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Holiday Plans?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by genuinemommy, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Have any of you started to plan out your holidays this year?
    I'd love to see how you are all planning to celebrate - or not!

    We have invited Tt's parents to visit us this Thanksgiving. His father's health is poor, so I doubt they'll be able to make it, but we're planning on it even so. We'll make a meal day-of, and maybe visit some caves in Kentucky if they stay for the weekend.

    This is our first Christmas since our daughter was born. We said "No" to all of the requests to travel long distances and visit our family this year. In the past, we have gone through a great deal of hassle to drive or fly 2,000+ miles to be with everyone. This year, we decided we're going to finally take charge of our own Christmas. No more running back and forth between relatives' houses, no cramming too much into our days and getting ourselves sick trying to meet all of the expectations.

    Here's what we've decided so far:
    - We have told people we don't want presents. I plan to discard (donate or re-sell) 2 existing toys for every 1 relatives will inevitably give us.
    - We won't get a tree. It's a fire hazard, a fall-hazard, and a stupid waste of money. We are planning to make garlands from native tree clippings, and hang ornaments off of them instead. I've done this before and it was delightful, I can't wait to do this with my littlegirly.
    - We will participate in the liturgy of Christmas with the music ministry at our Catholic community.
    - Day-of we'll focus on being together and make a simple meal together
  2. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    This will be the second Xmas since my mum died.

    Last year I stayed at home, didn't speak to anyone all day, was pretty depressed.

    The only person I could realistically go and see is my sister, but she lives 200 miles away (7 hours on public transport) and I dont really have any money, so I will probably spend it alone and being depressed again.

    Obviously it is possible to go and volunteer for some charity and do something positive & useful, but it isnt very likely I'll do that.
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I don't know what we'll be doing quite yet. There's a lot up in the air as far as family goes. I assume the holidays this year will be pretty sedate.

    Typically, we rotate between Thanksgiving with one side of the in-laws' family and Christmas with the other. Personally, I kind of want to step back from spending every major holiday with my in-laws. My parents get invited, yes, but it's often a big, overwhelming affair that is hard to deal with. My MIL takes the tack that bigger is better with Christmas. There's also much that is awkward about it, including a gift exchange wherein everyone gets to show off the big gifts they got for Grandma and Grandpa--who don't need or want more crap.

    I'll figure something out. My graduation is the weekend after Thanksgiving, so that kind of throws a wrench in things. We'll see how it all shakes out.
  4. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    We'll do Thanksgiving over at my middle daughter's apartment again. This is the third year she's done the Tgiving meal. That pretty much makes is a new tradition.

    My parents are coming down for Xmas so we'll be doing Christmas Eve over at my sister in law's house, I imagine. Christmas morning will be done here or (again) over at my daughter's. She really likes taking the reins of the family gatherings. And I like her taking them.

    I was kind of down last Xmas and didn't decorate my house at all. I'm feeling better this year and I think we'll go all out.
  5. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I haven't even started to think about it yet. Maybe I should.
  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Oh, and we'll definitely get a tree. We always get a tree, as the local tree lot is run by my husband's old Boy Scout troop. I have a massive ornament collection. I prefer Noble firs. They are the only ones with stout enough limbs to handle my heavier Hallmark ornaments.
  7. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    This will be an interesting one for us.
    We always have a family get together for Thanksgiving. It's the one time of year I know that we will all be together.
    And this year Hannukah will happen on the same day.
    To top it off we leave for Disney World with our kids the Monday after Thanksgiving.
    In summary, there will be a total of 5 kids under 6 getting together for Thanksgiving and Hannukah, and my guess is they are going to be totally wired up about it.
    The part I'm most looking forward to? Serving the Thanksgiving turkey that we raised.
  8. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    We only travelled back to Maryland at Christmas 2x to my parents when my youngest was little. After that, I insisted on Christmas Day in our own home. My parents came out to see us, or, in later years did not (due to the cold and old-age). Mom is dead and Dad, due to his dislike of Christmas and our weather is coming out for Thanksgiving this year as there can be a drastic difference between end of Nov and end of Dec between here in the Chicago and Maryland, where he's resided for 25 years. He will drive out, as he insists.

