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Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by clarksdale, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. clarksdale

    clarksdale Vertical

    I just came home from a massage and am feeling wonderful. I've had many over the last few years, when I started getting them as I recovered from an auto accident. Now, however, they are primarily "relaxation" experiences. So I go into a dimly lit room with my usual masseuse, and after we talk a little, she leaves and I get naked and climb under the sheet/blanket in a warmed bed. Then she comes back, and with a background of new age/Native American flute music and incense, she works me over. So here's the thing. My naked body is being touched by a young woman. I've thought many times that this is interesting - that it could be sexual. But it never is. Even when, if I'm in a mood, I kind of want to imagine that it is or could be, it never is. I've never gotten an erection, and that isn't too hard for me, no pun intended. I'm curious as to why this is. Maybe it is that part of the time she is kind of hurting me - you know, when they push those muscles and ligaments, stretch them out and then let them pop back? That kind of hurts and I'm not into pain as part of my sexual palette. But I simply can't make it a sexual thing, not with my head, not with my body.
    Why is that?
  2. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    You should move to Canada.
    It's more funner there.
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  3. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    You could ask for a more "localized" massage and see what happens.:)
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  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Personally, I think the whole experience is so relaxing that it's difficult to get aroused, much less maintain arousal. This even happens when my husband gives me a massage, haha.
  5. LinaT14

    LinaT14 Vertical

    I think it's all in the way you're being touched. There's the cold, clinical doctor type touching which is very impersonal, and is usually characteized by quicker movements, and then there's the kind that leads to arousal. Which is slower and lingering.
  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I love them, when I get the opportunity or can afford them.
    But I usually only go at sports clubs/gyms, I've gone only to outside of that once.

    For some reason, I prefer only ladies working on me.
    When I've had guys try it, it's a bit too deep or strong...women seem to get it just right for my muscles. (don't know why)

    But I have found, if you flirt a bit...they sometimes go longer than the set time.
    But I've only had the extra time, not the "bonus" options...that's not my thing.

    But I do recommend them, especially after a good workout.
  7. Lucifer Slightly Tilted

    The Darkside
    We go often and we usually get the same guy to do us both (at different times, of course), and with the exception of the thing that he does to me, where he digs his elbows into my butt (he doesn't do that to Seamaiden), the massages are pretty similar. He really goes to town on our backs and legs, and even though it's incredibly painful in places, I'm in such a good place, I usually fall asleep on the table.
  8. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    I had taken massages in Seoul, Shanghai not so far in the US. What I experience is a total relaxation which is opposite to arousal. I had even slept off during a massage. I think it is very unfair to massage all your muscles except one among the precious one. No pun intended.

    I had heard the term sensual massage but never experienced it so far. Would like to though.
  9. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I don't get it...the OP wants to sprout wood during massage, and is disappointed at not doing so? Unless one is in a "sensual massage parlor" that's basically just a front for a whorehouse, why would not swinging a stiffy be a problem at a massage?? I have been friends with a number of massage therapists (both genders), and I can assure you, none of them wants their clients to throw up a tent-pole. So I guess I am at a loss as to the problem.

    Personally, I seldom get massages, and have only ended up popping a rod once or twice, and on those occasions the masseuse was inordinately hot, and slightly flirty (enough for it to be unprofessional of her, but not, alas, enough for it to lead anywhere good). Usually, I just don't find it sexy: it's therapeutic, and vaguely physiospiritual. It just ain't the kind of touchee that makes Beefy McManStick get up and stretch....
  10. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I get massages quite frequently. There is nothing better. Wood happens. The women that are doing the massage are used to it. A couple of them have even gone as far as to give it a quick squeeze (through the sheet) and poke fun at me.

    It's not a big deal.
  11. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I love massages and I've had them done by both men and women. They've never been sexual for me and I wouldn't want them to. Sex is sex. Massage is therapeutic.

    Granted, sex can be therapeutic in its own way. But, for me, the twain do not meet.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. clarksdale

    clarksdale Vertical

    Yeah, I didn't say I was looking for sexual arousal, but that I'm wondering why it doesn't happen, given the circumstances. Just curious. I absolutely love the massage and always go for the 90 minutes and even then am sorry it is over. I know my masseuse pretty well now, and it isn't at all clinical, and yes, I'd probably be embarrassed if I got a woody. But I'm just saying that it seems like it would be a sexual experience, but it never is. Maybe it is too spiritual, and maybe it is that new agey music which keeps my head on a higher plane than the base places it might otherwise go.
  13. It is pretty much unpossible to figure how dicks work. Get hard when they want, not when we want. The same with not getting hard. Something about having a head of its own.....
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  14. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    LOL !!!!!
  15. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    So true. That's the only reason why I can think that some massages get me aroused and other are just like getting a haircut.
  16. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    The 46 year old dick that I played with this morning works better than the sixteen year old dicks that I played with twenty years ago.:)
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  17. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I'm with mixedmedia. I've gotten lots of massages from women. Occasionally from attractive women. I've never gotten aroused. But I absolutely love them for what it does to my muscles.

    And for the record, I've always been able to get aroused when I'm meaning to (even when on antibiotics or other meds supposed to cause issues in that dept). So I don't think it's a physical thing that massages don't cause that for me. Maybe part of it is because most of the massages have been from therapists that we are also friends with and I didn't want to impact that friendship? Dunno.
  18. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    I want to stand corrected. Penis/Erection is not a muscle factor. So Happy Ending is not really a massage thing.
  19. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    The last massage I had was given to me by a big, strong redheaded woman. In my head I named her Olga. She beat me something fierce ( in a good way) and I never thought once of sex. If I had been able to think of sex, I would have been disappointed in the massage.

    That being said I have perused a few vids of a Nuru massage, and that looks quite appealing to this Cayvmann... I doubt Mrs. Cayvmann will agree to let me get one though.
  20. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    No matter what your age, it's 16-year-old you with ADD down there calling the shots.
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