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Question of the day #5:

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by genuinemommy, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    What makes you more upset:
    Aborted babies being used for research, or children dying as they flee oppression?

    Everyone is talking about planned parenthood. Or refugees.
    So there we go. What bothers you more? Or maybe both don't phase you.

    As with the rest of my qotd threads, I will come back to this one later to post my thoughts.
  2. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I'm going to push back on your question. I'm strongly pro-choice. I don't see it as aborted babies, I see a glob of cells that are no more human than a drop of blood. They may as well be used for research.

    People dying while fleeing oppression concern me much more.
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  3. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Not trying to start a flame war or anything along those line, just curious what your opinion is. What are your thoughts on the later term abortions where an unborn child has reached a point were they can survive out of the womb in NICU or the like? I do realise that laws vary between states on third trimester abortions.
  4. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Refugees. Where would we be in the scientific world without experimentation? If the fetus was aborted, it's not alive any more. Why waste?
    For the record, I feel the same way about my own body. When it's not alive any more, use it for research. Maybe mine can save someone else's. Children dying while their families are trying to escape mistreatment and the like just sucks.
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  5. I agree with @Stan on this. I don't see them as aborted "babies" as that automatically paints a picture that I don't find to be accurate.

    I agree with @noodle too.

    I had a visceral reaction when I saw that picture of the child after he had drowned. I have never had such a reaction to all the pro-life propaganda.
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  6. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Children caught in oppression. To be precise, the ones born in countries where they have absolutely no chance of having a decent life no matter how hard they try, and they can't immigrate (a dream maybe, certainly not a reality). India is just one example.
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  7. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    The refugee/migrant crisis breaks my heart. I want children to have safe, secure homes. It must feel terrible as a parent to feel that you cannot provide for or protect your children, especially when it's out of your control.

    I want all children to be loved and cared for. Therefore, I am strongly pro-choice.
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  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Death...it happens.
    I don't fear it...and it doesn't concern me as it does others.

    But I do care about pain.
    So it would be the children AND adults...fleeing a civil war. (to me, both are equal...a life is a life)

    BUT wars happen...and it's not us that's instigating it. We can't save the world, no matter how much our hearts bleed.
    Why? Cause they won't stop...it would be just more war...a mess.
    Sometimes, you have to let it happen.
    Or repress it...or constrain it.
    It's a dog fight.

    I'm not naive enough to think our war is any better than others'...our bullets hit any less...our bombs any more precise.
    If you do something...there is a price.
    Are we willing to pay that messy price??

    That's where me and liberals differ...if you try to be a hero...it gets complicated quick...it's not clean.
    I know the price. The bad guys don't just stop and run away. And who's the bad guy?? And look where they're fighting...it's not a nice clear target.
    And you just can't leap in, leap out.
    AND some of those people you're "helping" don't want your help...or don't appreciate your collateral damage while helping.

    Yes, it's a shame...but what's the threshold for involvement??
    Same friggin' people who don't want war and bullets...also want something to be "done" for the children.
    Guess what?? the people fighting aren't coming to the table any time soon.
    It ain't magic folks.
    If you want something "done"...

    I don't mind projecting power or being a policeman/hero...within reason...and for a good reason.
    I'm just real about it.
    And I'm aware of the price and the consequences.

    And if not, then some may die...it happens.
    Might as well ask to keep the government out of your Social Security....doesn't work that way, folks.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2015
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  9. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I don't care about either one. Well, I care about the 5-12 year old refugees, since they had nothing to do with the fighting, but got caught in the middle of it. 0-5 year olds shouldn't have been born into the middle of a civil war in the first place. Over-population is a huge problem, and doubly so in that region of the world. Yes, birth control in a war zone in the Middle East is probably non-existant, but still, it is stupid to be having kids when bombs are falling nearby.

    And I am pro-research. Even if the fetus is twitching on the table and the heart is still trying to beat...
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  10. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    All human tissue should be considered of incredible worth. When I heard that aborted tissue is used for vaccine development and other research purposes, I breathed a sigh of relief. Something good came from that life. The mom chose to donate. Thank goodness humanity can benefit from that life in some way, little or huge.

    I do not think that there should be more value placed on the unborn than the mother. All life is equal. The one with a fully formed brain gets to make the decisions for their own body. I am politically pro-choice. I feel strongly that there should be a hygienic, medical "out" for the women who need it. But there needs to be more availability of birth control first and foremost. Birth control and sterilization must be free to anyone who chooses that route. It is in humanity's best interest to consider this preventative care.

    With all the struggle and loss I went through to get my 2 girls, I cannot personally fathom making the choice to abort. But I would never stand in a woman's way who has made that intensely personal decision. The same as I would stand beside and offer support to women who choose life.

    The other topic:
    I am especially distressed by the plight of religious minorities as they flee. This includes athiests who are opressed for their lack of belief. I wish we could air lift anyone who wants out of these places with intense conflict and religious oppression, and drop them into loving communities here in the states. There is room, no matter what is said by politicians. There is room enough here. There may not be public funding to help them get on their feet once they get here, which could be a disaster in itself, but if the US suddenly dropped all foreign military aggression and started using our military as a rescue organization, the world might see us differently.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015
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  11. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    Refugee injury, mortality, and oppression makes me upset. Abortion does not upset me at all, since I am quite pro-choice, and the use of tissue from aborted fetuses pleases me greatly, since it is making use of what would otherwise be merely an unfortunate medical procedure to produce useful tissue and cells that help to save people's lives.
  12. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    Wish this were in MP so I could expand my answer.

    My short answer is the refugees; children and adults. I can't imagine being in that kind of danger, wondering what's around the corner, will I live another day, etc. the body is t built for that kind of extended acute stress. It's heartbreaking.
  13. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Refugees. Aborted foetuses, are not humans yet.
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  14. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor


    Pretty much sums it up for me too.
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