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How would you go about a life with no privacy?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Collidoscope, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. Collidoscope

    Collidoscope New Member

    East Coast
    This is a thought experiment that really disturbed me and a bunch of friends when we were drinking the other night. What course of action would you guys take if you were a genius whose thoughts were exposed to the world. Every thought including sexual thoughts, intellectual property, creative thoughts, jokes, tirades, business ideas and everything in between. I want to caveat that this isn't telepathy and that it is only one way, meaning people provided they understand the words you are using/thinking can hear every word you think. What course of action should a person like that take career wise? What are some pros and cons of this scenario?
  2. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Sounds like a typical user of Facebook/Twitter/insert social media sites of choices here, especially among the younger crowd that never experienced things like dial up internet or mobile phones (perhaps even cored phones) that did not have cameras or colour screens. Minus the genius part.
    "Privacy" is something most people give up quickly for the convenience of sharing all too often every aspect of their life. I still do not understand the "Hey! Look at these pictures showing every meal I have had in the past 3 months" posts on Instagram, but people have a right to them.
    Personally I enjoy going for a long drive without my mobile (at least off unless necessary, they do come in handy for emergencies, breakdowns, etc) and being out of touch in the practical sense of the word. I do not need an internet connection 25/7, or need to check my FB feed every 15 minutes to feel complete.
    Never mind me though....heads away to use that trusty typewriter again and listen to a quality LP on the turntable.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2014
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  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    The only mindset to have would be to "let go"
    Meaning, be yourself with no illusions or posturing.
    This is similar to many of the most unapologetic famous people out there. No Fear.
    You don't have to be a freak.
    You don't have to a bad person.
    Just be real.
    And tell anyone else judging you, fuck off.

    And you'd have to be honest and up-front with your observations, moods and opinions with everyone.
    As long as you're not harming anyone, you're good.

    You'd basically have to be your most careful when you got pissed or depressed.
    Then the mind's thoughts can be more spontaneous and radical than the public could "handle". (instant thoughts of death and mayhem)
    Or when you see an attractive person...they may get offended.

    However, if you're "known" for being in that situation...then you've got an explanation...it's a part of your "shtick"
    Kind of like Charlie Sheen or Dennis Rodman or Madonna
    They're all known for speaking their mind, even outrageously.
    Actually, they get paid for it often.

    IMHO, there'd be a kind of freedom to it.
    And it would be a constant check on yourself...because you'd get instant feedback by reactions. No lies allowed. No varnish, no buffer.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2014
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  4. Collidoscope

    Collidoscope New Member

    East Coast
    Rogue49 thanks for the response, kind of making me see how it could work out. There are still so many unanswered questions and variables though. I'm surprised more people don't like this thought experiment. I admit controlling emotion would be plenty difficult, especially because most people misunderstand genius. Being yourself or being real would be difficult because people respond to the truth differently. One could never be polite or use common courtesy because your true emotions and thoughts would be visible to everyone who is listening--(amount of people) which would inevitably increase once word--or whisper got out that your thoughts are audible to everyone. Nightmare scenario really...I really wish more people would point out the silver linings, so I can relax. For some reason, this has been on my mind a lot recently. Seems plausible within the next century--a form of telepathy that is...
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  5. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    Speaking of Sci-Fi and telepathy, your situation as described reminds me of the later TNG episode (not looking up the exact number or air date) where Picard and Crusher are tied together via the bracelets and have a telepathic link.
  6. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    On one hand, I would let my sense of shame get to me and clean my house religiously. On the other hand, I would find myself devoid of shame and drop the pretense of wearing pants entirely.
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  7. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    "Pants? We don't need no stinkin' pants!"
  8. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    My daughters seem to have reached a certain level of that openness.
    They post pictures of most major events, even the negative ones and do kind of Jack Kerouac flowing with the moment posts concerning their thoughts, at least the youngest does.
    There's very much a fuck you, if you can't handle it kind of attitude.
    I suspect that would be the ultimate kind of honesty.
    Think about a culture based on that.
    Where everybody let it all hang out and nobody expected fiction.
    Where everyone was a little bit Charles Bukowski and Anais Nin?
    I'm not sure if most people could handle it but I know I'd sure have a fucking blast.
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  9. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    When I think of this I think of Mogadishu haha
  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Actually, they often don't just misunderstand it...but attack it.
    What is different is bad in their minds.
    Not just the lay people, but scientists even...and other intelligent people attack what deviates from their worldview and the "rules"

    Genius is also relative, not as portrayed by myths and those given by media.
    Yo Yo Ma can be a genius as well as Einstein.
    Einstein was considered "old-school" by many younger scientists at the time who accepted Quantum Mechanics.
    Who's to say a genius isn't before you, but hasn't been acknowledged...like an Average Joe/Jane who mucks at a standard job...or hasn't applied it in "intellectual" manner. (ex. James Wood)

    To me, genius are those who create, figure out the connections that no one else has seen...and has somehow been brave & audacious enough to put it out there.
    Genius also happens most often spontaneously, not by intent...where something clicks...you either just "do it"...or you're "weird" enough to actually followup and follow through with it.
    And it may not be continuous, but periodic.

    To me, in your thought experiment...it wouldn't be the Genius that would have to worry...most will forgive that, but won't understand...or they'll roll their eyes at the ideas.
    But if a true douchebag got it?? Then they'd be prosecuted by their peers and internationally.

    Because they'd think less of their fellow beings, both human & animal. They'd be cruel and uncaring. Even finding humor or disdain in others actions. (and then those "opinions" would be instantly given to everyone)
    No one would accept that.
    And the douchebag would re-double their negativity and resentment, since it's not themselves, but everyone else's fault.
    It is a vicious circle trap.

    Unless the douchebag figured out not to think that way. (but this is often a period in one's life, not constant)
    Aren't we all one, sometime or another??

    Many selfish celebs and public figures are starting to find this out in this new world of instant messaging and 24/7 international media.
    Many Average Joes/Janes are too...I read many sagas about them daily.

    Your instant thought person would be impacted even more so.
    I would assume they'd have to get over themselves quick...otherwise they'd be attacked for it.

    So, as @cynthetiq infers in his signature...don't be an asshole.
    The world may call you on it.

    Genius is often ignored...jerks are not. (especially if you have the rest teamed up against you and know your real face)
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2014
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