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Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ralphie250, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    Anyone have any tips in how to get rid of them? There not poking out so to speak. Just itchy and bloody. I know its TMI but sorry :).
  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    If they've been presistent, I'd see a doctor to make sure they aren't a sign of something more severe.
  3. greywolf

    greywolf Slightly Tilted

    Don't be a wimp... suck up the embarrassment and talk to a doctor. They've seen it all and heard it all, and hemorrhoids are common, and fairly easy to treat. Untreated, they may end up requiring surgery, and you want to avoid that if you can. For OTC remedy, Preparation H does work.
  4. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I have talked to my dr before. He gave me sopositories for them. When I use them they work great but can be messy. Maybe im not doing it right????:confused: preparation h works for the itchy but not the bloody.
  5. I was having recurring problems. My doctor gave me an ointment, which treated the symptoms. He also prescribed a small lifestyle change that fairly well eliminated my issue: Metamucil, every day. Roughage wasn't enough for me and I needed a little help. It's worked like a charm. I've been flare-up free for several years.

    I totally know your pain, ralphie250. I hope you find the key to your relief soon.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Ralphie, I know this may not be of any help to you but I got mine when I was pregnant with my son. They've persisted but tend to be much less a bother (not bleeding or irritated or itchy) as long as stay away from spicy foods and foods high in fat. I haven't had a real problem with them for a good many years, except for the fact that they stick out a bit. Grumpyolddude's advice about a mild supplement like Metamucil is a good one. The pressure of constipated bowels can wreak havoc on hemmorroids. Softening them is less irritating all around.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2012
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  7. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I haven't been able to relate it to anything that im eating. I don't seen to have trouble with constipation but ill give it a try. How long does it take for metamucl to start working? Is it pretty quick?
  8. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I didn't think that bloody was considered normal. I've been told that blood was almost always a sign to see your doctor about, but if your doctor said it's okay... I've never noticed that fiber helped in any way. In fact more poop, of any consistency always made mine worse. YMMV
  9. Avestruz

    Avestruz Vertical

    Fresh bright red blood is seemingly normal for haemorrhoids, just means your stools are disturbing them on the way out. But if you're having old dark/blackish blood in your stools then that's a definite doctor visit, waste no time.

    I've had some major turning-the-water-red bleeding episodes with piles and they've still calmed down on their own after a time.

    I'm currently having my worst and most prolonged bout of piles, it is horror. It would probably be ok were it not for the fact that I am fairly incapable of not giving in to The Itch when it comes, and I have a particularly bad habit of waking in the middle of the night and giving my hole a good howking while half-asleep. I try to do ointment from time to time but I am hopeless at inserting new tasks into my daily routine so I never seem to get anywhere. At present I'm trying my best to give it a hardcore slathering of ointment multiple times daily, which after only a couple of days does seem to be helping. I'm convinced if I give it some rest from the scratching, it might just sort itself out again.

    Not even at 20 posts and I'm giving it TMI about my backside. Good start.
  10. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    It ia fresh bright red blood. And it has turned the water red from time to time.
  11. I was told that highly spiced foods, nuts, high-fat foods or seeds may all irritate things. The problem isn't necessarily constipation, though excessive bearing down does aggravate the tissue. Debris can be left behind :)oops:) when you void, even when you think you are being "regular." Metamucil can help keep your colon cleaner, and a cleaner colon is a happier colon:). It may take a day or two to reap rewards, but it couldn't hurt to give it a try.
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  12. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    This man wins the internet!
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Could I win the lottery instead?
  14. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    And the winning number is number two!:p

    OK .. serious face, now.
    ralphie250 - 'Seeing the doctor again' is IMO, always a good move: there may be some fine tuning of tretment that could improve matters. take care :)
  15. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    The fiber supplement makes sense to me as well, I notice I have much fewer problems when I make it a point to get plenty of soluble fiber in my diet. Effective pretty quickly as well - a few days.
  16. Ayashe

    Ayashe Getting Tilted

    Often times physician will prescribe a cortisone based hemorrhoid cream or suppositories called anusol HC to reduce the inflammation. If they are really bothersome (which they seem to be) surgeons can do some relatively minor procedures to treat them. If it is a "thrombosed" hemorrhoid you may get a lot of relief by having it cleared of clots by a physician. Often even just banding them. If you are referred to a surgeon, double check with their office to be certain the surgeon does treat hemorrhoids, a lot of them prefer not to.

    Don't be surprise if the doc recommends a colonoscopy. There is a concern that bleeding at the hemorrhoid site can mask symptoms of something happening further up. Though colon/esophageal cancer more commonly will show hemolyzed blood (black tarry stools) there is still a chance that bright red blood could indicate something more serious than a hemorrhoid. I know a gal who had this issue, after three kids she had hemorrhoids she wanted treated. Her doctor recommended a colonoscopy to be sure. She was only in her early-30s at the time but on exam they found more than 40 polyps. She had a follow up 2 years later which found another 20+. Now after having undergone some 5 colonoscopies her doctors finally are allowing her to go on a every 5 year colonoscopy schedule.

    Get checked. No reason to be embarrassed it is a common and uncomfortable problem.
  17. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    Thanks for all the great info.
  18. shanifaye

    shanifaye Dominissive

    Lilburn, GA
    I preface this by saying, I am not an alarmist, BUT, one of my best friends in the world had one that one not go away and he kept putting off getting a 2nd opinion. When he did finally go, it required surgery....as a course of the surgery they found a mass, it was malignant. at 46 years old he was diagnosed with anal cancer. He's just completed 8 weeks of intensive radiation and a month of chemo and will go later this month for the tests to see how effective it was. Because of the location he ended up with severe radiation burns in all the wrong places an was confined to the house with a zero white cell count, not to mention all the other "normal" chemo problems.

    I don't want to hear of anyone ever going thru this, so please please get it checked out thoroughly.
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  19. Phi Eyed

    Phi Eyed Getting Tilted

    My friend had some issues due to pregnancy complications and a genetic predisposition to this affliction. She suffered for a long time, until one remedy saved her. I read about it it in a holistic mag and urged her to try it. It recommended taking a spoonful of black strap molassass (must be black strap) every other day. Your condition should improve. This worked wonders for her. She was shocked, that she had not heard of it before.