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Move Penis without touching it

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by sailor, Aug 19, 2012.

  1. sailor New Member

    I have been searching about this over the internet.

    The question is, is it normal if a guy can make his penis go up and let it down using gravity when its half erect? Its called jabber wickling. You can search it in google.

    Why I find this strange is that some people say its possible and some say its not. Most girls don't find this interesting and they debunk people who say its possible by saying "EVERY GUY CAN DO IT! ITS NOT SOMETHING GREAT". Most guys make fun of it and divert it.If its possible, why haven't it become popular in movies and porn stuff?

    I have tried to move it like a snake, turn it sideways, make it go up and come back to its position, of course I am using gravity to make it go down but it looks like its dancing. I could also do an act of introducing someone to it. Ill ask them to say hi to my penis. I make my penis jump once and say hi to them again. But most women never find this interesting and change the situation and ask me to do something else or divert this always. Only one woman in her forties found it interesting and asked me whether I was tying a thread to my penis and was able to do it like a snake. I was wondering (though I do know girls don't find it interesting) how many guys can do this.

    I also tried one more thing when I was a naughty kid. I was standing so close to a girl in a crowded area in public. The crowd was pressing my pelvis over her back, my penis automatically was becoming erect. I tried this action there and it was like giving pulses on her back, pressing it and taking it back continuously. She felt surprised wondering what was inside my pants... It was like a snake reaching out to her back and pulling back and it was inside my pants. If it was that possible by everyone, this should have shown up in movies and stuff like that. But never heard of it till now. Hence I found it weird.

    Any comments are welcome even though they might turn out to be funny. But I like to read only those which are serious :)
  2. Everyone needs a hobby :D
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    How do you know she was surprised? Did you two have a conversation about it?

    I can't believe I'm posting on this thread.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Personally, I prefer to have my penis moved for me.
    • Like Like x 3
  5. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Yeah, but can you do this, sailor?

  6. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    Yes, it's always the same. I tried it on the bus. You think you have found something amazing, but some women lack curiosity, I guess.

    Of course, these days, nobody will sit next to me on the bus.

    My penis has nobody to say "hi" to any more. :(

    TOP TIP: Remember, don't try this at the Rugby club. Take my word for it!

    (** awaits links to Puppetry of The Penis videos **)
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2012
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  7. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Yeah, whenever I'm doing the old marionette routine with my throbbing sand worm, it's almost always to remind my old lady to get back to work on nature's waist-mounted shake weight. Consider it nonverbal communication. Other than the occasions where I get to plunge said fuck-bazooka into a wet female orifice, I totally prefer keeping it in a big pickle jar under the bed where it is out of the way and can't be used against me in a court of law.

    Erections are just awkward at any other time. It's like carrying a screwdriver around in public... unless you've got a reason, it just scares people.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2012
  8. sailor New Member

    Thanks for the video, I cant do the piano thing but I was telling about moving it without moving the pelvis. Google Jabber Wickling. I just found another thread on the same forum when I was searching about this so I was curious to post it here. (couldn't post the links since I am new.) Wanted to continue there but it said new registrations has to be done here.

    Hey no need to get angry here I said I did it when I was a kid, I don't prefer doing any of this in public either now or tried it when I was an adult. I didn't want to have a conversation with that girl either, because I was a kid, I was scared and she was much elder than me that time. If you argue she was not surprised, I don't want to prove it either. Cheer up I was just looking to get information as how many guys have actually tried to move their penis without touching it or moving their pelvis. Not into learning about the response of females or the psychology of females. No offense to anyone. :) Already mentioned girls don't find this interesting. Probably I was also thinking about quitting it since girls don't like it and I saw it in one movie "Bruno" and it was about gay :eek:. I asked my fried sitting next to me when I was watching the movie on ship that if its possible to do that. He said its possible to do it only by graphics and its not real. (I hate this gay thing and I prefer to be straight. :) ) I wouldn't even prefer going into a personal conversation with a guy about penis thing hence I am posting it here.

    --- merged: Aug 20, 2012 at 9:21 AM ---
    Just found a way to give the link here. Some guy posted this here and its pretty much the similar responses so as what is happening in this thread.


    Just add www the same site address in front and html in end. Hope its not a great offense since its a link to the same forum and not any other site. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2012
  9. sailor New Member

    Here is one quote when I tried to google it.

