1. We've had very few donations over the year. I'm going to be short soon as some personal things are keeping me from putting up the money. If you have something small to contribute it's greatly appreciated. Please put your screen name as well so that I can give you credit. Click here: Donations
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QOTD #8: What do you do to supplement your income?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by genuinemommy, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    What do you do to supplement your income?

    Some households have 2+ wage earners with full time jobs to make ends meet, others can squeek by with one job. Seems that inflation has gotten to the point where a family can't have any extra spending money unless they at least do a little something on the side to supplement their income. What do you do to bring in a little extra cash flow?

  2. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I see at least $3,000 in the photo. Whoever took that picture is not hurting for money!

    I get some money from the ads on my web site, but it isn't what it used to be. Now, all of that money goes to pay the rent on my "home office," which is in a small office building a block from our house.
  3. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    Side work,shortly and lots of it. I work way too much between work and work as home
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    POPEYE Very Tilted

    I quit that shit, way too needy for my own time. I'd rather get by on less money in exchange for more time to myself.
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  5. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    I think you are way better off prioritising how to spend the money you do earn, versus figuring out how to make extra money to fit your lifestyle choices. This is not saying don't look to get a better paid job, but like Popeye, I don't see the point in killing myself doing something on the side to earn a little bit extra.
    You can live without the giant TV and latest playstation if you put your mind to it.
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  6. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Seeing the money pic in the OP reminded me of when I was in my twenties and at my then boyfriend's urging entered an 'amateur nite' at a strip club and won $100 which then turned into a lucrative full time gig for the next three years as I danced the circuit in the plains/midwest.

    It was mostly under the table (under the G-string) cash money and I had, when I 'retired,' literally a shoebox full of big bills, which I didn't dare put in the bank.

    Ah, the underground economy.;) It paid for graduate school, but that was a hard life. I don't regret it, but I don't think I could do that now at age 38.:rolleyes:

    Since I moved to Nebraska I've worked a a couple of interesting part time jobs trying to learn about how certain industries work. I worked for a sporting goods chain and am now working for a local collection agency where I get paid $10/hour plus a commission on what my 'book' brings in.

    My main work is as an investor. Like Warren Buffett, but without the billions. I live modestly in order to leave my investments intact. I try not to be too much of a grinch, but when we went out for a 'pretty good OK' dinner a couple of weeks ago the $90 dinner was like selling (or not buying) a share of Union Pacific stock.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
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  7. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    This is again a bit of a trick question. I don't make any effort to bring in extra cash right now. I focus on minimizing expenses and living well below our means so I don't feel guilty about spending copious amounts of time with my girls.

    As a family, our extra cash comes from investments. I want to be like Lindy described with investing, but so far my husband has managed all of our investments. He does an excellent job, when he has time to think about our portfolio. Recently he has been too swamped at work and we are being overly cautious with our savings. We would like to get to the point where we have enough invested to retire early and live off investments. At the moment we are focusing on paying off our home, though. Not having a mortgage payment would go a long way toward making that a possibility.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2015
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  8. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I don't have a need for extra income above and beyond our two paychecks but I enjoy trading options so I do some speculating in the market with those.
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  9. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Lately we've been downsizing everything to prepare to move cross-country if I can ever get licensed and get a job. So, I've been taking our stuff to resale places. We've made almost $200 off clothing that didn't fit or didn't get worn any more. Swip-swap stuff is at another $100 or so with ore to come. Right Joe, I don't have time for aide work, but I do pet sit from time to time. It used to be a significant side gig.
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  10. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I don't have the energy to keep up with a side gig at the moment. I have a second job already on the books, but no time to put into it. And that's okay. We have to manage our income at the moment to avoid going up into the next tax bracket. It should be okay this year, but we don't have as many deductions as I'd like to lower our AGI.
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  11. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I don't do anything for this. I do have some non-retirement investments that I manage myself, but I count that more as a savings account than secondary income. I've tried to think of some passive ways to generate some side income, but most of them end up being less than passive in the long run, which I'm not interested in. I have a buddy or two who own some rental properties on the side, and they hate it and are looking to move them (at a loss) because of all the hassle. I had considered trying to do something like that, but most of the anecdotal experiences I've heard are negative for my area/price range.
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  12. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I occasionally babysit for a little extra cash, but that's about it. Once every few months, I house-sit and dog-sit for some friends, but they usually pay me in gift cards (which is still pretty awesome, especially since I get to play with the pups, and I have full permission to raid the pantry and use the awesome whirlpool bathtub.)

