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QOTD #49: What Would You Do?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by genuinemommy, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    If the world was cetainly going to fall into a massive war on a certain date, what would you do with a week of certain peace?
  2. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Prepare... Meaning supplies, weapons, food, etc. It would be the only thing my anxiety would allow me to do. And take a lot of showers... That's my safe place and who knows what will happen to running water in war times. And, yes, I'm serious.
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  3. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Me? Nothing. I'm ready. Preparedness is one of my hobbies. It brings me great pleasure.

    Guess I'd rally my close friends... I may be ready, but my friends may have other concerns.


    So many places in the world where this is relevant. These people just want to be left alone.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  4. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I guess that would depend on the details I knew. Are we talking a nuclear holocaust that would absolutely impact me directly right away? Something like WWII where there is a massive amount of fighting, but it is all somewhere else so the real direct impact would be in rationing and morale?

    I mean, realistically, Middle America isn't going to be invaded any time soon. And for it to be bombed or missiles fired here, I'd think the only response would be nuclear, and last second preparation for that would basically be useless...

    So I guess my simple/general answer would be to stock up on a few more staples (we keep a decent emergency supply of most things on hand) and try to get a generator and as much fuel as I could. We have a brand new side of beef and a ton of other meat in the freezer that would be nice to not waste. Especially if rationing or deprivation is about to occur.
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  5. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I highly recommend LP over gas or diesel. It's clean and you can store the canisters indefinitely.
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  6. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    If war is inevitable and getting out of town isn't an option, I guess the only rational thing for me to do would be to help family prepare. My parents have a place out in the country, that's probably the best bet in terms of survivability. Nice big plot of land, closest neighbour is a couple kilometres away, the house is set back and not visible from the road. We could get the biggest generator we can find out there, as much fuel as possible, if the weather's amenable help dig up the back yard and turn it into a vegetable garden, canning supplies, whatever else I can come up with in a week.

    The trouble with all of this is that if civil society collapses I lose my medication supply. I've only ever got 4 weeks of it on hand at most, and that only remains usable if it stays chilled which might be a challenge in a post-apocalyptic wonderland. Once I run out I've got a few weeks while it works its way out of my system entirely and then my body fucking me over becomes an inevitability. My ability to survive without modern medicine would be severely limited.

    That's the trouble with these doomsday scenarios. They're fun to think about if you're healthy but for those of us who aren't there's really only one possible outcome, and that kind of takes the romance out of it.
  7. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I live in the sticks, preparedness comes with the territory. We'd be fine for a month or so without doing anything. From experience, the first thing to run out are milk for the Mrs coffee and dog food. I'd stock up on both, though Molly will eat anything.

    Ya, but ... you can siphon gas out of a vehicle easier than you can chase down propane.

    If I had propane heat, my generator would be propane, as well. Without it, gas seems easier. Once a year I dump my 5 gallon containers into the Tacoma and replace it. Staybil seems to work pretty well. I have siphoned gas from the BMW in a power outage, never needed to do so from the Taco, yet.
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  8. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    I wasn't even thinking prep.
    I live my life as prepped as I feel comfortable. Mormon upbringing and all.
    I was thinking making the most of time with family and friends, having long phone conversations that I've been putting off... Visiting a national park or two. Things of that sort.
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  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Depends on the extent and context of the war

    are there nukes involved?
    is the primary action here or somewhere else? (we've had world wars before centralized elsewhere)

    If there's nukes (again, where, the speed of escalation and to what extent)
    If it was quick, considering I live and work near one of the primary targets, I'd kiss my ass goodbye

    if it was limited, maybe I'd relocate near family in OKC

    Biowarfare...then much of the US is screwed, if it spreads (how far and how quick??)
    Even survivalists would be hard pressed to deal with this.

    if it was conventional, then I'd probably wait it out.
    if there was a quick invasion, the I'd likely go fight with the underground

    Conventional, it's unlikely the US would be overwhelmed or attacked directly that often...there's an inherent advantage to having 2 oceans covering your flanks.
    Perhaps non-nuke missiles or artillery, then it would be like the Brits in WWII...get to shelter.

    there are world wars and there are world wars.

    Most massive wars would be in Europe, Middle East or Asia.
    I'd think we'd more likely have deal with the environmental consequences and how far & fast they spread.
  10. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    My family is spread out all across the seaboard so that would be worrisome.
    I would have to make some phone calls to see if a plan could be made there.
    I would probably stay here though but get far away from the military bases (we have two, Army and Air Force practically in the middle of Anchorage).
    I have friends with cabins out in the boontoolies who would be happy to set me and kiddos up.
    I've lived off the grid before it wouldn't be that hard to go back to it.
  11. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    If it's a nuclear war, I would want to be at ground zero. I don't want to live in a post-nuclear war Earth.
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  12. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    My parents are too far away to go visit within a week. Seattle would likely be nuts, so forget it.

    More than likely, I'd stay put (my town always survives the Apocalypse, just check fiction ;)), or bug out to Grandma's house in the boonies. LP generator and fireplace were just installed!
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  13. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Ah, Dies The Fire and The Protector's War, et al.:)
  14. POPEYE

    POPEYE Very Tilted

    It's a good ? but leaves a lot of grey area. So in history it shows us that families cling tighter to each other and we send our children to their most certain uncertainty. I would Love my Loved ones. Hey there I already do;)