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QOTD #30: Do/did you spank your child?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by genuinemommy, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Corporal punishment. A switch to the glut, a slotted board to the butt, a hand to the hiney...

    How do you define spanking?
    Was it done to you?
    How do you feel about the practice?
    Do you perpetuate this American tradition?

    And how do you feel about others doing it in your home?

    Seems I have offended quite a few people with my thoughts on this one recently. Curious where all of you stand on the practice.
  2. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    How do you define spanking? Hitting your child.
    Was it done to you? Occasionally.
    How do you feel about the practice? Think it is pointless. I have achieved good discipline without the need to resort to smacking my kids.
    Do you perpetuate this American tradition? Not just for Americans, and no.

    And how do you feel about others doing it in your home? I am pretty sure if someone was visiting my house and gave their kid a smack, I wouldn't say anything (unless it was severe). I would think less of that person, though.
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  3. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    How do you define spanking?
    A swat on the butt, maybe one or two.

    Was it done to you?

    How do you feel about the practice?
    To be used only in very specific situations, basically if the child has done something that could get them killed and only when they are small enough that logic isn't possible.

    Do you perpetuate this American tradition?
    The perpetration is a mixed bag.
    I don't believe in spanking as it is so often presented.

    And how do you feel about others doing it in your home?
    I can't judge how others raise their kids but if they are raising welts or beating their kids, using belts, etc. I'd have to report it.
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  4. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I'm fine with giving a young child a swat on the fanny.
    And I thought I would when we were planning to have children.
    Now our kids are 7 and 5 and I have never done it.
    My kids are trained to listen to my voice, and they know that discipline (non-physical) will always follow if they aren't responding appropriately.
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  5. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I'm not a parent which makes me hesitant to claim any authority, but something about spanking rubs me the wrong way. It always seemed to me like the adult ought to be the one who's able to enforce discipline without resorting to violence, however slight.

    I am an occasional babysitter of children, most recently my two year old niece. She's a bit rowdy at times but I've yet to find myself in a situation where I've even considered spanking. I've found that a stern tone of voice and consistent rules work wonders. Perhaps she's just unusually well behaved, but I'm quite certain her father would have no tolerance for corporal punishment either.
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  6. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Related links:
    Spanking Children In America: Corporal Punishment Forbidden In Many Countries, But US Ban Is Unlikely
    In Sweden, a generation of kids who've never been spanked - CNN.com
    UNICEF - Convention on the Rights of the Child

    I find it fascinating that here in Texas it's legal to beat your own child, and that it's legal in Texas for public schools to engage in corporal punishment, but it is illegal at day cares and other licensed and registered child care and school facilities. Homes or facilities lose their licenses if a child is spanked on the premises. Yet when you speak to people who work in child care around here, the vast majority feel that "whoopings" are an essential part of child rearing. Most I have encountered seem to agree that the child who is misbehaving in the classroom must not be beaten enough at home. This saddens me deeply.

    I was spanked as a child.
    My mother and father both spanked me.
    They both hated it.
    They both felt societal pressure to engage in the practice.
    They both independently informed me that they wish they hadn't. They tell me that if someone in their lives with well balanced and attentive children had simply told them that spanking was unnecessary, they would have dropped it immediately. It made them feel horrible.

    It damaged the relationship between my parents and me. I remember clearly many instances of spanking. Especially when I was very young, I remember being incredibly confused. I had no idea what I had done wrong, why it was wrong, or what to do to correct my behavior.

    I have never wanted to spank my children. Now that they're in my life and there are parents close to me recommending spanking, I am all the more bothered by the practice. I see these children and babies who are clearly held back because of it. Who have little to no sense of independence, who fear everything...

    My husband feels such beatings are unnecessary. He says he could never do it.

    I want an end to this practice. I feel that America is very behind the times by not outlawing this practice.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
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  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    1. Varying levels of hitting on the bottom
    2. Yes, quite a bit...with hands, paddles and belts. Hell, the first elementary school I was at in OKC did paddling.
    3. I have no issues with it from my past. But now, if I had kids...perhaps I'd do a swat to shock. But no further. And no one else but me and the mom.
    Frankly, I don't mind if others do it with their kids as long as it's within reason and only with the hand.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
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  8. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    We absolutely do not practice any kind of corporal punishment. We feel extremely strongly that it is counterproductive at best, traumatizing at worst, especially given how difficult it is sometimes not to punish in anger anyhow-- making punishment corporal just invites things getting out of hand. We both think that hitting your child, no matter the reason, teaches them to fear you rather than to trust you, and that's not what we want.

