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Handling Time Alone

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by hamsterball, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    I've recently been thinking about the way that different people handle being all by themselves for periods of time. .When I was younger and first living on my own, I realized that I automatically kept the TV on much of the time when I was alone. Now that I'm older, I can sit with music or total silence and either works fine. I've also noticed that, when I'm traveling on business, I'm a very different person alone than when I'm with a group.

    So tell me, what things do you do, when you're all alone? Do you find yourself resort to "tricks" to keep yourself occupied? Does it matter whether you're at home or away? Also, does it matter if the isolation is short-term or long-term?
  2. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I find that a lot of how one handles alone time is dependant upon the degree to which one is an introvert or an extrovert. (Introverts are those that get energy from being alone, extroverts are those that get energy from being with others.)

    The more extroverted one is, I believe, the more one seeks to fill alone time with the voices of others: TV, radio talk shows, books on tape, constantly being on chat with people, etc. The more introverted one is, the more one is comfortable with silence, or with reading (which, though it incorporates "voices of others" in the sense of an author's words or the "voices" of the characters, is filtered through one's own mental voice and images), or at least with a little music.
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  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I read. I write. I paint my toenails (my husband can't stand the smell, so it's perfect to do when he's gone). I clean the house. I exercise. I bake.

    While I am an extrovert, I appreciate my time alone as it allows me to engage in the solitary hobbies I enjoy, which are rather numerous. I get my extroversion fix in at work.

    If I'm writing, I am usually listening to music. I have a specific playlist on Spotify for it.
  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I do tend to keep the TV on in the background...but I do turn it off when I sleep or read.
    I don't mind going places or to the movies by myself. (although I'd rather go with someone)

    If I want company, I'll go out and see people.
    Either friends or even just places with people.

    Reading, Web, Art, Clean/Organize, Science, Business, Exercise, Bike, go dancing...go on a spontaneous road-trip.
    I keep myself occupied.
    But I also appreciate simply veggin' in front of the TV.
    It all depends on my mood.
  5. Street Pattern

    Street Pattern Very Tilted

    I'm an introvert. Silence is fine with me, indeed, voices on the TV or radio would drive me crazy if I'm not directly listening.
  6. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I'm very happy to be alone.
    And now that we have kids I treasure alone time even more.
    And I do not ever want the TV on providing random noise.
    What really flips people out is my wife and I spending hours together at home, saying nary a word yet both being very content with each other and with our relationship.
  7. hamsterball

    hamsterball Seeking New Outlets

    Interesting observation, @Levite. My personality has migrated over the years from introvert to more of an extrovert. I now find a silent room to be a joy to experience.
  8. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    Interesting! That's very unusual for an extrovert. Maybe you (like me) straddle the border in some ways. Have you taken the Meyers-Briggs (MBTI)?
  9. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Thought of another use for my alone time this afternoon. *whistles innocently*
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  10. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I like alone time. At home, I have music on and only turn the tv on to watch something.

    I do a lot of reading. I also tend to go to the pub, alone, for food and reading. I make time for a massage. I ride my bike.

    I tend to get about six weeks each summer where the family is gone for the summer. This year it looks like I will be halving that as I am looking to spend three weeks in Canada with them.
  11. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I enjoy being alone. Silence is fine, unless I'm cleaning, in which case I'll crank up the radio. I don't like the TV going if I'm not actively watching it, though...too distracting.

    I usually get Saturdays to myself, and it's marvelous. I occasionally get evenings during the week alone, and it's a super sweet bonus. I spend most of that alone time reading, working out, or playing video games.

    Going on vacation with other people is what gets to me. I try to steal moments to myself so I can just breathe, and when that isn't an option, I put headphones in for a bit.
  12. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    I'm perfectly good with alone time. It's feeling lonely—left out, forgotten—even if I'm surrounded by people, that sucks. As introverted and "loner-ish" as I may have been characterized by many people in my life throughout the years, I have always valued feeling included and being part of something bigger than myself perhaps more than I should. Feeling like—and, more importantly, being made to feel like—the odd one out is never fun.
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  13. Streaming videos of various types.
    Playing guitar.
    Messing with computery stuff.

    I need alone time otherwise I start getting über twitchy.
  14. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I read. I might or might not have the TV on for the noise. I do a lot of internet reseach that's not job related. Since my schedule is flexible, I sometimes go out bargain hunting at thrift stores & resale shops to get out of the house.
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    On a typical weekday, I spend, on average, somewhere between 12 and 14 hours alone.

    A lot of that is spent working, but I also interact with a couple of cats and a dog.

    It helps to pop out at least once a day to talk to someone briefly, even if it's a neighbour in passing or a retail clerk.

    In my free alone time, I browse the Net, read, play video games, etc. I sometimes nap (if it's a weekend, for example).

    I'm different from a lot of people, though. I actually enjoy most of my alone time. I know it can really drive you extroverts insane.

    Even so, I sometimes feel like I work on a space station, conducting a solo mission.
  16. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I just want to go on the record as saying you might have had some less than ideal people in your life that made that happen.

    Remember that you're the life of the party with my friends and they love you very much. ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  17. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    I know it. More importantly, I feel it.
  18. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I know that feeling all too well. I've never been a joiner, usually felt that what some people expected of me in order to accept me wasn't worth the effort. How much of that was real, and how much was my misperceptions, can be debated, which I've frequently done in my mind. Thankfully that's changed, at the least gotten somewhat better, over the years.
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  19. Jon Quixote

    Jon Quixote Vertical

    When I was younger, especially in my teens, I spent a lot of time alone. I tried to find an emoticon with raised eyebrows suggesting masturbation but failed to pick a satisfactory smiley. I actually spent a lot of my time watching TV, mostly when I didn't have much time to hang out with friends (during weekdays and such). I rely less on that now, and actually find some enjoyment in going out to eat or just to walk around town when I'm not busy. I'm a good mix of an introvert and an extrovert: I like spending time with my few very good friends, but would be perfectly content with being alone for a while.
  20. I get panic attacks. Its people, not spaces. I am hardly ever alone. I have my dogs. Sometimes, like in the bog, I would rather be alone than have this semi-circle of little faces staring at me. Perhaps its partly due to us all treating the dogs droppings like gold bullion - racing over and wrapping it up all safe and snug.
    I do like to have the radio on when I am driving (with dogs), and even sing along badly with a fair amount of gusto at times. I have conversations with the dogs.
    As another one who feels or felt like an outsider looking in - is it our expectations? Is the idea of 'normal socialising' as much of a fib as a snow covered Dickensian xmas scene where none of the kids have nits or ricketts?