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QOTD #63: In what ways have you used electricity today?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by genuinemommy, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Saw the news article about a recent power outage in Syria: Syria blackout: Government reports nationwide electricity outage - CNN.com
    And I thought, "Hmmm. This can't be good for anyone, it could devastate the economy."

    It made me think about what kind of an economy we could have without reliable electricity.
    The show Revolution came to mind, where nanites render modern technology useless. Turns out we don't need to make nanites to have this issue, just a war.

    So, what have you used electricity for today?
    Do you have solar panels or other energy-generating opportunities built into your home?
    Do you live on or off of the grid?
    How long would you go before you notice there's no electricity?
  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    If you want to get right down to it, it would be easier to name the few things I did today that didn't rely on it. :p

    I was in a hotel last night. Since my room was near the elevators, I left my laptop on all night with a white noise YouTube video playing (frequent travelers may want to save this one).

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qorkD6nPYQM

    My room had a coffee pot, which I used this AM. I used my PC, iPad, phone, lights, TV, etc. At some point even showering or using the bathroom require a water pump somewhere down the line. My car uses electricity to run the lights, gauges, and radio, as well as spark the ignition to fire the cylinders, among other things.

    I do not generate any electricity through solar panels or anything else at home.

    I live in town, on the grid.

    If I was home, the only time I'd probably NOT notice if it went out was if it was while I was sleeping. Though we don't always have a light or electronic on, a few things usually make a little 'click' if the power goes out.
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  3. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Today? So far? Let's see:

    • I unplugged my fully charged iPhone and turned off the alarm.
    • I turned on the bedside light
    • I saw my way to the bathroom by way of the light that was on in that room
    • I came downstairs to room lit by electric lights
    • My daughter was eating cereal with milk chilled in the refrigerator
    • I turned on my Sonos speakers to play the news
    • The speakers accessed the CBC's World at 6 via the Internet
    • I made coffee which was heated with gas but ignited with a spark
    • I showered with electrically heated water
    • Browsed Facebook on my iPhone (more Internet connections)
    • Took the train to work (electric train, more lights, air conditioning, etc.)
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  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    • Home
      • Lights
      • TV
        • Cable (multiple)
        • DVR
        • Router
      • Microwave
      • Grinder
      • Coffee machine
      • iPhone
      • Alarm clock
      • Clocks
      • Personal Computer (laptop)
      • Security (cams, etc...)
    • Commute
      • Car
      • Train
      • Metro
      • Metro card scanners
      • Schedule boards
      • Escalators
      • Lights (in stations)
    • Lunch & Dinner
      • Drink machine
      • Lights
      • Cashier
      • Grill, etc...
    • Work
      • own dev system and monitor
      • govt laptop
      • multiple servers (remote)
      • multiple staff dev sytems & monitors
      • Fan
      • lights
      • elevator
      • security man trap
      • badging scanners
      • Coffee Machine
      • auto sinks in bathroom
    Not counting if I go to the gym that day...
    Ahh, life in the big city :cool:
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
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  5. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    My alarm clock is plugged in, and I use LED lights when I need them in my house. My furnace has a electric fan to push hot air around my house. And I have a refrigerator. My MacBook, iPhone, and 37" HDTV monitor are plugged in. I watch TV using an antenna with a powered booster. I have a big stereo receiver and speakers hooked up to the TV/laptop. I recharged my bike lights also.

    But, I made 5.6 kWh worth of electricity yesterday with my 8 solar panels, and 2 kWh on a cold and snowy day today in Ohio. They have made 6100 kWh in the 3 years that I've had them. And meet 100% of my power usage, if not more (until I start charging the electric vehicle more). I also have a small portable solar powered inverter that can be carried and generate 60-75 Watts on a sunny day.

    I will be able to drive an electric vehicle and power my house with the inverter I have if I needed to. One thing to note is gasoline takes quite a bit of electricity to produce too, so that should count if you use gas/petrol as using electricity.

    But why did the TV show Revolution destroy all of the bicycles and tents? ;) I have gone on long bike trips and have gone "off the grid" before. And while I don't have a problem living with minimal, solar, or human generated power. I worry about what other people will do if the power goes out for 5 plus days in a row. And if they can't get gasoline for their noisy generators.
  6. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Thinking about this some more...

    I haven't included all the electricity that went into all other things around me...
    • my clean clothes - washer, irons, etc.
    • the power involved in producing things like toothpaste and toothbrush, etc.
    • the computers and infrastructure that make up the Internet and all that content that I consumed (massive amounts of power)
    This list goes on and on.
    Now that I am in the office... the list is growing massively and I am simply sitting at my desk.
    --- merged: Mar 4, 2016 3:27 AM ---
    I remember (fondly) the big blackout in August 2003. It was a joy for the 24 hours. Had it gone much longer, it would have been chaos. For example, I have relatives in the Ottawa Valley who lived through the big ice storm of 1998. In the middle of winter, it soon comes down to a life and death thing when there is no electricity. Not everyone has wood stoves to heat their houses.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2016
  7. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    Blew a fuse in the middle of the footy game last night - major pain, just trying to find a light so I could figure out what was wrong. We have solar panels, but they put power back to the grid, so without the grid, they are basically useless. Most of us wouldn't last too long without power - no refrigeration/freezing and that goes for the supermarket too.

    I have a few friends with portal solar panels and camping fridges, but that isn't going to get anyone too far once all the produce has been looted from the local stores :)
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    POPEYE Very Tilted

    Not a single thing got done today without electricity. My gas appliances all require it. Geez la weez hate to think about it