    We used to travel to spouse's parent's home when our youngest was little later, on Christmas Day, but it was a cramped affair as spouse has six siblings, most married and the house was tiny and frankly, filthy, and dear MIL can't cook to save her life (everything from a can or from a platter at the Jewel).

    The bunch of them still insist on doing a big get-together on Christmas Day so mostly we miss them as I have Christmas dinner for my family at my home on Christmas Day. I keep inviting the in-laws, now just MIL, over but she goes to her daughter's.
    My only sib does T-Day his wife's home.

    There is family politics and estrangements at play and who wants to deal with all, that especially when things are supposed to be festive?
    Unfortch, this year my own eldest son won't be joining us for any holiday as he has excused himself from our family (read all about his earlier years on TFP 4.0 where I'm Double D). Things have not changed for the better.
    So, for American Turkey Day it will be Dad here with me, hubs and younger son. The next day, my birthday, we are going out to Wildfire with the same bunch, plus my bro and his wife. Christmas, we'll see not my Dad but bro, wife, son #2, hubs and me. To sort of compensate for the lack of involvement with hubs' family we (spouse, son, me) are taking out his mom and her sister on Nov 1. Aunt Eleanor's 84th b-day is Nov. 3. She and I get along really well. Both women are now widowed so I think we'll make a tradition of it.

    Last year to take the stress off spouse who'd been working 7 days a weeks for YEARS, we skipped Christmas entirely and went to Disneyland and some other places in SoCal where I'd once lived. This year, tho I'm looking forward to a tree and the decorations and stuff (stockings!). I've learning a bit about holiday cooking. Some of my sides went over big last Turkey Day so there will probably be a repeat this year, maybe try one new one for T-Day and X-Mas. Oh, we love a fresh wreath on the door, too.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2013
  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    These days, my family and I just wing it.
    There are so many stresses and distractions going on, everyone going every which way.

    I guess as long as the family gets together, it's just about the warmth of doing something.
  10. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I haven't really thought about it yet, to be honest. Usually, I do Thanksgiving with Lordeden 's family, then Christmas with mine. Last year, I couldn't make it up to Ohio, so my mom and grandma came down for a very quick visit a few days before Christmas. That was nice, but not likely to happen this year.

    I DO really need to make it back home this year. I saw my Mom & stepdad briefly last month, but I haven't seen anyone else in over a year. :(
  11. Lordeden

    Lordeden Part of the Problem

    Redneckhell, NC
    I try not to celebrate anything, I am usually dragged (kicking and screaming) into family events. If it was my choice, the holidays would be spent using Christmas decorations for target practice.

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  12. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    This will be the first year since 2009 that I have a significant other with which to split holidays, so it's going to be interesting. His family has invited my mother, sister, and nephew to join all of us for Thanksgiving, which my mother seems to plan on doing. Otherwise, we will do Thanksgiving with my family a week or two before the holiday, then spend the holiday + day after with his family. For Christmas, things will be simpler - his family tends to do everything on Christmas Eve, and mine always waits until Christmas Day. Yes, it will suck to have a 4 hour+ drive on Christmas morning, but we'll make it work. We then plan on going to DC for a few days around NYE to celebrate with a mini vacation for just the two of us. Hopefully, my mom will be okay with taking care of our puppy for a few days, otherwise we're going to have to find a boarding situation for her.
  13. Over the years, I've come to enjoy Thanksgiving more and more. This year my mother and brother will be here. Maybe a brother in law and his SO, also. Maybe a son and his wife, maybe not, they may end up at her parents. Doubt if my other son will be able to fly back for it. I like the rush of activity early in the morning to get the turkey in the oven. I make the dressing. It takes a lot of prep but I love the recipe. Then after the initial flurry of activity there's a lull, clean up the kitchen, enjoy some coffee and pastry.

