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How Ready Are You?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by snowy, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    We've had some freaky weather here of late, and talking with friends has made me realize that @Plan9 has climbed into my head. No, seriously--on Wednesday at work, we were all talking about the bad weather on the way, and I made a mental note to go shopping for extra staples so we would be prepared to hunker down, since snow basically cripples where I live, and they were calling for several inches. By contrast, I had a few friends taken off-guard by the snowstorm and subsequent power outages. It made me wonder how many other people take the attitude my husband and I share about being prepared. My husband is an Eagle Scout, so being prepared is a way of life.

    How well are we prepared? Pretty well. I still think it could be better, but I'm not going full Doomsday Prepper over here. We've got enough home-canned goods to last a couple of months. We've got a pantry that will keep us easily fed for about a month. I'd prefer to have more, but we don't have space here for that right now. My ideal would be to have enough set aside for a year, like the LDS church advises. I also keep enough canning supplies and seeds on hand.

    Anyway, on Thursday when the power began to flicker, we immediately made sure we had our LED lantern, headlamps, and flashlight to hand, ready to go, since parts of our house are not well-lit by natural light. We got our little propane single-burner out of the garage and put it by the front door in case we wanted to boil water. All of our electronics went on the charger, including our charger pack. I had made enough easy food that morning, anticipating the wacky weather. The power went out for several hours on our street, as it turned out, and it was nice to be ready. It did the same thing briefly yesterday, but again, we'd made sure we were ready. Our friends came over and the power came back on, but we hung out, playing games. They groaned when it went back out at around 8 or so, wondering what we would do. I just put our LED lantern on the table and we continued playing our game. It cracked me up. Sometimes I think we take the power for granted in this day and age, but I grew up in a rural area where if the power went out, it stayed out for quite a while. We talked a bit about losing power for a longer amount of time, and my husband and I joked that they could just come stay with us, since we're ready to survive, between both things we have on hand and skills.

    How ready are you in case of an everyday emergency?
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  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    box of water in the garage
    fire extinguisher
    decent first aid kid and other medical
    led flashlights and batteries
    canned food
    some solar-power rechargeables (including another flashlight and radio)

    Basically good for a long-term event for a week's worth...after that, it's up for grabs.
    Immediate emergencies are handled.

    The guns went with the Ex...so I'll have to get another, if I choose.
    So until then, any attackers will just get whacked with Kenpo sticks or a sword in their gut. :eek:
    Or my pups will take care of them...heh. (they're good alarms too...)

    Tip or PSA: If a regional emergency event happens, everyone and their mother will be trying phonecalls.
    Don't try it, it will be likely useless the system will be overloaded or limited.
    Try texting instead...it takes smaller bandwidth...and it will keep trying until it gets through.
    (figured this one out when the Earthquake struck a few years ago :cool: )
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
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  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    This deserves emphasis, but I also wanted to ask--what about the skills that go along with the supplies? It is incredibly easy to learn first aid and CPR, especially since CPR is compressions only now. First aid is important, too. A couple years ago, I busted my knee open on a friend's flagstone patio. My friend is highly trained in first aid (wilderness first aid and first responder training), and my husband and I both have basic training. Immediately, my husband and friend were right there with their respective first aid kits, ready to wrap up my leg. The doctor was very impressed by the bandaging. Moments like those make me grateful for the supplies AND the skills to use them.
  4. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Feck ... @Snowy ... time flies. I remember when you did your knee!

    Me, in London, I am well stocked with torches and tinned food but outages are so rare that they only happen about every five years or so, and then only for a little while. As luck would have it, one DID happen when @Freetofly was staying over with me so we engaged serious post-apocalyptic survivalist mode, lit some candles and thought about phoning for a carry out. Actually, cooked as normal, because my cooker is gas.

    However, torches and very warm clothes I keep, so zero light and heat will not be a big problem.
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  5. Jon Quixote

    Jon Quixote Vertical

    I've got some water bottles, protein bars (I need to pick up some emergency cans), flashlights, an axe, and my trusty sword. I also have a pet scorpion, and they're surprisingly aerodynamic so that pretty much takes care of attackers. I also have a pretty useful gas mask and some ultra-strong sunglasses that are everything but bullet-proof. Oh, and a fire extinguisher. Strangely enough, I don't think the cold's going to be a problem here in Southern California, since our crisis is having the temperature in the early 50's during the morning. I had first-aid training, but that was a while ago. I don't know how useful I'd be now, even with my handy first-aid kit. I guess I would do alright during an emergency, as long as I wasn't trapped in my house for too long.
  6. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    As Zen says, the issue in urban England isn't really the same, but being a Scout, and now a Scout Leader, I have the gear ready, but not generally the food. Having grown up in the Seventies when unions caused regular power cuts, I've never lost the habbit of assuming it might happen, and have candles and fuel for camping cookers always.
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  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm trained in first-aid and CPR since my Boy Scout years
    and then my mother is a nurse, she showed me a few things and keeps me up to snuff
    and finally I spent some years as a tech in a hospital, so it was required that I would know,
    so they trained me too...and I even learned infant and child CPR.

