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How do I get so far in life without knowing....

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Innocentmiss, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Innocentmiss

    Innocentmiss Getting Tilted

    Recently I have discovered a couple of 'simple' things that made me wonder how I have managed it through years of life without knowing! Here are two of them -

    It is easier to open a banana from the bottom, so much easier and doesn't mash the top while you struggle to get it open!

    The second thing I learned recently is the existence of silicone lube - how have I never heard/seen this stuff before?! Our local chemists only stock Durex water based, KY jelly and their own home brand!
  2. Is the fact that you mention bananas and lube together of any significance?

    Sorry, I'll leave now....
    • Like Like x 10
  3. greywolf

    greywolf Slightly Tilted

    We'd all be interested in hearing more on what brought about both of those revelations... well, at least those of us of the more salacious persuasion ;)
  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Silicone lube is great, but don't mix it with silicone toys.

    I like it because we can have sex forever when we use it, and sometimes, hubby wants to go for that long.

    I've never tried to open a banana from the bottom, I don't like the little part in the bottom of the banana. Does that come out when you open it that way?
  5. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I still wonna know how a banana and lube are brought up in the same thread with no pics. :cool:
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Innocentmiss

    Innocentmiss Getting Tilted

    Ok so at no point did I consider what people might think with banana and lube in the same post! It would appear you lot have much dirtier minds than I do! Snowy - yea it gets rid of the little bobbly bit at the bottom of the banana!
  7. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    ['bananas' --> 'need lube'] is not, by itself, a strong connection.

    A major premise is needed.

    The missing peice is to be found in the original post:
    ['bananas from the bottom' --> 'need lube']

    Please examine:

    Things from the bottom need lube
    A banana is a thing.
    A banana from the bottom needs lube.

    It's a Siliconogism.


    (Craven ... keep the motor running, I reckon I need to leave too!)
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2012
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  8. Innocentmiss

    Innocentmiss Getting Tilted

    This thread isnt heading the direction I had intended - it makes me smile tho! I have no idea what else I could say?!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Well...to get it back on track...there are many things that are useful that I learn every year.
    Lifehack is a site dedicated to this.
    Here's a link with 99 of them.

    Now these are cool...kind of like those "seen it on TV" gadget.
    And I'm always giving little tech tips for the computer.

    But for me, the "lessons learned" that I never get are the more subtle ones...ones that don't come intuitively to me.
    Soft skills...these are always the ones that bust me...and I end up learning the hard way.
    • Like Like x 3
  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    "Soft skills"
    I know that your angle wasn't necessarily something that was subtle, but a more direct "cool" use thing.
    But if I can ask the board about this tangent. (ok, slight hijack...)

    I'm finding even to this day, that I'm developing and still need more of these soft skills, especially at work.
    Now funny enough, I have more than others...who I mentor to at times...and others seems to play it better than me.
    And I get pissed/frustrated at myself, if I get tripped up in it.

    No one really "teaches" you these things, it either comes instinctively to some, or they've learned it the hard way.
    And can be still learning aspects and levels of it throughout life.

    BTW, hearing managment or friends/family tell you what they SAY they want, is often different than what ACTUALLY goes down.
    You've HAVE TO figure out how to negotiate these safely otherwise the impact can be profound.
    • Managing Expectations
    • Priority Management
    • Politics, Work
    • Politics, Personal
    • Budgeting and forecasting
    • Work/Life balance
    • Pacing yourself
    • Setting your terms/limits
    • Body Language
    • When to "whistleblow" and how
    • Escalation
    • Dealing with difficult personalities or work-effort
    I could keep going...but these are just the ones off the top of my head.

    What do you all think about these?
    Do you have any of your own?
  11. itwasme

    itwasme But you'll never prove it. Donor

    In the wind
    If you tuck your thermals into your socks, they won't creep halfway up your legs when you pull your pants on. And no lube needed. Sorry, I couldn't resist :)
  12. Scud

    Scud Vertical

    Belle Vernon, PA
    I'm sure you meant the store's brand, but I am laughing at the idea of a chemist/pharmacy selling home-made lube. "Grandma's Recipe"
  13. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Y'know, Rogue, I could add a few words and phrases to that list, but they'd all map into what you've already written.