    No plans yet for Christmas. A lot will depend on my son's schedule in December. He's a pilot and its nearly unthinkable for him to be here actually on Christmas. By then, my other son and his wife will be in their new house. My side of the family lives 90 minutes away. It will all come together eventually. We'll have a Christmas celebration here whenever my oldest can get here in Dec and another celebration at my sister's house sometime around Christmas if not on Christmas. It will be the first without my father which I think is going to be more difficult than I imagined it would be.
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  14. amonkie

    amonkie Very Tilted

    Windy City
    Thanksgiving will be a roadtrip to visit my sister in Atlanta!

    This will be the first Christmas I will get to spend with my family in 7 years. I'm ecstatic.

    The biggest and most favorite family tradition is the gingerbread house party - all of my cousins, and their friends/significant others/(and now kids because we've all grown up) get together at my aunt's house a few days before christmas and make gingerbread houses. Each year they get more and more elaborate, and we all team up. My mom hosts Christmas Day dinner and the houses come over for everyone else to see.

    We also do a family night of driving around looking at Christmas Tree lights. I haven't really celebrated this holiday since the last time I was home, because I was always alone. It feels nice to have something to look forward to again.
  15. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    My mom started bugging me about my plans for the holidays back in August. Not surprisingly, I told her I had no idea yet what I was doing, but things have begun to take shape since then. Thanksgiving will be at my sister's house with her family and my parents. It's likely I'll be joining my parents and sister's family at my parents' house for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, though Mom was hemming and hawing so much about needing me to finalize those plans in order for them to figure out where they were going to celebrate it (at my sister's or my parents' place) that I finally told her to figure out what the hell they were doing and where, and either I'd be there or I wouldn't. No big deal.

    My family's most meaningful holiday traditions always centered around things we did together in New York, and this will of course be the first Christmas since they've sold our house and moved away. It's weird to think of passing the holiday season with no connection to my home state for the first time, which is part of why I'm so excited for plans coming together to drive to New York with GeneticShift for the first week of January, after we spend New Year's Eve together.

    Did I say I was excited? I meant ecstatic.
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  16. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Love how this sounds ...till the very end. My mom was all about Christmas as she was an orphan and knew many Christmases with nothing. She always made sure our Christmases were very full, family-centered gatherings. And now we are approaching the third Christmas without her. It is hard. Memories are what sustain us.
    --- merged: Oct 22, 2013 at 5:53 PM ---
    Sounds so fun and you are so overdue!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2013
  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I can't wait to be in charge of my own Thanksgiving. Our place is too small to fit all the family for me to host it this year, but maybe I'll be able to sometime in the future. My family Thanksgivings were a parade of food. As I got older, I took over more and more of the cooking and went from being my mother's sous chef to her being my sous chef. I started off by making cinnamon rolls as a preteen for Thanksgiving morning, and then as a teen I took over making the appetizers my family serves at noon. Now I can cook the whole meal with ease. Moreover, I ENJOY it. I'm a pretty capable cook, and I can prep enough ahead of time that Thanksgiving day is a relative breeze.

    I miss my own Thanksgiving timeline--cinnamon rolls with coffee at 8-9am, freshly baked after rising overnight. Turkey is prepped while the cinnamon rolls are baking. After cinnamon rolls, hot apps get prepped. Turkey goes in the oven. Apps on the table, ready, as the other guests start arriving at noon. Around 3, the sides get finished; usually, there's prep the day before for those, as they typically go in the oven as the turkey comes out at 3. 4pm--sit down for dinner. 6pm--dessert and coffee. Usually, there's only half an hour of time in the kitchen while guests are there, and that's pretty ideal in my mind.
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  18. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    I plan on working way too many hours this holiday season, and generally not pay any attention to either thanksgiving or Christmas. Might be fortunate enough to pick up a Christmas shift for the healthcare job and get the holiday pay.
    Got rid of the tree last year, but it had not left storage for at least 2 years even then.
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