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How to Lose weight in One Easy Step. A guide by Xerxys.

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Xerxes, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    There is a long running joke, how do you tell someone is a vegan? Simple. They'll tell you. It's a long standing exoectation that people talk about what they're doing in their lives. Kids, soccer, footbal, TV show, World of Warcraft. If it's a fad, a phase, in vogue or the least bit stylish ... you'll talk about it. You'll talk and talk at anything that'll stand still long enough till you find someone with similar interests and debate the intricacies of your passions.

    So what don't people talk about? Their insecurities. Rather they project these. By mocking someone else's gaudy-ness. This happens a lot and it is wrong on various levels. But the most important level is to discuss here is support.

    Think about the reason you are/were overweight in the first place. Bad eating habits, bad lifestyle choices, no exercise, no motivation, no clear understanding of how to get out of the rut you're currently in. It's a cycle and it feeds into itself due to the lack of support one would experience from their environment. You get on the internet and you have faceless pseudonyms with contradictory advice egging you on your pothole ridden path to a no visible end save for the distant light the size of a speck lightyears away in that fatty, fatty tunnel you ate your way in.

    I'd like some of you guys to ask yourselves, what do newly born again christians do after they discover the love of Christ? What do islamists do anytime they see an American flag? What do Jehovah's witnesses and Mormons do door to door daily on their missions to save our souls?

    They all talk about their passions.

    They have support. A support group as important to them as their passions are. Like a network of veins and blood working together to deliver the sustenance that is life.

    Support is a key ingredient in any kind of embarking that requires a delicate undertaking such as weight loss. Support is the stuff of bridges. Support makes AA meetings and tensile cords on the international space station go around.

    You need support. And you need to know where to find it.

    You can join an online forum and that will help a great deal on the research. Keep your eyes out on populated forums and find people in your city. But do not be a hermit. You need contact. Human contact. Participate motherfucker. Participation is the reason why you're unfit now. Or .. lack thereof.

    The most important part of the support cycle is to join a gym. Gym goers all want to help you in your endeavor to become one of them. Talk to people about what your doing and how you're doing it. The rest will happen organically. The calorie counting, the diet experimentation, the exercise rotations, the daily distributions. It will happen. But you need to talk about it. You need to be one of the obnoxious health nuts who just talk about it. Don't be ashamed. Remember you are more ashamed of not taking your shirt off. You are more ashamed of yourself and more ashamed of failure and falling off the wagon, not the lifestyle change. Believe in yourself, and reinforce that belief by talking about it!
  2. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Well, obviously. That's why we have the Tilted Health Club. I also use MyFitnessPal and receive some great support from shanifaye on there.

    That said, I don't like to talk about it with my MIL. Somehow, talking about my health and fitness with her always comes back at me with some kind of criticism attached to it. This last time we discussed it, I decided that I was going to take the lead, lay out what I was doing, and how much weight I had lost so far--so the criticism couldn't happen. It worked. My MIL firmly believes that the only way to lose weight is to eat a low-fat, low-calorie diet (I can hear Lindy laughing from here), while that is the exact opposite of what I have been doing, along with weight lifting. My FIL is pretty great, though. Every time my MIL gets too holier than thou about nutrition and exercise, he reminds her of all the things she's saying I should do that she doesn't do.

    I use Reddit for a lot of my encouragement too. There are three different keto communities on there that I'm a part of. It's very inspiring.
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  3. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    I've always wondered how something like keto would work for you snowy. Before I was on keto it struck me as a diet that required you to hunt down your own food in the wild and kill it by suffocating your prey using your teeth. But also you live with a vegetarian. If that doesn't make keto hard then I don't know what will.

    I have been on keto for the last three weeks. I literally consume no carbs nor sugar and I am not seeing the drastic overnight changes I was promised by everyone on that subreddit. My girlfriend is promising me that my belly has shrunk since then. I have gone to the point of annoyng her by constantly asking her to be honest and she might very well stab me the next time I ask again. I just don't believe her. I have the objective point of view of looking down at my torso and witnessing that monstrous roll of fat define my life. I WILL TAKE IT DOWN!!
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  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    There's a veggie keto subreddit. I eat a lot of eggs, tofu, cheese, and some meat substitutes. Every day, I have what I call a super smoothie--MLO high protein powder, almond milk, chia, and peanut butter. It's only 4g carbs and results in 32 oz of smoothie. I drink one portion for breakfast and the other for lunch. Then dinner is usually something like tofu stir-fry, a massive salad, cheese enchiladas, veggie tacos, shirataki noodle alfredo, stuffed portobello mushroom, etc. There are a lot of vegetarian things that are low-carb if you take out the grain component. I'm also in love with these: La Tortilla Factory - Products
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  5. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Ah, thank you snowy. If I try to eat anything else with faux-bread I will go crazy ... crazier than I am now.

