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on being beautiful

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Strange Famous, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    I aint talking of "you're beautiful to me"or any such shit that people speak when they either in love or circumstance make them convince the mselves they are..

    I am talking about the real genetic celebraties, the real 10/10's., the really beautiful.

    I work with a girl who is genuinely beautiful. She is 21 and by the time she is 30 there is every chance she wont be perhaps, but she is now.

    But its weird how people treat her and react to her (guys and girls). If she is pleasant to someone people call her lovely (guys AND girls), if she is polite people say how bright she is. If she is (which I suppose she is) an ordinary girl every aspect of her personality gets hyped up by everyone who knows her.

    The thing I find weird if that its girls as much as boys who see everything she does which is nomal as special and lovely.


    I wonder what it must be like to be beutiful

    Is there a loneliness to it, and you just sity back and enjoy it till you hit mid 30's and its all over?
  2. Phi Eyed

    Phi Eyed Getting Tilted

    What we perceive as beautiful in a young person is normally based on outward appearances, since they have not had enough life experience to be exceedingly virtuous or cleverly funny, even. The most beautiful do not lose anything at 30, but instead gain a personal awareness and comfort level, thus making them more appealing and more beautiful, IMO.

    There is a loneliness to it if a beautiful person defines themselves only by culturally imposed standards of beauty. Perhaps she is treated better now than a plain looking person, but to sustain this good treatment, she'd better work on developing a beautiful story to go with it all.
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  3. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Maybe this is just your skewed view of beauty ... but I honestly think your problem lies here. That's not "real" beauty. That's just skin deep and good genes. That's attraction. That's sexyness. A very sexy person can be very unsexy when it comes to the bedroom department. That's primal.

    We're not animals. We know that there is more to skin deep. Unfortunately not all of us see through that.

    Also, beautiful people can be lonely if they surround themselves with superficial people. I should know. I surrounded myself with superficial people.

    Not that I'm beutiful, or anything.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2012
  4. It's a hell of a lot easier to be beautiful in your 20s than in your 50s, not that I ever was or will be.
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  5. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I'm sure I wouldn't know. Seems hard to believe it would be any worse than not being beautiful, though.
  6. Lordeden

    Lordeden Part of the Problem

    Redneckhell, NC
    I was beautiful once, then I cut my mullet off and no longer gained the charisma bonus.
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  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    No, I'm sure it can get surreal at times.
    As people overreact to them or try to impress them.

    I remember back in college, there was this girl named Susan, she was in my calculus classes.
    Profoundly beautiful, in a subtle sexy way...like a angelic golden blonde Angelina Jolie.
    She was sweet, unpretentious ...and didn't seem to go out of her way to project her looks...they were just that awesome.

    And she was brilliant to boot...I saw her calc work, clean...no sketches, looked like calligraphy...and they were right too.

    Obviously I had a crush on her...she had a steady boyfriend...but I remember one time when she said she wanted some gum.
    I launched myself out of class (before class started) across the courtyard like a flash, to go get an extra-large pack of gum and run back.
    Now, thankfully I played it off and I don't think anyone saw me...but I'm sure she may been slightly surprised to have me offering her some.

    Oh, it was bliss & agony, during our study group sessions...do you know how DIFFICULT it was to focus??
    Damn, that steady UPS working boyfriend. (compared to my Domino's flake job...curses, foiled again. :rolleyes:)

    But I'm sure if this happens often enough to you throughout your life...you may come to expect it.
    Depends on your valueset as to whether you take advantage of it or not.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2012
  8. Phi Eyed

    Phi Eyed Getting Tilted

    Angelina Joli is hideous. I'm sorry.
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I recently went to a reunion. People I hadn't seen for nearly 40 years. The girls who were stunning back in their late teens and early twenties had gone to pot, so to speak. I was no raving beauty in high school but have managed to take care of myself over the years. I looked better by far than most of them while still no raving beauty.

    We all got on fine but it was not beyond me to remember that I was not in their circle back in the day - not beautiful enough to hang out with them. Fortunately, it seemed most of them had moved on from that shallow place.

    That's the thing about superficial beauty. It goes away. I feel sorry for some uber beautiful women. At some point, we all have to let go and I think it must be so difficult for those women who, for a good part of their lives, were treated as someone special simply because of their level of outer attractiveness. Those women who can't move beyond that image of themselves to develop something of greater substance within to rely on.

    I see these sorts of women all the time. 40, 50, 60 and beyond still trying to hang on to their youth and attractiveness. Empty shells. It's sad really.

    Beauty can be a curse. Ugliness as well, I suppose. What comes of it all is what we make of it. I look at someone like Madeleine Albright . A very beautiful young women who didn't let her beauty run roughshod over her intelligence or stand in the way of one day becoming Secretary of State.


    I don't envy beautiful young women these days. It's far too easy for them to get lost in their own hype. Easier than it was in my day. Competition is fierce and staying on top requires greater and greater effort. The night is a bust unless you're the most beautiful women in the club.