    Those, as you call them, soft skills were the ones I was most naive about as a child. I only began to learn them later in life, and as I look back, if I ask "How did I get so far in life without knowing" them ... my answer is I really don't know, and I reckon that I DIDN'T until I started learning them. What I think of them is that they ARE the 'differences' that make the crucial difference, whatever other skills one may have. So much so that I now resent the years I spent thinking that 'being able to play rawk guitar' was some kind of a be-all and end-all skill. I resented Malcolm Mclaren ... and people who did not 'Learn The Instrument', but who knew how to chop and hack the ready-made chunks of social content, whether they be people's output (musical, visual, verbal etc) or the people themselves.

    I did not realise that I was witnessing people who were 'masters' of those soft skills. And when I did, I spent a few years thinking that they were cheating and that people would find out. But people did not find out, and they walked into history's halls of fame. These days, I feel like a very late-in-life student of those skills.

    I nearly had 'One of my own' to add to the list: Realising the conscious/unconscious ambiguity or mixed-up-ness of others' and own agendas. But I think it just fits into what you said already "BTW, hearing managment or friends/family tell you what they SAY they want, is often different than what ACTUALLY goes down. You've HAVE TO figure out how to negotiate these safely otherwise the impact can be profound."
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2012
    • Like Like x 3
  14. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    a few things i've figured out for myself the last year...

    - a lot of times when i get a headache it seems to have more to do with my back molar teeth than my head and when i stretch my jaw and kind of massage the teeth, the headache goes away.

    -i've always known they were important but i've internalized now how much having a good sweat or a good sleep or both will get you over the hump in regards to any kind of mental or spiritual funk. a lot of times i think getting extra stressed out in general is a direct result of not having exercised or slept well enough.

    - chugging a couple glasses of water before you go to bed will alleviate 90% of any impending hangover after a night of excess.
  15. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    There are also some drink choices you can make to avoid a hangover. Sometimes, though, I just want to drink a bunch of really sugary drinks and damn the consequences!
  16. You may have TMD
    Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ): Symptoms, Treatment and More
  17. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    I love opening bananas from the bottom. As a child I couldn't open bananas the normal way, so someone taught me the bottom trick. Snowy, yes, if you do it right, the little brown notch at the internal bottom of the banana comes off attached to the peel.
  18. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    thanks for that! truth be told, i only get a headache 3 or 4 times a year; it's very rare. i think more often than not it's from dehydration and the last few years i've cut out all soda and even gatorade kind of drinks. i only drink water, juice, coffee in the morning, and beer. so nowadays i get even less headaches. i just had never made the connection that my teeth might be involved until the last couple years.
  19. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I started waking up with consistently bad headaches a couple years ago. I figured I was grinding my teeth at night (bruxism) or at least clenching my teeth hard because I would wake up feeling like my face was cement, but once I had been up for a while and massaged out the muscles, my face would feel fine. It stopped happening one day, like magic, and I wondered what the hell had happened. Was it because we were on a relaxing vacation in Chicago? Because I was walking so much everywhere and sleeping well? Was it the dog who slept on my head? Or was it that I was running out of my SSRIs and had been cutting pills in half to try and make it through the trip?

    Turns out bruxism is a common side effect for SSRIs.
  20. Innocentmiss

    Innocentmiss Getting Tilted

    Ok so I now have another list of stuff to browse - life hack I'd never hears of this before but so many useful ideas!

    Very interesting list, I don't mind a thread hack at all - especially if it adds! I would add social skills to the list of stuff that no one teaches you. I still seem to be at a loss with this one, I often fell like I'm missing a particularly big chunk of these unspoken skills. Give me anything logical with 'yes' 'no' 'if-then' type possibilities I have no problems, however people they confuse me and I can find no clues or patterns or rules to help me. I often get the feeling of being lost when in a group situation, its like there are some unspoken rules about what you can or cannot talk about depending on exactly which friends are in the group at a given moment, whose turn it is to speak, when the conversation moves on and in which direction. I can hold a conversation with one person for hours and hours however introduce a third person and I become invisible unable to fathom how to join in.

    I guess to turn this thread on its head - how did I/ do I continue to get so far in life without these social skills. Adding another couple to the list - my lack of humour, or more specificity I often cant fathom how something is funny and only genuinely laugh as a physical response to another person, usually someone doing something unexpected like tripping up and a third person laughing - then I just cant help myself! To add a third for good measure how do I get so far in life with a very poor ability to recognise faces - I discovered at university that if you strip a face of its visual clues (hair etc) I am very poor at recognising whether I have seen the face or not. I also realised I recognise people I know by the way in which they stand and move, as part of my degree we used motion tracking software to record ourselves walking and turned them into little stick men. I was able to match the stick men to everyone in my group correctly (all 25, some of whom I'd never met before the 4 week study).
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