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Introvert vs Extrovert

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ZombieSquirrel, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. I am fairly gregarious and like being social so I have always thought myself to be an extrovert. I don't know whether it's because I'm getting older, or learning what it truly means to be one, but I think more and more that I'm rather introverted.

    Because of misconceptions I didn't think I was an introvert. I am not shy, but I don't tend to interact for the sake of interacting. I enjoy being in public, but know my limitations. I enjoy talking, but usually only about topics that interest me. I don't always like being around people. After long periods of time with large groups, I need some serious me time. While at work, I don't always like to chit chat. Small talk is the devil.

    I've been having problems with DaddySquirrel lately. It's not his fault at all, but I project bad things on him. I need time where it's just me. It took him a long time to realize that it's not that I want to go to the grocery store by myself, I need to. I need some time away from people I know and who want to interact with me: DS, friends, coworkers.

    I've always thought introverts to be those weird, nerdy people that would just rather play video games. After reading sooooooo many articles about introverts lately (they're everywhere and unavoidable) I see that there are rather cool people that are introverts. I've read that introverts are known to shut down around too much stimuli and over the top extroverts. (It's why I believe that I didn't work so well with a former boss and why I can't handle a current coworker.)

    If there were a Kinsey Scale for introversion v extroversion (1 being totally introverted and 5 being totally extrovert) I feel I would be a 3. I am the bi of this realm.

    What are your thoughts on how you are personally?
  2. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    Is it possible to be both depending on you mood?
    If I'm in good shape and up I'm absolutely an extrovert.
    Being around people is fun, sharing experiences, interacting, even big crowds, parties, loud, raucous, that's me.
    When I'm on the down side, it's all about locking the door and shutting folks out.
    I have to make an effort to spend time with people.
    I'm fine when I'm out but I much prefer to be alone because I feel like I'm not good company.
  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    While I'm noted as an extrovert...and I agree with it for the most part. (including on tests)
    And I'm "a bit" of a talker... (and at times hyper)

    But I also don't mind being by myself for great lengths of time.
    I don't need to have people around...I can even go places by myself.
    And like you, when I get into a dark mood...I prefer to just funk and zone.

    It fully depends on my mood...I don't fear either way.
    As in some fear to be alone.
    Or some fear crowds.

    I thrive on the energy of people...but I also enjoy the silence.
    Both empowers me.

    Each side has something to be desired.
    There is no rule.
  4. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    As I understand it, extroverts are energized by social activity, whereas introverts are exhausted by social activity.

    Notwithstanding my public role, public speaking, etc., I am way over on the introvert side, not much above 1.0 on your proposed scale.
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  5. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    You should see me at the end of the school day. I am a motor mouth. I need about twenty minutes alone to ratchet down, or else I will verbally vomit all over my husband.

    Barring my persistent social anxiety, I'm very much an extrovert. I love meeting new people, hanging out with others, and being in front of groups. I enjoy public speaking (I better, since I typically have 100 sets of eyes on me in a day). I've always been the outgoing sort. I come by it honestly--both of my parents are extroverts. My family is the kind of family where everyone talks over everyone else; by contrast, my husband's family is very, very quiet, and they're sometimes not very good at interacting even with each other.

    On the Myers-Briggs, I'm persistently an E(NTJ).

    POPEYE Very Tilted

    At work, just to get along with people, I interact socially. however on my way home listening to public radio, and 90 % of the time I just want to be left alone. I have real friends, and family. I accept them as they are, and they accept me, sometimes we meet for breakfast. never for dinner, my BFF is a wonderful woman that I don't want to live with. and 16 yrs my senior. sometimes its sex sometimes its a mid day movie, but when the brass tacks hit my ass its home and alone, cause its within my safe zone. Extravert when needed intravert by choice.
  7. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Social interactions are fine, as long as they avoid me when possible. I have no problem telling the world to go far away, but I also realise that most (closer to all) of my better story/character developments have come from my interactions with co-workers/annoying public over the years.
  8. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I am basically an introvert who has a small extrovert side that can be very successful when it comes out. But ultimately, I am an introvert. Other people exhaust me. Even people I like. Even people I love, to some degree. I absolutely require some solitude every day-- and if I don't get it, I get tired, cranky, distracted, and generally surly.

    But that said, I can actually do social interaction extremely well, and back in the day, I was very happy being an actor-- and pretty damn good at it, too, if I do say so myself. I just need a lot of quiet recovery time alone after being "on" and "out there."

    I am an INFP on the Meyers-Briggs, though I am only around thirtieth percentile on the I and the P (as opposed to like high seventies in both N and F). Mrs. Levite is an ENFJ, with the J being right on the border with P, but her E is way up there in the sixties, I think. We play off one another well in that sense.
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  9. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Myers-Briggs pinned me as INFP the last time I took the test. I'm not 100% sure of the NFP but the I is definitely me.:) I can be very social with family and those I already know. Not so with new. I get along fine in a group of 6 or 60,000. In a group of 60,000 if feel safely anonymous. I'm comfortable in a group of six, especially if I already know a few of the. But drop me in a group of 25, and I am absolutely terrified. Sometime I hide that pretty well, but my insides are in knots.
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  10. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    I am an introvert who was raised to interact openly with other people and appear as an extrovert. I have tested as ENTP and INTJ in two different administrations of the Meyer Briggs personality test.