    I can't seem to find those tortillas anywhere locally. Looks like I have to order online.
  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Really? They're at our equivalent of Kroger.
  7. one 'easy' step? there is no one easy step. not even with your keto diet. long term you cant sustain cutting out carbs from your diet entirely. its never easy short term, its fucking hard long term.

    something you've missed altogether is the medical side of why people are overweight. not all people have bad eating habits, no motivation, dont exercise or have bad lifestyle choices. have you ever considered why someone on the street might be overweight? thyroid issues? diabetes? HBP?allergies to food types? mental health issues? money issues? family issues/commitments? the list goes on... not all choices people make are because they have a choice about it, so dont assume all people are single with no kids. not only is it unfair to people, but makes you look like a douche.

    joining a forum isnt the be all and end all of informing yourself. most forums will have disclaimers on the advice that members on their sites give, as we do here at TFP. no one is going to give advice to some stranger 5000 miles away about what to ingest and how much without knowing the the full extent of their medical and mental history. especially those who are in fact qualified to give it! anyone who is giving advice, most likely shouldnt be giving it in the first place! anyone that does is playing with fire, and a potential lawsuit.

    i dont know dude, but what do islamists think about when they see a 'merican flag?

    sorry, your views are narrow and short sighted on a few things you've touched on here. Support and belief in yourself goes a long way, but there's more to it that your 'one easy step'.
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  8. arkana

    arkana Very Tilted

    How do I know I'm vegan? People remind me of that joke all the time :-P
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  9. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Lish, this was an article I wrote at a spur of the moment. The main message in my article is to find support in order to succeed. Surround yourself with birds of the same feather, in this case, people who are trying to lose weight. With that one thing in common a large group can get a lot done including gathering pertinent information and good advice (yes, including see a doctor :rolleyes:) .

    The rest is fodder and I refuse to address your touched nerve to answer your quandary.
  10. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Going veggie or vegan is an easy say to lose weight simply because of the sheer number of calories that are now unavailable to you. Keep in mind that vitamin B12, D3, and iron are common deficiencies with that kind of diet, have bloodwork done quarterly to check for deficiencies, and ask your doctor to recommend specific supplements or foods if you are deficient in anything.

    I'd recommend that anyone interested in their health count calories, with a food scale, for a few weeks. We have largely lost track of what a "serving" is.
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  11. As an APD, my wife keeps telling me i eat sometimes 3-4 'servings' a meal. for me its just one serving, but according to the guidelines its much much more.

    Xerxes thanks for the clarification...and that question was a rhetorical question mired in sarcasm. i didnt expect one.
  12. FreeVerse

    FreeVerse Screw Tilted, I'm all the way upside down.

    Suburban Chicago
    1. You bet they missed a lot. I am who and how I am 90 percent because of things and choices made FOR me that I not only have no control over, but also things that I have no chance of having any control over any time soon. That other 10% - oh that's plain old "fuck you" to the individuals that think they have the right to approach me and speak to me about what they think I should be doing to "regain my health". I will intentionally risk my life by NOT loosing weight or getting fit simply because you piss me off that much and I'm not about to give some annoying asshole the satisfaction of doing what THEY say I should. - Listen up - ballsy enough to walk up to people and dictate to them what they should or should not do in regard to their own physical person? Go to hell, screw you, and be the master of your own damned reality, you've got no place or business to be messing with mine unless invited to, and it being necessary for me to briefly to appear in public, is not an open invitation for you to open your yap to me. You don't know me, you don't know anything about me or what I deal with on a daily basis and just how little of it I am in a position to change. But you can bet your ass I'm not changing what little I can just because people like you make me loathe people in general. I'm not sitting on the damn sofa stuffing my face full of twinkies all day long. I'm sick you asshole. I'm sick and I don't have medical insurance and fall through the cracks for government assistance for it, so I am not able to get the medication I'm supposed to be on. Coupled by being not able to work because of not being on my meds, so I have no control over the food placed in front of me by the carbloving family I have who are seemingly allergic to anything even moderately good for them, and with complete disregard for MY health - and I'm not the one making the money - I have NO control over how its spent. So, Take Hypothyroidism, no insurance, no meds, and toss in the family you have to live with and the fact they enjoy living on carbs, sugar and fats. Absolutely - it is completely simple to change myself. simple simple simple. But I suppose it would be simple for you if I put a bullet in my head. You wouldn't have to clean up the mess. Another lovely alternative - I could just kill my family - then I could go live in prison - then I'd get my meds and be eating enough reasonable stuff at regular times that I'd loose weight....

    2. I'm not a Muslim and I was offended to my core by this one too.

    3. Amen to that Lish.
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  13. Xerxes

    Xerxes Bulking.

    Huh??? Geez dude. Lighten up. I wrote this for people who want to lose weight, I don't remember knocking on your door and asking if you had a minute to spare for our lord and savior Brodin.

    Eh, I don't care. This thread isn't about religion or politics and you & Lish simply lack either reading comprehension or enough basic wit to grasp hyperbole.

    Amen. Do you have a momebnt to spare for our lord and savior Brodin?

    & back on topic.

    I have to say man, the Keto diet really appealed to my lazy ass because of the many abusive ingredients I could consume. All the meat, all the eggs, all the chicken. All the bacon and grease that goes with it ... I might have just gave myself tachycardia due to the hardening of my arteries simply by eating the food I've been eating the last couple of days. It also doesn't help that I hate salads. When I chew, I have to chew my food down to a fine paste and that tires out my jaws.
  14. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Yeah, I actually don't eat much of that. Eggs, yes, but I only really eat meat outside of the house. I eat a lot of salad--probably 2-4 cups of greens a day, usually spinach. It is much better when it's slathered in bleu cheese dressing, though. I also eat a lot of avocados, since they're only about 2g net carbs. Because I've had issues with IBS in the past, I have to be pretty conscientious about my fiber intake. Mmmm, shirataki noodles. If you haven't tried those, you should. They'll sweep you out.
  15. Indigo Kid

    Indigo Kid Getting Tilted

    Best Diet Ever. Get a divorce. Massive motivation & the pay off is worth it.
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  16. Leto

    Leto Slightly Tilted

    I'll have to look up keto (reference to protein consumption?) Sounds a bit like protein power diet to me
  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    It's actually all about the power of fat.