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Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by hankster, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. hankster

    hankster LONG time resident

    guilty on 45 of 48 charges... faces 440+ years of sodomy... may he die in the first
  2. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I hope he gets raped in the shower every day.
  3. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

  4. hankster

    hankster LONG time resident

    i'm sorry but i fail to see how "treatment" would help a person with serial frame of mind as sadistic as this... he has years of molestation history multiplied by the number of victims to include his own adopted son...

    his "treatment" will be just and i hope "appropriate" :)
  5. Just read that due to prison rape more men now are raped in the US than women.

    That right there should be the basis for an anti-crime campaign.

    However I don't know if Sandusky will get raped, more likely shanked.
  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    From what I understand...considering many of the prisoners were victims of child abuse,
    that known child abusers are NOT well liked or treated by their fellow inmates...

    Bad enough what he did...but to take advantage of your position, authority and being role model to leverage the access to victims...

    And you know...I don't really care about his well being.
    Too bad many of the priests guilty of the same can't join him.
    Hell on Earth.
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I guess we have different views on mental illness, justice, and what is appropriate.

    I guess rape isn't cool with you unless it would make you feel better. You know, maybe that rape isn't inherently bad. It's just a tool.

    I disagree.

    It's also likely that abusers were once victims themselves. What can happen is that the abused "flip the script" and become abusers themselves to gain control that they feel they lack completely both in the world and on a personal level: the victim becomes the predator out of desperation. The most vicious of vicious cycles of severely damaged minds.

    He certainly deserves punishment for what he did. I simply hope that a part of his program includes intensive treatment. He will likely also be a part of a protective custody program in prison. (Or at least he should be, given his high profile and his crimes. I'm not sure how the American system works. I have heard horror stories from the penal nation.)
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
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  8. greywolf

    greywolf Slightly Tilted

    What blows my mind about this is HOW LONG it took for this to come to light. It went on for years, and the kids were scared because of the prestige of his position, much like the Catholic priest phenomenon, or like that idiot Bobby Knight at Indiana (for his years of physical/mental abuse of his players). Sandusky aside - he's getting what he deserves, or at least as close to that as the law allows - we need to make it easier for victims to come forward, and to convince them that they will be believed/protected/comforted. I know there is the issue that a false allegation can be devastating to a man and his family/career, but there has to be a balance where victims don't feel they are going to be re-victimised if they say anything.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
  9. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    Silly Canadian, don't you know the only point of the justice system is revenge?

    Besides, everyone knows sodomizing the rapist undoes their rapes.
    • Like Like x 5
  10. Bobby Knight?
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I would have also accepted: "Raping the rapist rapes the rape right out of them."
  12. greywolf

    greywolf Slightly Tilted

    Legendary basketball coach at Indiana University. Finally got turfed after it was revealed that he was physically and mentally (NOT sexually) abusing his players, and had been for years. Should have made that clear... he WAS not sexually abusing anyone, but the prestige of being the second winningest coach in NCAA division I history made the kids afraid to stand up to him or say anything.
  13. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico

    I just don't think treatment works with sex offenders. I had a caseload that was nothing but SO's for nearly 8 years. at first I bought into the idea of treatment but after about 3 yrs of watching no one succeed I decided it's a lost cause. I ended up building a house 100 miles north and moving just to get rid of that caseload only find in my new location, since I had experience in the area, I was still assigned all SO cases. There I had other cases as well but still a majority of my case load were SO's.

    I don't believe he should be raped or sodomized but he should be separated from society for the rest of his life.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I know the efficacy of treatment is relatively low for SOs, but that's looking mostly at rehabilitation and risk of reoffending. I have no doubt that Sandusky will remain a high-risk SO for life, but this should not, in my opinion, preclude psychiatric treatment for such cases.

    His removal from society is warranted, but he remains a human being no matter how much people want deny the realities of humanity by labelling him a monster.

    Do we know Sandusky's full story? What possibly made him what he is?

    I don't understand why so many people would rather have him become a victim of his own crimes (and worse) than learn more about the whys and wherefores. Fear, revulsion, and anger I guess.