    We save up all our spare change over the course of the year, and that pays for gas to Atlanta & back when we go down for Dragon Con.

    That's...pretty much it. I've been mulling over going back to serving on weekends again, but I haven't gotten quite that desperate yet. Mostly, we just live modestly. No cable. We don't go out to eat much. I don't have a car payment. We turn off the air & open the windows as soon as it's feasible to do so, and we keep our house cold during the winter. We do rent, but we've set a goal to get our finances and credit in better shape, so that should change within the next three or four years.
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  13. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I do PT remote gigs...best one I've had so far was an app I built for the NOAA. (plus being an SME for their International Group)

    Plus, I have my own business...consultant gigs, advising...and leveraging my inventions.

    Lastly, I do Agent/Mgmt work for various people in several verticals that need IT and Business assistance.
    Websites, advertising, marketing, etc...
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  14. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I do weddings and funerals.
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  15. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    My wife and I both work and we make a decent living.

    I like to use my non-work time to do things I want to do (ride my bike, make beer, go to the movies, etc.)
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  16. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I don't invest for income, I invest for long term growth. I research constantly but only look at how my portfolio is doing every couple of months, unless something calls attention to itself. That takes discipline. I would venture a guess that more harm is done to an investment portfolio by being overly attentive (which leads to a desire to do something) than by ignoring it most of the time. Read Benjamin Graham's book.

    I'm also going to pay off the mortgage before the end of the year. It's a guaranteed return of 3.625%:)

    I tried doing some 'shadow' trading with options and lost my shirt. I'm glad it wasn't real money. I just don't understand futures well enough to be comfortable.

    But you only pay the higher rate at the margin, not your entire AGI. Nobody likes taxes, but there's no point in forgoing $10k in income to save $2.5k in taxes.
  17. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I want to go to Dragon Con next year. I wanted to go this year, but wasn't able to with my work schedule.

    I live like a poor person in my decent home. I'm not perfect with my money by any means, but I am doing well enough that I don't worry about starving ever again. I don't even worry about losing my job. I live quite cheaply, and have for the past 12+ years since I was unemployed and poor.

    And to be honest, I wouldn't mind being 'homeless' and cheaply traveling the world and camping in my tent for a few years. Basically going down to South America over to New Zealand/Australia, up to Asia, through India, catch the train to Moscow, and then hang out in Europe for a while.

    As to the original question, I don't do anything to earn extra money now. I have thought about doing some things, and I could if I had better time management skills.
  18. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    I'm sitting here, unable to sleep and listing stuff on eBay.

    I don't do it nearly as much as I once did, but about 10 years ago profits from eBay paid my mortgage each month when I was laid off and getting unemployment.

    It was a lot of work - I basically spent every night listing items. But it got me through, so I'm grateful for that.

    Now I just use it to make "play" money. Going to JAX soon and want to have a little fun without dipping into my regular finances. We shall see how the ebaying goes!
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  19. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Well, yeah, but nothing we get from a second gig is going to be worth 10k, and we're essentially doubling our income this year over previous years, so I'm waiting to see how it plays out at tax time, since some of my income doesn't have federal withholding on it (one of the strange things with substitute teaching).
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  20. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    It's amazing! Definitely go at least once. You won't regret it.
