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Kate or Mitt, who's the bigger idiot?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Stan, Sep 20, 2012.

  1. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    It seems the the Republican nominee for president made a few less than diplomatic comments behind closed doors at a private fundraiser. It also seems the future queen of England has been nude sunbathing in France. Recordings of both are now entertaining the masses via the internet.

    What expectations should either have for privacy?

    To my thinking, both ought to be aware that they are under a microscope. While the invasion of privacy is wrong in both cases, both are idiots for not being aware that any indiscretion will likely be publicized.

    Note that the topic is about privacy, not 47% or the future queen's tata's.
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  2. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    This is pretty much my thinking. In certain situations, there might be an expectation of privacy--let's say Kate was sunbathing nude in the middle of a courtyard on private property and the papparazzo climbed up on to the roof of the building in order to snap pics of her. THAT would be an invasion of privacy. Distance from other buildings should not necessarily be considered a private place if you're in the public eye. However, I don't see what she has to be ashamed of, and I think the royals really need to get with the times. Nudity happens.

    Mitt especially should be aware that his every word could be recorded, especially if he is in wider company. People are just looking for him to stick his foot in his mouth and say something stupid. He's made it abundantly clear that he does not understand what middle class America is, despite his best efforts to paint himself as an average American.
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  3. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    What about Harry? That was worse than Kate IMO.

    I actually think Prince William is the biggest idiot in the boob scandal. If he had just let the story/frenzy go it's course, the whole thing would have died down by now, but I can't fault him too much for trying to protect his bride. I don't think Kate was really that stupid in this whole ordeal. I mean shit, she was in a country where nudity is readily accepted, and she wanted to bathe in the sun in the most natural condition known to man. She may be a very public figure, but I don't see why we should hold them to a standard where they can't sunbathe nude when I can go to the beach and do the same thing. Perhaps the public that places the standards on celebrities/royalty etc in these situations is the biggest mass of stupidity.

    Harry, William and Kate all pale in comparison to Mitt though. They were merely being young and enjoying themselves without actually hurting anyone, whereas Mitt and his camp have real potential to hurt a whole nation with the idiocy they present on a regular and unashamed basis.

    So to get back to the question - Mitt wins this race (and hopefully the only one he'll win) quite handily.


    let's go watch people die in the streets
    let's go watch the homeless and laugh at them

    Last edited: Sep 20, 2012
  4. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    taking off your top anywhere outside when you're a member of the royal family should be a no brainer. but somehow william did manage to top that haha.

    and this super shocking behind the scenes audio of romney was unprovking. seriously this is the worst thing the guy said behind closed doors? all he was saying is there's a certain percentage of people's votes that he has no chance of capturing. *gasp* shocking romney audio tape, oh wait look it's fucking nothing...

    no expectation of privacy in any of the cases. too high profile to secure such privacy in the age of smart phones that can do anything.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2012
  5. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    But Mitt and Ann ate on a fold down ironing board and their desk was a pair of saw horses. I believe that. I'm sure lots of sons of governors and former GM Exe's live that life style. They totally have to understand the middle class that's where they came from.


    Mitt's a twit.

    As for Kate... well, I think she should have known better. If you're one of the most photographed women in the world you might not want to sun bath topless ANYWHERE unless you're cool with the entire world checking out your tatas.

    Celebrities don't live the same lives as other people. They don't wait in lines at the airport, movies, events. They don't worry if an large phone bill will mess up the family budget. They do put up with, or have to put up with, people following them around. Not being able to go out in public without a bunch of security hassles. I can walk out my door and no one knows me and no one cares. When Kate walks out her door anyone with an internet connection can probably find out when she left, where's she's likely going, who she left with and very likely what designer she's wearing.

    I'll be leaving shortly. For the record I'm wearing Levi's today and I'll be headed to Home Depot alone.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2012
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  6. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Wasn't there a bit of a scandal back in the 80s/early 90s with Diana and Sarah sunbathing nude? I sort of vaguely remember it. Seems like, at this point, the royal family would just be all, "hey, we don't like tan lines. Deal with it."
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  7. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    i dont get the sense the royal family is jammed packed with rocket scientists.

    mitt's campaign is a shambles. i wish that was on its own enough to assure he won't get anywhere near the presidency. but pt barnum was right about alot of americans. so there's still reason to be concerned.
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  8. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    From the little I have followed the Kate Middleton story I read those pictures were taken from 800 yards away with a super zooms lens.
    What shocking news that she is female and has breasts...*rolls eyes* Wouldn't care anymore personally about that if she posed for the Page 3 cameras. How is this even newsworthy compared to whatever that Prince Harry did in Vegas? No interest in either matter here.

    Mitt Romney strikes me as a first rate fool. I was so looking forward to have someone replace Obama in the white house but the GOP managed to find a candidate that screams "Hell No!" and ranks above Obama on the "Not Going to Vote for" list.
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  9. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Mitt is the bigger idiot by far.

    Kate is a hot chick, celebrity. So some douche took pictures of her with a zoom camera lens.
    And now we get to see her bewbies. Big deal. They're there to make milk for the future prince. What's the big scandal?
    Take a picture of her that shows a big hairy set of balls, that will be a scandal.