    I know I need my alone time. I also know I do best not in isolation.
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  11. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    That's really interesting. Mrs. Levite also believes that she was originally "supposed" to be an introvert, but her upbringing rigorously trained her to be an extrovert, to the extent that now, she is basically an extrovert who is often tired by her own extroversion. Knowing her parents, I would totally believe this.
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  12. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member


    Despite my extroversion, I enjoy typically introverted pursuits when not working--video games, writing, reading, and other things done in solitude. I think it brings balance to my life. That said, I did want to be Cyndi Lauper when I was two, so I think I've probably been an extrovert my entire life.
  13. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm a textbook introvert.

    Every time I've done Myers-Briggs testing, my introversion tilts towards 100%.

    This sums me up well:
    This sometimes leads people to misjudge me; it sometimes frustrates people. I think it often renders me virtually invisible. If it weren't for places like the TFP, I'd be left to my own inner world.

    I'm taxed by interactions with any number of people; it's just that larger groups tax me far greater. Verbal and non-verbal communication (speaking and being present with people in real-time) is exhausting to me. Conversely, I can spend hours on end in solitude, and I'll lose track of time. It's my baseline. It's where I achieve my equilibrium.

    This likely contributes to some of the things I struggle with. I'm often hobbled by inaction. I often ruminate instead of taking action, rather than ruminate before taking it.

    I often feel I don't belong anywhere in the world. I see the stuff that most people do, and I can't see myself doing it.

    So I revert to my inner world. Even then, I tend to have a love/hate relationship with it.

    I haven't embraced my introversion, or really used it to my advantage. I often feel it has become a cross I must bear.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  14. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I feel you--on the flip side of things. Writing and reading are things I love, things I could do constantly--if it weren't for the nagging need to get out and be with others. If I spend too much time at home, wrapped up in that inner world, I get snippy as hell. The interactions I have online don't seem to count towards it. I need to be out, with people, but fortunately, just going to a third place like a coffee shop or pub seems to do the trick.
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    That's interesting. I usually find that I force myself to go out with people (coffee shop/pub) to assuage concerns I have about my social/spiritual health regarding connecting with people. But it's often done with at least a part of me seeing it as a chore. I'm not so bad at this anymore, but I used to avoid social situations because I would dread the physical and emotional drain it would have on me. Now I realize that I have to take the bad with the good, as a lack of social interaction is a bad thing regardless of what I feel while participating in it.

    I've come to realize that if I put in at least one or two outings a month I will maintain a level of sociability that I can live with without feeling like I'm wearing myself too thin. Doing martial arts two or three times a week has been a great help, because it doesn't have the same negative impact as most social situations, but it does have much of the same positive benefits.

    That said, I do find that interacting on TFP and Facebook makes up for a lack of direct social connection. The effect isn't the same, of course. It takes hours of such interaction to make up any sort of effect that would compare to direct social interaction, but the online stuff doesn't have the same drawbacks on my energy levels.

    On the other hand, as indicated, I haven't really delved into the glory of my introversion. I spend too much time ruminating in circles, much of which includes regretting I'm not more extroverted. So I become this disengaged fence-sitter much of the time.

    Yeah, I need to work on self-acceptance and all that shit.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2014
  16. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    It definitely helps.
  17. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    I generally test as (E/I)NTJ depending on how assertive and stressy I am.

    As I get more overloaded with stuff, my stress reaction is verging on manic, so I get more "E". But that's balanced by my aspie traits, which make me more "I".

    After a tough day fixing an emergency maintenance induced plumbing cock up, and refereeing between my wife and her dad, it took me snapping at my daughter to realise I'm forcing myself to be too E, and need some more I.
  18. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I think that many extroverts look at introversion as some kind of defect. Even many of us that are one view it that way.:(
    Nice phraseology. Perhaps (seasonal allusion) ...and the glory of your introversion shall be revealed...
    I understand. I have such envy for the ease with which extroverts can socially just "deal with it." But they don't see it as any imposition.
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  19. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It's because we aren't "team players." We don't like to lead, and we don't like to be led. Yeah, that sounds pretty "defective." (Maybe a defection!)

    It's like learning how to use the Force. Or something.

    I tend to envy introverts who can get by with extroversion when it comes down to it. I've tried it but it's extremely difficult for me. I believe there is a wide spectrum of introversion, and I'm most certainly on the "severe" end. I'm sure there are many who have a harder time than I do. I've been fortunate enough to have a past that includes having taken risks such as getting into drama in high school, going to business school, etc. I could have a much more solid shell than I do, but I've kept things fairly open so that I can get outside of myself if need be.
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  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I'm typically rated as a ENTP...but I'm often introverted and shy. You should have seen me in HS...I didn't know how to talk to anyone. Read in my room constantly.
    So you can change...either way.
    Or even moment by moment.

    Some day I'll learn to keep my mouth shut...again :rolleyes: