 1
  13. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    When we had the new kitchen installed, the kitchen guy suggested adding a built in shelf for books. This is overflowing with cookbooks. We have 3 other shelves in the house and 2 more in my office - most of *my* books on the shelf in the office, kinda grouped by author. Inside is a hodgepodge of kids books, travel books and various bits and pieces. So, not really very organised at all!
  14. fresnelly

    fresnelly Getting Tilted

    I return them to the Library where they dutifully sort them by Genre and Author's last name.

    No really! I read constantly but only own a shelf or so of books; my keepers. After a few moves I realized how much space they take up so I gave most of them away.

    I've separated Non-Fiction and Fiction onto two different shelves but that's it.
  15. I worked part time at a library for awhile shelving books and was actually very good at it. I could shelve quite a bit of books accurately in a short amount of time. After being there for a few months, I knew the shelves well and just knew where the books belonged. I noticed that I arrange my own books according to the dewey decimal system. I guess it's a habit.
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  16. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I took everything that I hadn't read in the last 5 years down to Goodwill. Reference books and technical manuals are on his & hers shelves. Books that I tend to reread regularly get shelf space, the rest are in boxes in the basement.
  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    When I'm organized...by series.
    By favorites
    By Genre

    I just brought out my old academic books to re-read them.
    (yes, I know I'm insane... :rolleyes:)
  18. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I can't part with my books. I mean, they're a central part of my profession, whether they're focused on the mechanics of my profession or just providing content. I admire those of you who can. For me, it would be like parting with a child.

    I should also note that I collect multiple editions of my favorite books--Tolkien's works are a great example of this for me. I have two different box sets of Lord of the Rings and I pick up hardback editions when I can. Last year at the Friends of the Library booksale I acquired a hardback of The Silmarillion and an illustrated edition of The Two Towers--illustrated by the fabulous Alan Lee, of course.

    Part of this is the fault of one of my favorite professors at university. I finagled a whole bunch of British literature from her at a book exchange one year that had much nicer covers than my existing copies. So now they sit side-by-side. The extra copies will go in my classroom in the future.
  19. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia

    Hopefully, you don't have a huge selection of non-fiction at home. Remembering all the codes would be a bitch.
  20. I
    It's not perfect but its close.