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It was all good until my dumbass friend said...

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Plan9, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    It was all good until my dumbass friend said...

    Dumbass friends? We all have them. And they say some fantastic shit at the most inopportune times.


    - Out at a bar with my buddy following my afternoon college class, met some snobby-but-there girls, got to the usual "tell us about yourself" show 'n tell part in the conversation when he suddenly goes "Yeah, this guy and I? We're MMA fighters. I train him." Now, if anything turns a girl's clit into a truck stop vending machine raisin (bone dry shriveled) it's probably two scrawny white guys claiming to be in the same arena as BJ Penn and Anderson Silva. Don't get me wrong, my buddy is a really good full contact karate fighter. He's fought competitively, traveled internationally for it and has been knocked out by names you've actually heard of if you're into the sport. He did, in fact, train me. But you can't brand yourself as an MMA fighter if you don't look the part. When you're like 6'6", 185 pounds soaking wet with a brick in each pocket, have a Scooby Doo's Shaggy haircut and are dressed up like a GAP model people will just assume you're totally full of shit, brah. I felt like I was standing next to Kip from Napoleon Dynamite after that. And I'm guessing the girls did too given their expression. I'm not sure how much pussy he's pulled from dropping the cage fighter line but it really, really has to go. The only thing that could be worse than claiming to be a cage fighter is claiming to be a friggin' ninja. Or maybe a superhero.

    You are not a cage fighter.​

    - Sitting in a booth at a restaurant across from an army buddy. Guy is a belligerent drunk yet everybody seems to like him. One of those guys; he's got that weird rock star vibe, I guess. Our waitress was a pretty cute college girl so he decides to put the moves on her after what may have been his second or third drink in like ten minutes. And when I say moves, I mean asshole moves. "Hey, did you know I'm a superhero?" "Oh, yeah? So you fight crime?" "I do; you wanna guess my superpower?" Now, there are about a million ways that this could have gone that would have involved humor or a pick-up line--something positive--but old boy had been into the Jack and Cokes and I suddenly got a bad feeling. "It burns when I urinate!" He didn't say it, no, he nearly screamed it and cackled. My flabbergasted WTF? face was probably worthy of its own Reddit F7U12 meme. She brought the check later. No further conversations were had. I'm pretty sure she'll remember my buddy forever... as Smiley Genital Sores Man.

    Herpes is not a superpower.​


    Your mission:

    So, TFP... let's have it: the dumbestass-dumbass statements of all time coming from your friends, family and coworkers. I want fucked up meetings, ruined phone calls, bombed pickup lines, awkward holiday discussions, wildly inappropriate topics, stoic bosses, police officers, angry wives, etc.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
  2. If they want to believe, they will believe. Years ago in a similar situation I told some young women that I was a test pilot. Alcohol made me want to say it. Alcohol made them want to believe it.
  3. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    You were that guy, huh? Story of your username, amiright?
  4. We would have made a helluva pair. MMA fighter and test pilot on the town.

    Ain't no sheep safe tonight.
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  5. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    Well, there's the time I was pledging my fraternity...we were sent on a scavenger hunt in Boston.
    My one pledge brother drove us up in his dad's car (I didn't have one at the time), he refused to drive it around the city in fear of crashing it.
    Then he lost all our money in one shot to a 3-card monty dealer in the park. (and so his nickname, "Gambler")
    Then we wandered into the middle of the Combat Zone at night. (back when it existed...)
    We were supposed to get "gifts" for the big brothers as part of our hunt...one of which was a pair of stripper's panties.

    So I'm trying to get us in without having "of age" ID's, since they served alcohol.
    And right in front of the friggin' door, he says loudly, "I'M NOT GOING IN THERE!!!"

    And besides the fact he just ruined us getting in...is the fact he just made us a potential target in the middle of the zone.
    I say to him..."Damn man! Why don't you just write 'Kill Us' on our foreheads??"

    Then we walk away, a dealer walks up to us and says, "Hey, you want some shit man?"
    I'm trying to play it cool, just say "nah, we're cool" and with all obviousness, his jaw drops and he just stared at the guy aghast at the question.
    Fortunately, after I let him know we were fine...there was no issue and he walked away.
    I thought if we get out here alive with this idiot, I'm the luckiest SOB.

