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QOTD# 44: What do you stock up on?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by genuinemommy, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    I was thinking about this today, after I just replenished our supply of oyster crackers.
    I thought, "Hey, this isn't something that most people would worry about running out of."
    And I wondered what off the wall things others keep around.

    I like having a back-up for most commonly used food items. But some things I want a bit more of a stockpile.
    These include, but are not limited to:
    Puffed Wheat
    Oyster crackers
    Quick Oats
  2. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    All the different flours we use
    Paper towels and toilet paper
    Bottled water or just the bottles to refill
    Eggs, believe it or not
    Dried fruit and nuts
  3. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I looked in our pantry a couple years ago and asked myself, "would we be okay if the power was out for a few days?" Since then, I've made sure there is always plenty of canned beans & veggies, soups, protein bars, and jugs of water. I also tend to stockpile tea, but that's more because I buy a bunch and then forget about it (and I go through that cycle every few months.)

    Stuff I keep well-stocked just because I like it and eat it a lot: mushroom burgers, popcorn, oatmeal, caffeine-free soda, Happy Cow cheese wedges, frozen veggie mixes, mixed nuts, and green olives.
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  4. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    We live in the sticks where I could and have been stranded for 3-4 days. Running out to the store for anything is a pain.

    God help me if we run out of coffee. My wife is a junkie. I order coffee in 5# sacks and always have a spare.
    Every time her bowl runs low, Molly looks at me and wonders how I taste. We are well stocked on dog food.

    For the most part, we have a couple weeks of everything non-perishable on hand.
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  5. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    It's not really intentionally stockpiling but staples like rice and beans I tend to buy a lot of when they go on sale, so we almost always have a bunch in the pantry. Same goes for frozen veg; really, anything that isn't going to expire is something I'll buy in bulk when it's cheap.

    I should look into that whole Costco thing now that I have a car.

    When I saw that I thought you'd misremembered the name. I wonder if it's the same.
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  6. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    ha! I did misremember the name. Totally meant Laughing Cow. The Spicy Pepper Jack is the best. Happy Cow, on the other hand, is a vegetarian restaurant guide. No idea why I got them mixed up. Also cow-related, Skinny Cow makes low(er) calorie ice cream treats.
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  7. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    to be honest the only think I stock at my house is beer. there is always beer in my fridge in the garage
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  8. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    God, the older I get more the more Mormon I become...

    Seriously, I buy almost everything in bulk. Breakfast cereal, milk, meat, vegetables, etc. Personal hygiene products. Clothing. Office supplies. My house is like an old '50s fallout shelter. I have lots of shelves with sealed plastic tubs.

    Other things I stockpile:

    - Canned goods (buy in sets of 4 or 8 at the grocery store)
    - Medical/trauma supplies (I can try to fix it!)
    - Batteries (AA, AAA, 123, 9v, 2032)
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2016
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, I don't really "stock up"...I may buy in bulk at CostCo...but that's typically one big package.
    • Milk...I love milk.
    • Breakfast sandwiches...need that quick substance every morning no matter what.
    • Batteries
    • Paper Towels
    • Toilet Paper
    • Garlic - The Spice must flow... ;)
  10. POPEYE

    POPEYE Very Tilted

    We buy beef by the half or quarter, canned goods by the case which include beans for chili, tomato sauce and veges, beer, all paper goods and cleaning supplies...well we shop at " Sams " and live in the country. its 5 miles to the nearest c-store. So we buy everything in bulk, spices but not perishables such as ; lettuce. sold the chickens, but still have plenty in the freezer.
  11. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I try to keep my pantry well-stocked, despite the lack of room. I aim to have at least a month's supply of dry basics on hand at any time. Right now we're a little low ahead of a move.

    Dry goods:
    • Beans and lentils (Black, pinto, navy, split peas, red lentils, green lentils)
    • Rice (brown [short grain, basmati], calrose, Arborio)
    • Barley
    • Japanese noodles: udon, ramen, soba
    • Dried shiitake mushrooms
    • Flours (bread, AP, self-rising, whole wheat)
    • Chocolate chips: Guittard Extra Dark
    Canned goods:
    • Tomatoes (whole peeled, diced, roasted)
    • Pineapple
    • Coconut milk
    • Tomato paste
    • Canned pumpkin
    • Sardines
    • Tuna
    Condiments and Sauces
    • Carnitas marinade from Frontera (usually 3-4 packages in the cupboard at a time)
    • Enchilada sauce from Frontera (3-4)
    • Gochujang
    • Curry paste (Thai, usually a couple of kinds)
    • Sriracha barbeque sauce from Trader Joe's--it's so awesome I don't ever want to run out
    • Portland ketchup
    • Gulden's brown mustard
    • Classico tomato sauce
    • Soy sauce (I almost bought a bucket of Yamasa once...), both Japanese and Thai light
    • Peanut butter
    • Almond butter
    Frozen Food
    • Stir-fry vegetables
    • Puff pastry
    • Tasty Bite ready-to-eat meals
    • Idahoan packaged mashed potatoes
    • Nature's Path oatmeal packets
    Personal Care and Home Care
    • Cerave hydrating facial cleanser
    • Batiste dry shampoo
    • Simple micellar water
    • Biore sunscreen
    • Garnier Fructis shampoo
    • Crest toothpaste
    • Extra brushheads for the Sonicare
    • Kleenex
    • Clorox wipes and cleaner
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2016
  12. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I don't stock up on food stuff. We don't really have the space to keep it and I don't have the shops to buy it in bulk.

    The only thing I currently purchase in bulk is hops (either online or when back in Canada). It's a lot cheaper to buy them in bulk and keep them in the freezer. If I wasn't brewing, I wouldn't keep them.