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shopping advice needed

Discussion in 'Tilted Weaponry' started by EventHorizon, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    I'm looking for a rifle that will fire 7.62x39 accurately (3-4ish MOA), semi-auto and not a jam-o-matic. also i need advice on optics that would be practical for hitting something deer-shaped 300m out. i gave up on a "precision rig" because i don't want to be working a bolt if multiple someones are setting my house on fire/bear comes after me/zombees
  2. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    is the AR-10 such a weapon?
  3. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I think you're a bit confused as to which cartridge is which. Here is an ammo quick reference graphic.

    The 7.62x39mm is Warsaw Pact assault rifle ammo, the cartridge of the famous AK-47 (SKS, AKM, RPD, RPK, etc.).

    The AR-10 is a 7.62x51mm rifle typically used as a designated marksman's weapon (SR-25).

    7.62x39mm (7.62 WP) is typically a cheap, steel-cased assault rifle round, often less accurate. It is useful for short range work.

    7.62x51mm (.308 Winchester) is typically a brass-cased battle rifle / marksman round. It is not useful for rapid fire in a rifle.

    For a reliable 7.62x39mm rifle, I'd look at the Saiga AK hunting series and do some research on a good side rail scope mount.

    That said, there really is no serious creature as a "precision 7.62x39mm rifle."

    For deer? You would be better served by a bolt action rife in either caliber.

    Check out the CZ-527 in 7.62x39mm and the Savage 10FCM in 7.62x51mm.
  4. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    in order of importance my preferences go:
    -accuracy (to 500m)
    -semi auto
    -ammo cost

    i was looking into an AR-15 because i read good things about accuracy and trajectory but apparently the .223 just tickles deer but is a good anti-coyote gun.

    i've been reading through some forums and all they've been telling me is that it's an age-old argument and they don't really provide much help. also, if there exists a rifle that meets the requirements above and is also recommended for home protection that'd be idea. more advice please? i'm quite the gun noob and i'm trying to educate myself.

    EDIT: some questions:
    as hollywood as bipods are, are they really that useful? i went hunting once (not in a deerstand) with a bipod and there weren't any instances in which i used it and i thought that if i spotted a deer, i wouldn't want to waste time getting prone or finding a surface to set the legs on to take the shot, but if i never even opened the bipod up, then why bother with the extra weight?

    why are there so few semi-autos that can accurately fire 7.62 rounds?

    do wooden rifles require alot more attention to maintain compared to plastic ones?

    what's with this new 6.8 calibur ammunition i keep hearing about?

    why do AR-15s/M-4s (apparently) shit the bed when it comes to converting to 7.62 rounds?
  5. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

    Yea Bro, 7.62x39 really isn't the ticket if you're trying to zip out to 500m. You're talking about a Full Power 7.62 round that was crudely shortened to turn it in to an 'intermediate' round. If you wanna reach far, and have decent accuracy, and tag full sized game in North America, you want 7.62x51. AKA 7.62 NATO.

    500M is asking a lot, and starts pushing in to nice glass territory. 6.8SPC will meet your needs, although with the same company making .300BLK, I doubt 6.8 will stick around for long. 6.5Grendel is great for long ranges, but ammo is expensive and even rarer than 6.8SPC. If I were in your shoes, and wanted a cheap, decently accurate semi-auto 7.62 shooter, I'd probably nab a Bushmaster in 7.62x51, something like this:


    It'll give you the accuracy you're looking for, and the 16" barrel won't hinder you out to 500M. 7.62x51 tends to be cheaper and plentiful. Wring a couple of 7.62x51/.308 match rounds through the gun to see what it's really capable of.
  6. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

    Also. Look at the 7.62x39 ballistics. Read it. 7" drop at 200 yards. In comparison, my 7.62x51 drops about 2" at 200 yards (using a 100M zero).


    If you were to shoot out to 500M, you'd have to dial up 12.68 FEET of drop.


    Pretty obvious that the x39 isn't an ideal 500M cartridge.
  7. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    Do you have somewhere you can train shooting at 500m? Man I wish I did here, the damn tress get in the way.
  8. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    yup. not too many trees out in the plains
  9. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    /jealous ! Don't tell me you also have bureau of land management areas to shoot on too! god those look so awesome.
  10. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    nah, just some old guy's land that goes on FOREVER
  11. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
  12. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

    I see your Hk417, and raise you the G28!


    But seriously though. The MR762 isn't even for sale yet in the US. And even if it was, it'd cost no less than $3,000, if not more.