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I think I'm going bald maybe?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Strange Famous, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    if you look at this picture, you can see that my hair is getting really thing right at the front of my fringe.

    I dont mind going bald I guess but 34 is pretty young.

    From other people's experiences how quickly do you think it will spread and I'll be completely bald headed?

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  2. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    I knew a guy why started receding at 18, and by 30 was left with a fringe around the back of his head.

    Contrarily, my brother has a spot on the very top of his head that started to go thin about 15 years ago, and is still just "a bit thin".

    Your mileage may vary.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    My husband's 28 and is already thinning out. It happens.
  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    See that skull there as me? Well that's my noggin now.
    I'm bald as an eagle.

    I started losing mine back as early as 18.
    It was significant by 25, but I had curly hair which I used to hide it.

    But I got scared of low branches & high winds...and I had developed a strange habit of constantly scrunching my hair to make sure it was covered.
    I got sick of being paranoid, and just shaved it...been that way since...

    If I let it grow these days, it's there on the sides and the back...and still curly as ever.
    Having it longer looks strange/bad...having it cut close looks too "stick in the mud middle age" to me...so I keep it clean all over.

    If you're going to go bald, then you're going to go bald.
    Rogain is only for the back top, where friar's have their tonsure.
    And it doesn't really do that great a job...and it costs over time.

    Your hair loss is totally genetic.
    I've found your mother's side sets the trigger, but your father's side sets the pattern.
    And how fast you lose it is TOTALLY according to your genes. (unless you are ill or having cancer treatments, etc)
    So please don't believe about wearing hats or shaving your head, etc.

    It might be quick, it might be slow...ask your father or male close blood-relations how fast they went...but event this isn't a guarantee.
    And look at other men around town and in the media, with your hair type...see what looks good to you, what doesn't...try adopting a decent one.

    This is my philosophy now...after being initally concerned...it is what it is.
    Relax, embrace it.
    Figure out what look is good for you, but don't deny it.
    Otherwise you'll spend a lot of unnecessary money and worry on it.

    I find that most bald men look better keeping it close...and keeping it clean.
    Please don't keep the little whisps up there if it's truly gone, it just looks worse...and older.

    Fortunately for me, many sport figures had already made going totally clean a trend...so it worked for a look & socially.

    BTW, women & men don't judge men according to their bald spots. (unless it looks weird or bad)
    They judge them according to their attitude & posture...confidence & comfort is the key.

    Work out, stand tall...look'em straight in the eye...that's all that matters.

    Besides, if you take care of it & yourself, it's one less thing to worry about.
  5. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    You covered my response right there. It is highly variable. Just roll with it.
  6. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I won't even comment since most of my cousins are like typical male pattern baldness and me, I've got long hair past my waist to my ass.
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  7. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I am in that group that has a full head of hair (last I knew at least) but chooses to shave it clean. Been that way since I was 18, and now more than 1/4" bugs me bad enough that it is short lived at best.
    I have considered every so often to let it grow a bit longer to show off the nice grey/white mix but just cannot handle any length on top for very long, and my chin/beard does a nice enough job of that.
  8. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    My hair has been thinning since high school.

    To date, at age 43, I still just have thinnish hair. I am sure, someday, it will cross a boundary where it less than more and I will be considered bald. For now... hair!
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Actually, I'm cool with being bald, with my head shape it works for my look.

    I do get bored with the same damn thing everyday, there's nothing to work with except my face (beard or sans beard)
    But I don't miss the care & maintenance of hair...it being itchy at times or bad hair days.

    That's what is cool about being bald, no fuss, no muss.
    Just a good hot shower, a non-fog mirror and a good razor. (mostly every other day, give or take one)
  10. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    can you get laser hair removal treatment on your head?

    I shave my beard once a week, idk if I fancy having to shave my head every other day...
  11. Jove

    Jove Slightly Tilted

  12. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    Ive used regraine before, but only on my moustache (in the UK there's a charity thing where you have to grow a moustache in November and mates and work colleagues sponsor you, and I used this product to make my moustache fuller...)

    I wouldnt waste money trying to keep my hair, if its gonna go I'll just have it all off. I know it might be a while before it comes to that, but this morning I definitely thought my hair looked thin at the front when I woke up. You cant see it so much throughout the day, for some reason first thing its most obvious.
  13. Bear Cub

    Bear Cub Goes down smooth.

    Perfect hair and the opportunity to turn my perma-boner into an appropriately-timed boner? Where do I sign up?
  14. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    shave it all, leave a small mustache or something... you'll be styling and no longer going bald.
  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I wouldn't do this for me.
    For some reason, I'm thinking they will finally find the real solution...then I'll want it back. Just for kicks and something different.
    Why I don't do a good wig...if I feel this way...I don't know. That's would feel weird & uncomfortable to me.
    The human mind is just not rational at times.
  16. Mick

    Mick Vertical

    I started going bald when I was 19. I'm 28 now and have lost pretty much all of it. My brother dearest managed to keep all of his though.

    It's honestly never bothered me that much. Plan9 is bang on the money. Just accept that it's happening and suit it your look however you want to. The only thing people will find unattractive is you trying to cover it up.

    Someone asked me a while ago if there was a cheap way to grow it all back if I'd do it. Yu know, I'm just so used to being bald, I'd feel like a stranger in my own skin if I grew it back.
  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Just do what I do: a number 0 on the clippers once every week or so. It takes just a few minutes.
  18. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Hah. I do the exact same every 2-3 days.

    I like the 3-day-beard look.
  19. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    My hair grows pretty slowly.
  20. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Don't worry, Baraka. I'm Middle Eastern.

    We're in every way more masculine than you Canadians.