    Personally, I think everyone should be trained...it would help others...and make people aware of health/safety (may prevent stupid acts...)
  8. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Other than the skills I carry in my head, I am not prepared for anything.

    We are doomed.
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  9. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I have some gear and food, but not enough to survive if society collapses.
  10. itwasme

    itwasme But you'll never prove it. Donor

    In the wind
    A bit north of Snowy. We wound up with over a foot of snow. No school since Thursday, and not tomorrow either. My dining room table is filled with all I own of: candles, lighters/matches, flashlights, batteries, LED light strip, 2 Lite Brites (they are LED now!), gloves, hats, scarves, can opener, staples (looking for staple gun), duck tape, exacto knives, plastic sheeting, canned foods. All electronic devices (phone, laptop, etc) are to remain 100% charged until further notice, per my orders.
    --- merged: Feb 10, 2014 4:36 AM ---
    Forgot to mention. PLENTY of zip lock bags in case pipes freeze and plumbing stops.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2014
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  11. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    We have way too much food on hand.
    Gallons and gallons of water. All our camping gear and propane for camping stove and for our outdoor grill.
    I am too much of a wimp to do emergency first aid but we have a couple kits. We always keep spare batteries/have a flashlight for every room. Have large candles in most every room with their own lighters. We lose power every now and again and I'm not fond of the dark.
    Basically, since my parents went through WWII as children they instilled in me the tendency to "be prepared." I'm sort of maniacal about being well-stocked.

    If it's the end of the world then so be it otherwise, I'm prepared for a week and I have vast numbers of family members by marriage to call upon, a brother outside of Chicago and my dad on the east coast. Maybe I'd just go hide out at Maple Lake if it were an extended thing.

    ***Also always, three sizes of ziploc bags.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
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  12. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I'll live. If I run out of food in my pantry there's plenty of walking meat handy.... ( think Donner party ). Just kidding, I usually have several days worth of beverages and some food hanging around. I also live upstairs from a grocery store, so if I hear about bad weather coming I can stock up.
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  13. TheSurgeOn

    TheSurgeOn Getting Tilted

  14. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    We are not as prepared as we'd like to be, but I think we've got a pretty good start.

    The emergency kit in the pantry has matches in a waterproof container with a small strip of sandpaper; emergency candles; water purification tablets; a basic first aid kit; a battery operated lantern with extra batteries; a compass/whistle combo; a flashlight; a folding knife; a mylar blanket; some dryer lint; hand sanitizer; a manual can opener; sunblock; some extra dog food; and it seems like a few other things that I'm forgetting about right now. There's also 3 gallons of distilled water and various canned goods.

    The ultimate goal is to have a complete kit/bag at work, in each of our cars, and a couple packs for the dogs as well. The next big purchase is a camp stove.
  15. Katia

    Katia Very Tilted

    I guess we might be ready, but it's really unintentional. We go camping a lot in the summer and have an assortment of supplies stored in our basement. I want to eventually get one of those hand crank radios, too. As well, our cars have some stuff packed in the trunk. Being stuck in the ditch in the middle of nowhere during winter is a really dangerous possibility out here.
  16. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    I have a coffee pot that uses a butane burner and a spare can of butane on hand. I'm good.
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  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    The problem I have to solve is how to grind my coffee without electricity. I'm going to buy one of these someday: Amazon.com: Hario Ceramic Coffee Mill Skerton: Kitchen & Dining As it stands, I bought a Costco pack of Starbucks VIA for camping, and my husband hates it, so I have a rather ample supply.
  18. Jammes New Member

    Greeting all, my name is Jammes.
  19. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I have a go bag and a emergency box. I have first aid kits all over the house. I need to circulate them because they are now quite old.

    After Hurricance Sandy, I got some rechargeable battery systems, hand crack radios, walkie talkies that charge off USB, macguyver style USB charging systems via 9 volt batteries because those are in abundant supply during emergencies, AA, C, D, are all out of stock. I also have a 12V to 120 for using car batteries if needed. I'll be getting some cat litter for bathroom stuff soon enough since water is a commodity that is hard to lug up 17 flights of stairs.

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  20. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    If the shit hits the fan at noon, I'ma be gnawing on a humerus at noonteen.


    I have some hurricane candles, a couple of battery-powered lanterns, a wind-up flashlight, and will have a crank weather radio soonish.
    We have a few dozen cans of food, but not enough water.
    What medical supplies we have are leftover ones from various injuries and ailments over the years, so we're not really prepared there.
    We don't have any firearms any more, so knives it is! Come at me, bro!!
    Oh yeah, I do have a samurai sword, so watch your head.
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