    Fortunately I found an adult bookshop to get a copy mag with Ron Jeremy, who happened to look like one of our big brothers, for a "gift"
    I found a traffic sign for their rooms, a certain light, several Beer company signs to appropriate, etc... (thus my name "rogue", wanna guess my pledgeclass?)

    How's that?
    I got a ton of them...
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2012
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  6. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    I was at a party one night, when one of my buddies says (to the girls we are chatting up), "We're comedy writers". This might've worked if either of us were funny in any way.
  7. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    funniest unsuccessful pickup line in recent memory: "i fly jets" to another Academy girl who was dolled up and looking like a hot civilian until she asked him questions only a cadet would ask. he shut his gob right quick after that.
  8. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I was a waitress at a diner and when I dropped off the ticket at this guy's table, smiled and said "You have a nice day," he replied with "You have a nice butt."
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    When I was 21 and living in San Diego, I heard there was going to be a solar eclipse down in Cabo, Mexico.
    It was going to be the first full one near me in North America in years.
    And damn if I didn't want to miss it.

    Well, I didn't have a lot of money...so taking a plane, train or boat was out of the question.
    So I got the brilliant idea of driving down there. (having never been to Mexico before...and doing it in my little Daihatsu Charade yet)

    And one of my friends at the time, was intelligent enough to let her 17 yo go with me...

    Now, anyone who's been down there (not me then) knows there's a HUGE difference of US road quality and Mexican (at least in Cabo in the 90's)
    Not as much signage, questionable drivers without licensing or insurance, not as much civilization, gas availability, etc, etc, etc...

    Let's put it this way...after I got past Tijuana proper, there is an uncanny cultural habit of putting gravestones up on the sides of the road,
    gravestone after gravestone for some miles on end...not a good omen.

    Well between the huge glass mounds on the side of the road, (the "awesome" soda truck drivers accidently tip their load over, and don't clean it up...)
    And the coyote packs chasing me
    And the abandoned metal skeletons of unfinished business towers out in the middle of nowhere
    And the "quality" truck drivers almost crushing me against the canyon sides of the road
    And the mass migrations of rats crossing the road in the dark in front of me. (no exaggeration here, think of a B-movie, with thousands...)
    and so on...I'd say we have an adventure here.

    So on one particular portion of the drive...there was a LONG stretch of road
    I mean...long, flat, no turns, NOTHING to see...mile after mile for hours. (and no speed limit...)
    So after a while...you're making a pretty good pace. (especially for a 21 yo guy with a heavy foot)

    To say the least, we were bored...but finally up ahead in the distince...we see something
    A monument. Cool, something to see and be interested in as we pass by.
    I'm thinking we'll keep our driving to make our destination, we'll have gone by a "morale" milemarker.

    So for some distance we keep seeing it coming...and then coming up fast...in front of us.
    You'd think...on a straight fast highway that there be a passby...perhaps at the most a small curve to allow cars to go on.
    But NOooo...
    Suddenly I realize that there is no curve, NO signs, NO warnings, NO slowdowns
    The damn road just all of a sudden swings out AROUND the huge stone monument.

    I'm like, OH SHIT!!!
    Somehow I was able to hit my brakes, turn sharply...make the turn, avoid crashing into the monument...
    Sticking out my tongue to the side while turning the wheel like I was back playing those racing video games back in my teens...
    and we fortunately came to a rest...at a "rest stop" on the other side of the road.

    So, I'm in shock, breathing hard...taking quick note of my car and its status
    and the 17 year old kid, oblivious to how near his death had just been says excitedly,
    "Oh man!! That was SO cool!! You just like stuck out your tongue and DID IT!!"

    I look at him in a daze...and think sarcastically, "sure...cool, now let me stop having a heart attack...and clean out my shorts"

    To this day, I don't know how I made that...must less not rolling over or even messing up my car a bit.
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  10. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    I was at an out-of-town wedding for a buddy back in 2002; all the guys were there and we all left our wives/girlfriends at home, except for one guy who was content to wallow in his own misery and self-pity. Anyway, we were entertaining some of the bridesmaids and the waitresses at the rehearsal dinner...