    Average is good. Even below average. Gives a woman more opportunities for growth in every area possible. Honest.
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  10. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Yes, you should be sorry.
  11. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ok, Estella Warren then...which is actually more accurate for my description of this girl. (Joe Manganiello for those who love the guys)
    But whatever, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that...but let's say a significant volume of people find them VERY attractive.

    People can get strange on you when you're that attractive.

    Yes, it can easily go away.
    Yes, depends on if you make something of yourself
    Yes, depends on your self-worth
    Yes, depends on how you value others.

    But that's not really the question...the question is how people react when you're that attractive.
    George Clooney is likely getting more attention now than when he was younger.

    What can you get away with?
    Do you get into weird situations?
    Do people use you?

    There can be both advantages and disadvantages when you're uncannily beautiful.
    What if you're a scientist ...there are many that won't give you credit or respect, because supposedly you don't fit the mold...
    or dealing with those who react to you negatively...with envy or distain

    Actually it not just depends on the attractive person's self-worth...but the self-worth of those interacting with them too.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2012
  12. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
  13. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Heck yeah ... this sizzled like a branding iron on my inner bison herd.

    Hi Strange Famous
    I know the kind of beauty you're talking about.
    That type always felt to me to be the blank canvas aspect of people.

    I reckon my own eyes tended to notice and label beauty in terms of expressions and responses to what's going on. External signals of internal processes were my main way of identifying beauty and ugliness and I found it impossible to ignore the colour of people's souls when I judged them.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2012
  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I don't know about average...how about B+ for both sexes. :)

    A little bit of sensation of personal looks isn't bad...it's nice, does the ego good.
    It's when it's good much or not enough that's not so hot...the goldielocks point.

    It's like the other day...I was waiting for my tire to get fixed...and so young ladies were flirting in the waiting room.
    I knew I wasn't going to do anything, I wasn't going to followup...I didn't hide my marital status,
    but it did the ego something nice for a 45 yo guy beaten up by life a bit.

    And I don't begrudge my wife using her wiles to get some attention, unwanted or not.
    As long as she's real about it and doesn't betray a trust.

    And a bit of attractiveness is also good for a same-sex hetero scenario...even then, that helps a negotiation or communication.

    However, what counts more than anything else, is not a person's looks...it's their confidence, the ability to execute and connect.

    For me, it's not just beauty...but it is sincerity, kindness and ability...and communication.
    If that girl had just been a face, a body...that's very short lived...it's the fact that she was kind, had a personality...and her mind made her extra sexy.
    Same it true for celebrities...if they are shallow...forget about it...they might as well be blech.

    I've found over the long run, the majority of the population turns on this too.
    Their career and lives go south VERY quick in relative terms.

    Clooney, Pitt and Manganiello are that much more attractive to their admirers for their brain, ability and wit...as their face.

    God knows I want to be liked for more than just my body. :p
  15. Phi Eyed

    Phi Eyed Getting Tilted

    A significant amount of sheep find them "very attractive" because 1) they are usually photographed beneath strategic lighting 2) wearing pounds of make-up and 3) then photoshopped in half. Most of their accoutrements are fake; this includes their tits, teeth and hair. The significant volume that find the Joli's -a cross between Mick Jagger and John Voight-of the world beautiful, is because you have been instructed to do so.
  16. Ozmanitis

    Ozmanitis Trust in your will and Hope will burn bright!

    Texas USA
    There's a saying Japanese saying that goes "You could spend a lifetime looking for a perfect blossom..and it would not be a wasted life" which to me means that you could spend all your time looking for your version of beauty. and it would be worth the search.
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  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    uhh...first, I was using it as an example...so you visualize to what I was remembering.
    second, attractive is attactive...whether in the media or real life...sure they are enhanced when a pro, but still attractive people are still good-looking.
    third, a significant volume of people don't HAVE TO be sheep...they could be just simply in agreement.
    fourth and last, no one INSTRUCTS me in anything. I like what I like, I think for myself, period. (and yes, this gets me into trouble)

    sounds like you're a bit cynical in this department...if not angry.
    You don't have to rebel against ALL concepts and ideas to be an individualist or unique.

    Simply, think and evaluate for yourself...if it's good, great...if not, move on. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
    BTW...you may have to re-evaluate at some point in the future.

    Your viewpoint is just as bad in the extreme as the people who are shallow and trend-followers.
    Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater...
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  18. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Yeah, nobody instructed me to like Jolie. I personally think she could cut back on the lip injections, and needs a couple more sandwiches, but she's quite attractive. Sorry to burst your bubble, but other people have preferences for beauty that you don't share. That in no way implies that they were instructed to have these preferences or were somehow duped by the media. Brad Pitt, who is lovely in his own way ( I hates him so much!!! ), and in no need to pander to her beauty, finds her quite attractive. It may be her intelligence that seals the deal though.

    I like to think that I've got a diverse eye for beauty. All types of people can be beautiful, if you pay attention.

    ( I don't really hate Pitt. He's a good actor. )
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  19. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    I hate Pitt. I have to hate him.

    It's on principle. Being that lucky needs to be balanced out by my hate.
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