    Little Levite experiences negative consequences of varying kinds, including losing favorite toys or books or articles of clothing for a time, losing bedtime ritual privileges (i.e., I won't sing him to sleep), time outs in his room alone, and other small things as they occur to us.

    But he's a strong willed little guy (I wonder where that comes from?), and he consistently responds far better to verbal affirmations and to inducements and rewards for positive behavior than he does to consequences or punishments for negative behavior. And leaning heavily on the carrot rather than the stick has so far seemed to work pretty well: he's awfully well behaved for a toddler.

    Mrs. Levite says she was spanked on just a small handful of occasions, and had resentful memories of it well into adulthood. My parents say they spanked me twice as a small child, on occasions when I did something literally dangerous to life and limb, in order to reinforce the seriousness of what I had done; but I cannot recall either incident. Overall, Mrs. Levite's parents were not fans of corporal punishment, and my parents really didn't believe in it.

    We don't really have friends who discipline their children with corporal punishment, but if we did, we certainly wouldn't permit it in our household. There is simply no hitting children under our roof.
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  9. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    Were this from a less reputable source I would think it must be an exaggeration. I cannot fathom how such a thing can possibly be true.

    I try not to be judgemental, because I'm not a parent and have no real claim to expertise in child rearing or childcare. Beyond my occasional informal childminding for family and a brief stint working at a youth club as a teen I have very little to go on when it comes to this sort of thing. But fucking hell, there is no context I can imagine where "not beaten enough" could possibly be an appropriate phrase to describe a child. Or anyone, for that matter. Maybe a masochist.

    Sorry, I don't mean to fixate. I'm just slightly horrified.
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  10. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    I was spanked a few times, mostly because I was so out of control that it was the only thing I would respond to. My mom used a wooden spoon, and it was a very deliberate ritual. I was very defiant and I have add. I wasn't a bad kid, but I didn't always have self control.
    I swatted my girls as toddlers a couple times. More because I was frustrated with a pair of two year olds. I'm pretty ashamed of it now. I think it's pretty unlikely I would ever do it again. They can think and reason and that is what I want. Not to fear me, but to think.
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  11. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    We were swatted on the butt a few times. Spanking should only be no more than a few swats on the butt, with an open hand, NOT IN ANGER. that's the key. There are a few children for which only a quick spank will jar them out of their violent tantrums or actually cause an appropriate response. These are children who need a physical cue and who don't process sensory information the same way the rest of us do.
    For neurotypical individuals, spanking doesn't usually work. It's over more quickly than time out or a restriction. So a lot of kids would choose it over losing computer time. Parents make the mistake of letting the child see that they are angry and this gets connected to the physical action... Therefore, it becomes okay to hit when you are angry. They don't have the higher order thought or level of moral development to understand the difference at the ages when children are typically spanked.
    I do, however, support a physical response to potential immediate danger... swatting a child's hand away from a hot iron or stove, etc. This connects an unpleasant sensation to an action (and a verbal explanation), without exposure to the actual consequence. In my experience, it hasn't led to an increase in physical reactions in kids.
    Spanking is just counterproductive and typically (these days) an almost instinctual response to a child provoking the parent, and the parent responding in anger. Usually, the parent was spanked as a child or was a physical child with his or her peers. According to the research. Most of us who weren't really spanked or not spanked in anger are more motivated to find a different way to discipline.
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  12. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    What is scary to me is that there is someone I know who was raised intentionally with rare spanking (2-5 times in his life, never in anger) who has chosen to raise their child with highly frequent frustration-driven spanks. They chose to listen to the mounds of terrible parenting advice that surrounds them here.
  13. SirLance

    SirLance Death Therapist

    I was spanked as a child and spanked my older kids, and my youngest, until I realized it was stupid to spank somebody for hitting... haven't done it since and found other ways to provide the discipline he needs.

    Although Mrs. Lance liked to have her bottom swatted on occasion... that was before the advent of menopause and the onset of the current sexual drought...
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  14. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    If I don't get to spank your child, neither should you.
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