    ...you know what? Pictures will tell the story better than words. May I present to you in webcomic form, "How to Kill a Party Atmosphere/Dry Up a Vagina in Less Than 5 Seconds"

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2018
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  11. SirLance

    SirLance Death Therapist

    "Fuck you, you can't arrest us!"
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  12. Scud

    Scud Vertical

    Belle Vernon, PA
    Here's one from my own sorted college past;

    I went straight to college after high school and my friend Ted went into the marine corp like his father and brother before him. After completing his training. Ted joined the reserves and reported to an armory about an hour away from where I went to school here in Indiana. During a long weekend, Ted loaded up a couple of his fellow marines into his red Chevy Impala and drove into town to tear through some college bars and through some college girls. I was brought in as the designated driver as I knew where their motel was and what bars the local talent was likely to visit.

    If getting ruthlessly drunk, mildly hostile, and completely full of bullshit is a rite of passage of young men; their passports were stamped that night. When the collective alcohol level reached "too drunk to flirt," I rounded up Ted's crew and headed to the car. We were about half way to the motel when slurred demands for food started to erupt from the back seat, so I turned into a nearby gas station and turned them loose again.

    A major detail I did not include above is at the time I was being treated for an imbalance in my brain chemistry that had epilepsy-like symptoms. In short; if I overly stressed myself physically, I would have a seizure like looked exactly like a blackout. Which is what happened when I was standing in like to pay for my own food. When I came to, I stood back up with no real understanding as to what happened. The guy in line in front of me leaned back and whispered "you might want to get out of here. They called the police when you blacked out." At this point, I realized that I had caught a seizure and no amount of explanation was going to uncall the 5-0. While going into panic mode, I packed the guys back into the car and chose to trying and make the additional eight blocks from the gas station to the motel.

    We nearly made it. The motel parking lot turned into a disco of red and blue lights right after we pulled in. As the driver I was pulled out to do a field sobriety test (passed, got a C) while an increasing number of local officers surrounded the car full of drunk and now enthusiastic marines. I can't one hundred percent confirm the below details as Ted only shared them after sobering up the next day. Since I could not give them the registration and proof of insurance, the officers were trying to convince Ted that it was in his best interest to find them in the glovebox. Meanwhile in the backseat one of the marines I'll call Bug started pulling his jeans off. When asked what he was doing Bug loudly answered "I gotta piss." Apparently the cop told Bug he wasn't allowed to get out of the car. Bug's response was "fine, I'm going to piss right here." Hearing this, Ted spun around in the front passenger seat and began verbally telling Bug all the terrible things that would happen to him if he relieved himself inside the car.

    While this was going on I was wrapping up the breathilizer test and explaining when had happened in the gas station. Eventually, a supervising officer showed up. He eyeballed the carful of drunk arguing soldiers before coming up to question the officer completing my test.

    "He pass the walk and turn?"


    "So give him his ID and let them go."

    With no more concern, he spun around and left. Reluctantly, they returned all of our IDs and said they would be watching the area to make sure we didn't start any further incidents. Once the parking lot was empty again, I got the room door open and herded the guys into the room. I can confirm that Bug's jeans were at half mast when he staggered from the car to the room. Once they were inside I locked the door from the inside before throwing the keys inside and closing the door behind me. I figure it would be severalhours before any of them were sober enough to find the keys and know how to use them.

    After all this, I still had to walk home to my own place.
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  13. SCBronco

    SCBronco Getting Tilted

    Me: No officer, not a drop all night.
    My already toked up buddy: nope, tonight's a smokin' night!
    The cop: What did he say?
    Me: Dont mind him, He gets excited when he leaves the house... the flashing blue lights probably arent helping...
    The cop: Sir, step outta the car please...
    • Like Like x 3
  14. streak_56

    streak_56 I'm doing something, going somewhere...

    C eh N eh D eh....
    "I'll cascade your Niagra Falls"

    Cock blocked by my buddy....
  15. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    you're clearly a twisted soul who was wrongfully deprived of some sexiness no thanks to your friend. i'm glad you and your action figures beat the shit out of him, he deserved it. also, how the actual fuck did you make that comic? it's brilliant