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how many times a week?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by ralphie250, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    On average how many times a week do you have sex? what is an average per person? seems as though im getting older its getting fewer times a week. i know this is normal but man. sometimes i would just rather go to sleep.
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  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    It varies greatly on a lot of factors, one being that I travel for work virtually every week and am away from home 1-2 night/wk.

    However, I'd say 2-3x at an absolute minimum. 4x would probably be about average. Sometimes more if we go away together, or have a day off to spend at home together. Honestly, even approaching my mid-30s, I want it every day at least once.

    I got some last night, again this morning, and already am kind of feeling like more. :p
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  3. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    seems as if with me its once sometimes twice a week. i got some last night and that was kinda unexpected. i would love to get it once a day but sometimes after work i just wonna go to sleep. we are both 30.
  4. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I'm not sure if part of where you wanted to go with this thread was here or not, but the things that I think impact frequency most are communication and health.

    Often people say they are too busy, too tired, have kids, work too much, etc. But I also know people with busy jobs, busy lives, and multiple kids that still claim to be very sexually active. My advice to anyone who wants more than they get are to communicate with their partner as to what could help get them to want it more. Second would be to check their health (specifically men's testosterone level, either partner's weight, etc.) and see if something could be done.
  5. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    It all depends on various factors as Borla has mentioned. We try to go at least 4 times a week but sometimes it just doesn't pan out and other times it's at least double that.

    For men, once you hit 30 testosterone begins to deplete so if you're having issues with sexual desire and/or fatigue, you may want to go have a simple blood test done and see what your levels are. After that you can begin a replacement routine with either gels, pills or injections to get you back to normal levels. A friend of mine was wayy low and the injections once a month have helped him out tremendously. It pretty much saved his marriage and his insurance covers it because it's not anabolic steroid treatment, it's replacement therapy.
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  6. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    If it were up to him...a couple times a year. In the past year or two, I called 'either/or'. We both got checked out to make sure all is well physically. His testosterone count was 'low-normal,' and I'm still bugging him to get a 2nd opinion because he's been content with-little-to-no sex for 15 years.
    I OTOH, have learned to be way more assertive and basically jump him when I need to. I also keep quite a sufficient numbers of sex toys that I use probably once, sometimes twice a day. He's not comfortable using anything non-human while having sex. I just want to get off tho' I do prefer a human touch.
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  7. greywolf

    greywolf Slightly Tilted

    My testosterone is perfectly normal, we have all kinds of time and no work-related stress, and a comfortable relationship. But our activity has never been spectacularly high, and now it's a few times a month, certainly less than once a week. And we both seem quite content with that.
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  8. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I work 90+ hours a week. She works 80+ hours a week.

    I'm yankin' my crank like a teenager... 3 or 4 times a day.

    She usually takes care of herself while I'm off at work.

    Sex is something that needs to be scheduled in advance.

    No idea how things got so bad. Gotta figure it out, though.
  9. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    My test was low, but I still wanted sex. I think it might be an excuse. I've improved my test and I still want it, but I am more able to get it. Woot. Anyway the wife works nights, I work days. Two times a week is me getting lucky. Three is Utopia. No matter how much I get, I want more.
  10. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    Based on this and your blog entry, I'd say that he's probably not even in the low-normal range any more. I'd also venture to say that maybe there's some mental block going on. Men generally (and I'm sure Plan9 will bash my head for this) like to brag about sexual prowess but we're pretty lame when it comes to sex. The smallest stress trigger can disrupt us and make it difficult to want sex and naturally the women usually take it personal. Perhaps your husband has some sort of hangup going on that's preventing him from wanting it (other than low-T).

    While it's embarrassing to admit it, I was there not too long ago. I had this hangup that I didn't understand what it meant to be a "real" man. What is a real man? How do I become a "real" man? Am I really providing for my family--etc etc etc? This had a devastating effect on our sex life and it became a festering sore that I couldn't get rid of. Finally, my wife told me that I didn't have to be a man in society's eyes, I only needed to be the man that she needed and my children needed. That helped me out and we were back on track.

    The only reason I mention that embarrassing little tidbit is to show how easily a man's mind can become so distracted that we forget that we have a partner and the needs of that partner. Perhaps he has similar issues. I don't want to assume anything as I don't really know the dynamics of your relationship so feel free to correct me, but it just sounds like there is a block somewhere.
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  11. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    0 times a week. it sucks but having more important shit to do than flood my brain with endorphins is a 'round the clock situation for me.
  12. Dont you mean a day?
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  13. It's dropped off as of the last three months with no real sign that it's gonna get better. Started out with problems in the relationship now it's because we got a kitten that's in need of a lot of attention.

    And sadly. She's kind of let herself go physically. I'm not really feeling it at the moment.
  14. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    That tends to happen when they turn 18.

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  15. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    i've always found it useful to write what i want to say at the top of the page and keep re-writing it until it sounds nice(r). e.g.
    "you're getting fat which is a total boner-kill so maybe hit the treadmill or torrent yourself some tae-bo"
    "hey i've noticed you put some weight on and i really liked seeing you wear [clothing that doesn't fit anymore], if i were a betting man i'd say there would be something in it for you to fit back into those yoga pants/thong/velma costume"
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  16. SuburbanZombie

    SuburbanZombie Housebroken

    Your husband would be a perfect match for my wife.

    I can't even remember the last time we had sex....
  17. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    um yeah.....not even to go even near that topic . Will just leave it at the thought of a kiss sounds delightful these days.
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  18. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Hey Glory's Sun: You are very kind to open yourself up in an effort to help, thank you. Your point is well taken. I think he is very distracted. My hope is that he figures out how to manage that after he figures out what 'it' is. He's got a shitload on his plate and like for so many other folks, it is financial in nature. Work, though we are grateful for it is a bitch, too--too much work--too few people. Motorola(Solutions) is as big a soul-sucker as any other American corporation. There's life's 'everyday' stresses and how we deal or don't is so very crucial. I'm trying to stay positive. Sometimes I actually succeed.
    --- merged: Oct 21, 2011 11:49 PM ---
    Well, I would say it is nice to have company...but that doesn't sound right...I hope things get better, SuburbanZombie.
  19. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Ordinarily it might be once a week, but it's more likely 2-3 times a month.

    At present, chemotherapy doesn't really work all that well with sexy time. So... the number is zero.
  20. ace0spades

    ace0spades Slightly Tilted

    Hmmmmmmm..... I guess about twice a week or so actual intercourse... Probably four-five times a week we either mutually masturbate or do oral. Does that count? It is often times a lot more intimate than actual sex, if that sounds right.