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MySpace graveyard

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by warrrreagl, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. warrrreagl

    warrrreagl Slightly Tilted

    Land of cotton.
    I visited my old MySpace page this morning, and it was like taking a tour through a graveyard. First, I'm surprised that I still remember my login and password. Secondly, the latest comment left by anyone was from 3 YEARS AGO. Good grief. I started clicking on the pages of my "friends" and I noticed that the most recent thing posted on any of their sites was also from 3 years ago. It was as if an extinction-level event occurred 3 years ago, and MySpace turned into the village around Chernobyl - still standing and preserved the way it was from the mass evacuation.

    The last thing that happened was ShaniFaye and I were involved in a back-and-forth conversation about a nearby Renaissaince Festival and Civil War forum, and then...nothing.

    Noodle was there, and astrocloud, and Giant Hamburger, and amonkie, and MixedMedia, and snowy, and oz, and ObieX, and La Petite Moi & NWLINKXVD (or whatever the fuck his name was), and Serlindsipity, and Jaeret, and a bunch of other people that I can't match up with their real names.

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  2. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I haven't looked at my MySpace in forever. I should probably delete it.

    A bunch of us are friends on Facebook, warrrreagl.
  3. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Hey, I'm stilled married on MySpace.

    /exwife needs to ghost that shit
  4. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I keep telling myself I need to delete my Myspace page, but then I either forget or decide I kind of like the preservation thing. Even after I stopped using it, I would play around with their karaoke software, but after they nixed that, I stopped visiting.

    I did like the ability to change my name. I'd do that every few months or so, and it was always some kind of song reference. Oh, hey. I had a pretty rockin' playlist, too.

    Interestingly enough, my last wall message was also from 2009.
  5. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    Shit, i totally forgot about my space. Ill have to see if i can remember my password and log in. Just to see what it was like back then. I need to remember not to open any doors cause there might be scary things in there. (Refering to the Chernobyl villages)
  6. Lucifer

    Lucifer Slightly Tilted Donor

    I think MySpace just re-invented itself and relaunched a few months ago. Designer friends of mine were very impressed with their new layout and format. I think MySpace is hoping for a rebound as more people begin to be tired of Facebook.
  7. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I deleted mine yesterday after being reminded.
  8. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I always considered MySpace a promotional tool, not a social space like Facebook. When Facebook came along, I signed up for it and thought it was a cool system, but I didn't really use it much at first.

    I signed up for MySpace purely to boost my Google ranking when I was setting up my freelance business. I don't think I did much else with it except use it as a resume posting.

    If it's any indication, I signed up for MySpace a year after I signed up to Facebook.
  9. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    I don't think I will ever be able to delete my myspace account. I fatfingered the email address I used to sign up for it, so that email address isn't an actual address at all, ending in ".ort" instead of ".org."

    Oops. Oh well.
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