    Its a nice quote. But I haven't seen it in any movies really, (I am not talking about the piano stuff but if some one has info on this be kind to provide it here). Most possibly people aren't interested in doing it because it makes girls angry or loose their interest hence its not promotional. Also talking about it with another guy personally makes it look gay hence people give up on it. I am planning to do the same. :)
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2012
  10. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    People have even written songs about it ..

    A long, long time ago
    I can still remember how that music used to make me smile
    And, I knew if I had my chance that I would make my penis dance, and...
    Maybe they'd be happy for a while
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    "February made them shiver... with every jiggle I delivered... pervert on the doorstep... my manhood: a bouncing threat."
  12. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    I can't remember if I cried, but something shrivelled up inside
    My jabber wickling mojo died
    The day I wed my bride
    • Like Like x 2
  13. sailor New Member

    Thanks, Nice one, this one I couldn't find it in google.

    I found this quote

    :mad: Jabber Wickling = Perverting/Crime/Offence? Yes, this quote makes me suppose Jabber Wicklers are criminally insane too.:oops: Should never think about it.
  14. ouniturHALJNS

    ouniturHALJNS New Member

  15. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Wow, over-react much sailor? I don't see how "jabber-wickling" under a desk during class mentioned "pervert", "crime" or "offence". That seems like something you've added in yourself.

    That said, it could be all of the above, if you get caught. Especially if you get caught by an underaged girl.
  16. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I disagree with your insistence that this feat does not interest women, sailor. I think it ranks up there with watching the weeds grow in my garden and clipping my toenails. I must admit though, I'm only still around waiting to hear how this skill will one day bring about world peace.

    Might be time for an equally interesting thread about female kegeling.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2012
  17. sailor New Member

    Not much threads about jabber wickling over the internet. Hardly 3 or 4 guys have posted about and it had the similar responses to this thread. One response is very obvious. It Provokes anger. In both males and females. I have found the answer. Since very few people can do this the rest get jealous and what is received are insults and blames about crimes...I wouldn't be reading this thread and posting about it any longer since I got the answer.

    Hardly any guys who started the topic replied after it.

    Thanks to all of you for your responses. From these responses I learn that Jabber Wickling

    1. Is not possible by all hence it does not become popular. This is absolutely true.
    2. It really makes females angry since they don't want any male to be any special (so as males who can't do it).
    3. Although its not something great, since its about genitals which are hardly used in everyday life people get jealous about it and call for blames, even underage molestation.
    4. Ones who talk about it are ridiculed and blamed for crimes and it is not taken very lightly.

    So this is what I have found and I am leaving. Cheer up all you can go for a better thread like female kegeling.
  18. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    This has to be one of the most idiotic responses I've ever read in all my time at TFP. We didn't respond with awe and wonder, so you've decided that we've all insulted you. That's an irrational conclusion and frankly one that ignores the attempts at humor and respect for your feelings that has, up to this point, been evident in this thread.

    And now I'll stop caring about your feelings - who the fuck cares if you can make your dick dance? It has to be one of the stupidest talents that's ever been proposed since it has no benefit to anyone beyond a dirty parlor trick. It will not help you please a partner, and it will not impress them. You're overly concerned about what gay guys think - my guess is that most of them will care even less than we do here since we have, up to this point, managed to humor you.

    Maybe if you bothered to read what was posted, I'd give a shit about any other responses, but as of now, I will find it difficult to conclude that you're anything except a frustrated snowflake that fails at self-aggrandizement.
  19. Punk.of.Ages

    Punk.of.Ages Getting Tilted

    I can do it...

    I call it the Mexican Dick Dance. It always gets a giggle from the ladies. Not a long laugh or anything, though. Mainly because shortly after showing them the dance, I put it in one of their orifices because that's a lot funner than making it dance.

    Anyway, I never thought it was all that special. I thought anybody could do it.

    Also, it has its uses beyond dirty parlor trick. If I move it right, it can help stimulate certain lady parts...
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Damn it. I've been working all day at making my dick dance around like a puppet on a string. It was a long car ride and I needed something to do. I even made it twitch under my pants when I stopped at a rest stop but the three old ladies in the Mercury Sable didn't seem to notice. I was going to ask sailor for advice.... damn, all that work for naught.