    Mitt, knows he is running for President and people are recording everything he says, and says something utterly moronic that will offend a large number of voters.
    That takes the cake.
  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    eh...to be a Royal, you've got to be a bit of an exhibitionist these days.
    Only the Queen acts like a lady always...and she's got her hubby to draw the fire with his colored phrases.

    Lady Di got caught in one difficulty after another...Charles is a stiff, so unlikely to do anything, unless its wanting to be reborn as his love's tampon.

    Fame and fortune...and the center of attention always...and you go into it voluntarily??
    Nah, you've got some deep need to strut your stuff.
    Then again, Kate's prince fell in love/lust with her when she did a runway in lingerie...so she wasn't shy.

    Romney is the stupid one...he should know ANYTHING can be used against you.
    And unlike the Royals...he needs votes to keep his power.
  11. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    In the South of France, if you get the opportunity to photograph anything other than fat, topless German fraus you jump on it.

    If this royal couple have expectations of privacy once they venture from their Cambridge fortress, they are seriously deluding themselves. Secretly, I don't think Kate minds all that much. She is definitely of the SMYTs generation. Hiding boobs is so old-school. But as usual, it's the Queen who gets her panties in a bunch over this stuff. And maybe Will would prefer the male world doesn't get a look at what he snuggles up between every night. But hey, it's the British Royal Family and we've all come to expect this. Not that most of us care, but obviously some care enough to keep the tabloids paying the globe trotting paparazzi for this stuff.

    No privacy for them, I'm afraid, and none for Mitt either though it's a fact that no one has to lurk in the shadows to catch him putting his foot in his mouth. He does enough of that publicly.
  12. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    The British navy should just conquer an private island somewhere that is miles from any other island, build a little resort, and have security watch for boats. Along with some way to block aerial images.

    The bigger security blunder is why any photographer could have ever found out where they were staying at, or they were even in town.

    I think that people should have some expectation of privacy in a private residence. I don't think many people would be cool with me hooking up an internet video camera in their shower. Even though I have no problem with nudity, it does seem a bit much.

    As for Mitt, anything is fair game. Unless it is some conversation he has with his wife in bed. But, I hope the photographer never catches him sunbathing topless or bottomless.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2012
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  13. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    This thread inspired me to make this little thing -

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2012
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  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Actually, to give the famous and celebrities the benefit of the doubt...I think they should start slamming the Tabloids with lawsuits galore.

    Politicians are on their own...more light needs to be shed on them.
  15. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Mind if I share this?
  16. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    Sorry I don't buy this. Many celeb's send out press releases to get the press to show and get their photos and stories out there. They announce before hand there they'll be so these guy will take their photo. Many want that celebrity and popularity, increases their "stock" and value as celebrity. They want to get fuzzy warm stories of their personals out there. Then they want their "real" personal lives private. Take a guy like Eastwood. You rarely see him in the tabloids. His wife, I'm told, has some Gene Simmons style reality show but I guess you rarely if ever see him on it. He doesn't seek that shit out. Others do. They tweet where they'll be dining or partying and they expect... THEY want photog's to show. There was a youtube someone sent me once where some young actress (Tara Reid?) on a clubs video cam was in tears because no one showed up to "cover' her night out. She was crying and saying stuff like "Why isn't anyone here to shoot me?" Her friend told her maybe we should circle the block a few more time, maybe they're late?" In complete tears she screams "no! we've tried that four fucking times!" To add complete insult to the incident I don't think the club even let her in, not on the "list." She never said it on the grainy cracking video but the whole thing ended with her face saying "But, but, I used to be someone!" Welcome to the "X" list.

    As for the Royals I'd give them a little more privacy if it were up to me but it isn't up to me. I still think the fact Kate has her breasts displayed all over the net and in many magazines is partly her fault. She knows fully well she's photographed all the time. Maybe she thought they were far enough from public view no one could possibly get a "shot?" Don't know. But of it happens it again I'd say she likely wants the attention. I also say "they're breasts, get over it." Gez, the way everyone's getting worked up about this you'd think she was filmed blowing a hobo. She could have put this to rest when it first came out by making, what I think Cinn suggested, a statement that said "I don't like/didn't want tan lines, what's the big deal? Deal with it and get a life folks."
  17. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    not at all, feel free to distribute as you see fit.
  18. I'm a big fan of the idea of "I'm going to live my life and do what I want. If you want to scrutinize me, go for it. If the world knows that I sunbathe nude, or that I have less-than-popular opinions about particular subsets of people, then that's just who I am. You can either accept me or not."

    I know it doesn't really work that way in real life, where the ultimate goal is to have as much approval as possible (even resulting in damage control when someone does something that the world "doesn't agree with"). Because the more people that like you, the more powerful and influential you become, and humanity is greedy.

    Apropos to my belief is Billie Joe Armstrong's recent "freak out" at the iHeartMusic festival. I applaud him for what he did, even though some others don't. He's just being himself.
  19. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    I was wondering
