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Got Tasered

Discussion in 'Tilted Weaponry' started by omega, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    As part of my training to carry a taser, we were given the opportunity to be tasered. That way if I was ever on the stand and some attorney starts going on and on about the cruel act then I can respond that I have been through it.

    First off, much better than pepper spray. instantaneous effect, but once it stops there is simply no pain. Pepper spray hurts for a long time and gets everywhere. As my friend says, 100% effective on cops. When you get hit, you are in serious pain, and muscular loss of control. But I could still think and hear while being zapped. So compliance by people is awesome. You hit them and it should take them out of fighting. If not, give them another five second burst. Meanwhile, other officers can be hands on and applying cuffs while the person is disabled. And once again, no pain when done. Its amazing. Love my taser.
  2. so what do you think of this brazilian guy that died while being subdued by australian police>

    Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian
    --- merged: Oct 11, 2012 8:21 AM ---
    DISTRESSING footage of Brazilian student Roberto Laudisio Curti wailing as he was tasered repeatedly has been shown to a Sydney coroner.
    The cross-examination of Senior Constable Eric Lim, who fired the Taser that brought Mr Curti to the ground for the final time, continued in Glebe Coroner's Court today.
    Sen Const Lim maintained he was justified in using his Taser a second time, even after footage showed he did so while the man was on the ground, handcuffed, surrounded by police and with another officer's knee on his abdomen.
    The 21-year-old, originally from Sao Paolo, collapsed and died on March 18 this year after four of the 11 police officers trying to capture him discharged their tasers at him 14 times.
    The officer has repeatedly said that after bringing Mr Curti to the ground with his first Taser discharge, he discharged his Taser again 40 seconds later because Mr Curti was "bucking" the five other officers off him.

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    A POLICE sergeant erroneously broadcast that drug-affected biscuit thief Roberto Laudisio Curti was an "armed" robber.

    WARNING: Graphic content of tasered student

    But Peter Hamill, SC, said video footage from Sen Const Lim's Taser clearly showed Mr Curti was trying to turn on to his side to get the other officer's knee off him.
    That footage has not been released.
    "Roberto, restrained and handcuffed, is trying to breathe," Mr Hamill said.
    "... You maintain in the face of this footage you were justified in tasering (Mr Curti) a second time?"
    "Yes," Sen Const Lim replied.
    Footage from another police officer's Taser was also played, in which Mr Curti could be heard wailing repeatedly while on the ground.
    Mr Hamill told the court the video showed Mr Curti being drive stunned - where the Taser is applied directly to the body - about five times by another officer.
    "There appears to be someone laughing (in the video)," Mr Hamill said.
    Sen Const Lim maintained he did not hear Mr Curti's cries for help or anyone laughing.
    The court has heard he was standing about a metre away from the young man.
    Mr Curti's two sisters left court before the video was played, but other family members were visibly distressed by the footage.
    NSW State Coroner Mary Jerram said she would not be making the video available publicly.
    Earlier, a psychiatric expert testified that Mr Curti's drug-induced psychosis would have given him little capacity to process police instructions before his death.
    Mr Curti had become psychotic after consuming a third of a tab of LSD, briefly fighting with strangers and eventually stealing two packets of biscuits from a convenience store, saying he was a "messenger from God", the inquest has heard.
    One of Australia's most eminent psychiatrists, Jonathan Phillips, said Mr Curti was clearly "paranoid, grandiose and preoccupied with his own personal world" and witnesses noted he was "scared" and sweating profusely.
    Dr Phillips said Curti's "excited delirium" meant he was unable to "process" the instructions, despite his strong grasp of English.
    Referring to CCTV footage showing Curti waiting at pedestrian crossings, Dr Phillips said the delirious, shirtless Curti appeared "law-abiding" and "not an anti-social person".
    "We're looking at a person who actually cares about walking at the green light," he said.
    "There's no evidence he stopped being a law-abiding citizen when he was stopped by people who couldn't explain why they were stopping him.
    "His level of fear skyrocketed at that point. As he started to flee, police decided to pursue him and used various measures to stop him."
    Dr Phillips said Curti had also consumed tequila, beer and bourbon in the hours prior to ingesting LSD, but did not consider the alcohol a significant factor in his behaviour.
    Giving evidence yesterday, Sergeant Craig Partridge admitted he repeatedly referred to the student as an "armed robber" on police radio, ignoring newer intelligence because he was not "paying 100 per cent undivided attention" to his radio.
    However, Sergeant Partridge said the detail had little real impact since he "would not expect the officers to respond differently" to an armed robber.
    Peter Hamill SC, for the Laudisio family, suggested there were "grand variations" between Curti and most armed offenders.
    Sergeant Partridge agreed he might have described Curti as carrying a knife, but admitted he received no evidence of that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2012
  3. omega

    omega Very Tilted

    that could be a problem. I dont condone any excessive use of force. Where it can be confusing is when it's two or three officers. situations can be very fluid and change with a swing of the fist. University of Miami will take brain tissue samples of people who die in custody, and often times people in this situation can be shown to have died from other issues, not from tasers. My taser carries .0036 amps. A Christmas tree light bulb is one amp, enough to kill you. so while it sounds like excessive force, its not the taser that killed him. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the drugs in his system.
  4. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I got tazered once. It was my own fault. I was 20 and they got me for drunk and disorderly. My fault:) but it hurts like fuck.
  5. Ayashe

    Ayashe Getting Tilted

    How can you be so certain?
    Acute effects of TASER X26 discharges in a swine mo... [J Trauma. 2007] - PubMed - NCBI

    I wouldn't consider it a non-lethal weapon. Perhaps a less-lethal option but certainly not 100% safe.

    Another good article on the subject Study raises concerns over Tasers' safety

    I thought it a bit lengthy to copy in here.
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