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QOTD #81: Pick one person. How have they changed you?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by genuinemommy, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    For good or for bad, our interactions with others change us.

    Pick one person. Tell us about how they have helped you to grow as a person.


    I can't teach her a sense of stranger danger.
    It is proving an impossible task.
    So I have given in.

    We quite literally smile and wave and introduce ourselves to everyone we encounter. It has given us a lot of confused looks, but mostly it gets us smiles. True, genuine smiles. People appreciate it more than I ever anticipated. And it has gifted us friends. Friends for the day and friends for life. Young friends and old friends. Amazing friends like the 4 year old triplets and their mother that Littlegirly insisted on sitting beside at McDonalds, who are now our best friends. Friends for a day like the two elderly women that we spent hours with at the botanical garden on my birthday. This open and unconditional, innocent love is something that I hope she never loses. It has changed my life forever.
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  2. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I think people are mostly fundamentally good. I think it's okay not to be afraid of strangers. Or at least, not all strangers.

    I may feel differently when I have a child.

    This also might be worth spinning off into a separate discussion.

    There are lots of people who have influenced my life in various ways. I've had a lot of help to get to where I am now. But if I were going to pick one person, the one individual in my life who has always been there to offer unwavering guidance and support, it would be my mother. More than anyone else she's the person who made me who I am today.
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  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    My best friend who just passed. Tracy.

    My adventures with her made a flavor for life that I still enjoy to this day
    and a color to my personality that shouts out.

    Even my stolid job cannot hold back the wild and crazy side that she embraced.
    "Life is too short"...she used to say this always to justify her fun.
    And she was right.

    Rock on, folks!
    Smile that cocky smile
    Dance that dance.

    Keep that job...but still let that wild side shine.
    The people who are judging you aren't going to care or count in the end
    ...but you will remember the good times and laughs.

    She was a shining light everyone was attracted to.
    But she inspired me to be a smoldering flame that warms people and puts a smile on their faces.

    Extroverted with no shame. :cool:
    Have your party, make your jokes.
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  4. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    For now I'm simply giving this thread a bump, will be back later after giving this some thought.
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    POPEYE Very Tilted

    All my ex''s . I think that's self explanatory
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  6. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    It's a long list. I will share one.

    M Campitelli. I had him for grade 9 and 13 French. He also led a school trip to Paris that was my first trip in a plane and abroad.

    He introduced me to a love and appreciation of travel. He showed me what it means to be a good mentor. He took time to guide me and support me in academics as many never did (and I was lucky to have many great teachers). His tough talk, at the right time with the right volume, set me straight. His concern, at the right time with the right volume, has stuck with me 30 years later.

    I have had many great people in my life, but I frequently draw on the lessons and perspective M Campitelli provided me.

    Sadly, when I was in first year University, he died from a sudden heart attack. I wish I could see him today and thank him for his guidance and care.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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