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Labor Orgasms?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by genuinemommy, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    So there's a rumor that labor can be pain-free, and even orgasmic.
    What is your experience - was your labor orgasmic?
    So many women describe natural childbirth as difficult but "so rewarding" after it is through - is this why?
    Is the flush of oxytocin a woman experiences to stimulate milk production also the result of an orgasm?
    There's a documentary on the topic called Orgasmic Birth: What is Orgasmic Birth? | Orgasmic Birth
    Here are some snippets from an article that describes the phenomenon:
    Full article here: Labor Orgasms Called 'Best-Kept Secret' - ABC News

    And here's a clip:
    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EQ_-irO50w&noredirect=1

    I'm 5 months pregnant and exploring my options when it comes to natural birth techniques. I'm interested in finding a way to perceive the stimulus often construed as pain into something intensely pleasurable. The biggest hurdle with a first birth seems to be in avoiding tearing the perineum. Vaginal stretching exercises during pregnancy and perineal massage during labor seems to be an excellent way to overcome this issue. I'm not sure if an orgasm is possible in a birth center/hospital environment like the one I will be in, but with my husband as my birth coach (and a little practice having sex in awkward spaces between now and then), we might just make it work.

    But it's definitely not the kind of birth I want my mother in the room for...
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2012
  2. Cwtch38

    Cwtch38 Bat Shit Crazy

    I can remember someone telling me to smile when the pain got really bad, I looked pretty manic but it worked.
    I had gas and air and pethidine on both boys. Didn't really stop the pain but took the edge off it.
    Leave your options open, you may not need anything or you may scream for them to knock you out :D
  3. Gas and air is a must - I got the munchies from it. My midwife once told me there comes a point in every delivery, when the woman looks at her partner, and her eyes and face say 'look what you done to me you bastard'.
    My sister was cut after delivery as it was hospital policy - crock of dung. You ever hear bikers talk about having 'gone down the road' - thats how your hoo ha will feel - gravel burn - solution is savlon to wash immediately after peeing.
  4. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    Well, never tell the Doc you want to do this drugfree. I did that the first time and went through 22hrs of labor, with my husband saying "I'm never doing this again."
    I think he was in more pain then I was and ended up on a chair ready to pass out.
    I have seen many video's on how to make it a painless easy birth and really wonder if it is posssible. After having three I'm not sure, but the third only took about 30 minutes, no pain meds.
  5. Phi Eyed

    Phi Eyed Getting Tilted

    There's an oxymoron for ya. Are you kidding me? I wanted to put a gun to my head both times; the second time for being stupid enough to do it again.
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  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I think speed is definitely a factor when women say that giving birth wasn't so bad. Almost all of the women I know who have had children and were okay with labor were those who gave birth in a relatively short amount of time. Take my MIL. She had some mild contractions and so she went over to her parents' house to watch television, since she was home alone. Grandpa came home from work and she told him she was having mild contractions. Grandpa said, oh hell no, you are not staying here, you are going to the hospital at once! My MIL is thankful to this day that he was so insistent; she says she would have given birth in the elevator otherwise.

    A lady I worked for had a home birth and she said that was much more pleasant than the hospital for her, as she got to do things on her schedule and in a way that made her feel comfortable. Of course, her labor only lasted approximately 3 hours.
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  7. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Labor orgasms?
    Isn't that what happened to British liberals when Madame Thatcher resigned?
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  8. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    Haha yep! :)
  9. i saw the birth of both of my boys.

    I orgasmed both times watching the boys make home base while i was munching on KFC. Those burgers were to die for. Or maybe they were so nice because of all the hurt and pain that was in the room. Im not so sure. What i am sure about is that those burgers were so damn nice.
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  10. i have to add that i still dont understand why my wife was giving me death stares for having those burgers.

    just because you're going through pain doesnt mean i have to starve to death.

    jeez louise
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  11. ScarletBegonia

    ScarletBegonia Vertical

    I recently watched a segment on Strange Sex where a woman experienced an orgasm while giving birth to her first child. She had a water birth too. She said it was amazing and was looking forward to the birth of her second child. There was no orgasm with the second birth though.

    If she didn't focus on the orgasm so much, maybe it would have just happened. I know that's the case for me. ;-) Her body was different too after the first and that may be another reason why it didn't happen. Who knows. It definitely is interesting though.
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  12. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    I never did report back to this thread after I gave birth. My labor was short, intense, natural. I didn't experience pain except crowning. That was brutal. Waiting a minute between contractions with her head stuck was hard. I popped a few blood vessels in and around my eyes, but I didn't break a sweat. Maybe next time it'll be orgasmic, if there is a next time.
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  13. I do not need to read this stuff.
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  14. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I know there are these videos, and I hear rumors, but I can't help being skeptical. I feel like I would be precisely equally skeptical if a guy said to me, "Yeah, this one time I slammed my nads in a desk drawer so hard I nearly crushed them, but I breathed right and there was relaxing music playing, and son of a bitch if I didn't just come like I never came before!"
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  15. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Tissue tears happen, and since ~2005 the expert consensus has been that episiotomies are not only unnecessary but more painful and offer a worse recovery all around. The procedure is up there with C-sections on the list of things doctors more or less strongarm women into for their own convenience and profit but are really unnecessary the majority of the time.

    On the flipside I've yet to hear from any mother I know that skipping painkillers was a great idea, so even though I don't have a uterus my response to people who insist drug-free childbirth is better because it's "natural" is to smile and say "So is arsenic".
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  16. PatG New Member

    I saw the heading , and thought it involved shenanigans involving Shop Stewards and Bussiness Agents.

    But related to the actual topic, someone I knew who is a Forensic Hypnotist (among other things) reports having hypnotised his wife for child birth, and she could tell that somthing was happening, but felt no pain w/o drugs.
    --- merged: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:04 PM ---
    I saw the heading , and thought it involved shenanigans involving Shop Stewards and Bussiness Agents.

    But related to the actual topic, someone I knew who is a Forensic Hypnotist (among other things) reports having hypnotised his wife for child birth, and she could tell that somthing was happening, but felt no pain w/o drugs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2013