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sister in law

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by ralphie250, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    This is my issue, its kinda long so ill try to sum it up.

    My sil has been married twice and divorced twice. she then decided she wanted to be with a woman which i am fine with as long as she is happy. this woman who we will call G, is not a good infukluance on my sil. long story short G is 45 and my sil is 32 G goes back and forth from her ex to my sil and causes lots of drama. one day she calls me to com e over over cause she is scared of G that she will hurt her etc.... so i go over and play mediator, and the following day they are gone out of town togeather. they argue and fight all the time. but my sil says that she wants to be with noone but her, bla bla bla. one day she hates G and sees what she is doing to her and the next shes begging g to come back. shes a cancer to my sil and everyont sees it but her. she has pushed all her friends away for G cause G is controlling and has a short temper. this has been going on for about a year or so. everytime they fight my sil calls into work its hard to believe that she still has a job
    fast fowrard to this weekend. some of my sil friends mesage us on fb asking us to go over and check on her due to she is sending them weird text messages and such. we go over and she is passed out drunk on beer and pills. ok whatever... next morning same thing about 11 am we go over cause we were asked to and still passed out but slowly gets up. wjhile my wife is talking to her i notice that one of her dogs is hurt and the answer i get is that he has been like that for a while. we leave, the following day (sunday)m she texts me and tells me to cancen her birthday plans for monday, i get his long story about her not wanting to be around anyone etc... wanting to die.... so i get with my wife and we do next day she calls and wants it to be on again because she dont want people calling her and bothering her with why it was cancelled. but she only wants to go eat, not any of the other stuff we agree and call her to lert her know it was at 2 and we get yelled at caise we are fucking up her day with it being in the afternoon. sso we just say fuck it were not doing it. and tell her that she responds with ill be ther even if noone else is. we say ok, its now approaching 2 and she pulls to her driveway and calls me and asked why we were still hiome. i reminded her that we werent doing it with the way she is acting, she hangs up on me, does some doghnuts in her front yard takes out a flower bed and side swipes a tree and hits her house pulling into garage, then texts me thatshe wants her house keys, i told her to come get them and she does and while walking bacvk to her house she kicks the shit out of my truck twice leaving a big dent and scratches..... now mind you she is yelling the whole time how its fml and she is worthless to G and her whole family....
    how can i get her help when she dont want help and keeps pushing everyone away, the only people that talk to her anymore is me and my wife were the only ones that will help her even though she is a bitch to us and my daughter. its nothing but drama and its starting to affect my wife and daughter which i DONT like at all. if we call the police there is nothing they can do unless she admits to them that she wants to hurt herself thats even if she comes to the door.
  2. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    Yikes! I don't have any suggestions, but damn, that must be terribly aggravating.
  3. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Is this your wife's sister?

    I don't have a good solution, other than that she does need help. An abusive relationship, drugs, alcohol, and suicidal thoughts are a horrible combination.
  4. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    yes its my wifes sister, and yes they are a horrible combination
  5. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I stay away from angry, chaotic and complicated.

    Even family.
    It's why I didn't talk to my sister for 2 years.
    It's why I divorced.

    Life is too short and valuable than to deal with someone who'll take you down the rabbit hole with them.

    I know you want to help...but I'd ask your lady if she really wants to deal with this.
    Because some just want to see the world burn... :eek:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    • Like Like x 3
  6. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    I have no control over other people, places and things. All I can do is love. Same goes for you.

    If she doesn't want help, you can't force it. She's a grown woman. Some people just want to self destruct. Some have to hit rock bottom to get their shit together.

    Is it sad? Yes. Can you fix it? No.

    I suggest you detach yourself from the situation as lovingly as possible and let her work it out herself. Be there to listen, but quit engaging in the drama. Life is way too short to get wrapped up in someone else's drama.
    • Like Like x 3
  7. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    If she's passed out drunk on booze and pills, she's pretty damn close to rock bottom. That's a combination that kills people.

    Next time, consider calling the police to do your heavy lifting; call the non-emergency line and ask for them to do a wellness check on your SIL.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor


    Up here it's enough of an issue that there is a separate department that does that.
    They have vans with trained paramedics who will check on people and can apply the drugs necessary for overdose.
    They also take people to the sleep-off shelters so the don't freeze to death or the hospital.
    If you can get her admitted it might be the step needed.
  9. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    the latest is really nothing but it is...
    she came and wanted her keys to her house back so we gave them to her and my wife and daughter went over on her bday and gave her some cupcakes and accoeding to my wife shw was real short. and we havent herd from her since. no calls or nothing. i know she is alive because we have seen her come and go, but basiclly just cut all ties and see what happens..