    I mean, even if Sandusky wasn't the product of abuse inflicted on him at an early age, wouldn't it still be worthwhile to figure out what makes human beings do what they do when it comes to something this terrible?

    Sandusky isn't unique. There are potential Sanduskys among us all. Many simply haven't acted out. Others haven't been discovered yet.

    Punishing Sandusky is not a deterrent to these others. Learning more about him could help us discover others like him.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
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  15. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Many states have mandatory psychological/psychiatric evaluations and mandatory treatment for sex offenders. I dont know if PA is one of those states.

    My broader interest is pursuing criminal charges against those at Penn State who were aware of his actions and did nothing.
  16. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    I think it's important to address the frame of reference people approach this problem from. A person can no more be held to account for the fact that they don't have the brain of a pedophile than they can the brain of schizophrenic or any other type of brain you'd care to compare. I would guess not everyone agrees or at least wants to accept that it's dumb luck that they aren't sexually attracted to children and so aren't really prepared to be sympathetic to such a person.
    • Like Like x 2
  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    What gets to me about the common responses to such cases is that they seem to come from an assumption that Sandusky and the like are making rational decisions. I don't think pedophilia is a choice. Sure, Sandusky chose to sexually abuse children, but it's not like he went through the same decision-making process that many of the rest of us go through. It's not like the rest of us actively make the choice between sexually abusing children vs. not sexually abusing children. I don't think many of us have the daily thought, "I have decided not to sexually abuse a child today."
  18. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I agree with you, Baraka, in the brainy places that house my reason and compassion. I don't know if rehabilitation or psychiatric treatment might serve to relieve or repair him but I think it's a shame not to pursue it anyway. I think it's barbaric to imprison convicted criminals of any sort and let them simply rot, which is more or less the way most maximum security prisons in the US Prison system operate these days. Also, as you mentioned and I fully agree with, there's so much we don't understand about what factors into the creation of serial pedophiles, murderers, rapists, etc.

    If we loathe and despise such behavior, which we undeniably do; why isn't there greater effort to explore and understand these factors in the hopes of minimizing their occurrence or discovering ways to treat them more effectively? It makes me wonder if we, as a society are truly interested in reducing or eradicating abhorrent behavior, or if the revenge we feel after these acts have been discovered is too satisfying to give up in trade for less offense. Withdrawal's a bitch.

    Sandusky is a human being who has done things that society and those of us who are not likewise afflicted, have forbidden. He's spent a good portion of his adult life denying this awful behavior (probably to himself, as well or at least found ways to self-justify) and if someone was able to get him to admit to it, does anyone here think that he would not also admit to wishing he wasn't a pedophile?

    I guess if you buy into the idea of "evil", you might well believe that these were the acts of man who had the choice not to be a pedophile and chose to molest young boys anyway because he was just plain evil and of course, there can be no compassion for the evil.

    "Oh yeah! What about the victims? They're the ones who deserve compassion." Of course they do but it isn't as if compassion is a limited resource and can't be applied to both victim and abuser (probably also a victim at one time)

    Evolution provided us with a higher brain. Sadly, some simply refuse to use it.

    I'm thrilled they found him guilty. I was seriously concerned that there might be enough reasonable doubt created by the defense to get him off.

    I can only assume there'll be an appeal and wonder if he'll be let out on bond until the appeal date. Hope not.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2012
  19. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico

    Very well said. Agree completely.

    Many people calling for offender like Mr. Sandusky to be submitted to what amounts to torture and basically a living hell don't really think it through in my opinion. Are they saying it's ok for another person to be an animal towards him because he was animal? I mean if he's being raped someones doing the raping, right? So they are in favor of rapists? Pretty poor logic if you ask me. Plus when a prison has a atmosphere of violence it's bad for everyone. Bad for the inmates. Bad for the staff and bad for society since the % of people who will one day be released is far higher than the % that will remain forever. If you treat a person like an animal for 5, 10,15 years and then let them out the results are fairly predictable.
  20. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    And proven.