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Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by bayliner2250, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. bayliner2250

    bayliner2250 New Member

    Saturday me and my girlfriend got into serious trouble (I got to go to court). My parents don't like her and want me to break up with her. Do I have a choice, I want to stay with her but my family will never like her again. Any help will be good
  2. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Welcome to the TFP.


    Well, dude... details matter.

    How did you two get into Serious Trouble (TM)? Most of us are pretty fanciful and thus we're already envisioning bank robbery ala Bonnie and Clyde.

    Why don't your parents like her? Are your parents Mormon and she's got a nautically themed tramp stamp that says "Welcome Aboard" or what?

    You always have a choice. Based on the details, we can help you decide what choice would be best for you both long term. Help us out, friend.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. bayliner2250

    bayliner2250 New Member

    She took a pair of $20 headphones and I'm being charged with petty theft. They don't like how she messed up my life.
  4. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Did you take anything, or are you willfully taking the fall for her?

    What are your ages?

    How long has she been your gf?

    Is she being charged with anything?
  5. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    So... how are you being charged for a crime she committed, exactly?

    And I take it the retailer won't settle out of court with a good pee-pee smacking?

    If you want to talk about this situation, fine, but you're going to have to type the shit out.


    Petty theft is not going to ruin either of your lives. It's a misdemeanor. You're both dumbasses for being involved, but it's hardly a life-ender.

    In general, being in a relationship with someone that knowingly commits any crime is a Bad Idea (TM). I mean, it's a waste of your time at best.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014
  6. bayliner2250

    bayliner2250 New Member

    I didn't take anything, and I'm 18 and she's 17. We been together for 1 year and 8 months. Shes getting charged but since she's a minor she's not going to court
  7. .Your charge should be lowered or dropped you'll get community service .or a fine .

    Her she sounds like a winner if you're contemplating leaving her tell her why and that she needs to work on whatever and you'll help her.

    Or if you're happy with this and her stay ..work threw it together it's honestly not a big deal just a pain in the ass and could be emberassing family wise etc..
  8. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    I understand totally.
    For the same reason woman are attracted to the bad boys men love the crazy chicks (and I don't mean crazy in the psychological sense, that's a whole different ball of wax).
    They push your boundaries, dare you to run out on the check at the fancy restaurant or call you at 3:00 am because their ex-boyfriend the drug dealer is pounding on their door.
    The sex is great and you never know what's behind the next door.
    Your adrenalin and hormones are always pumping when you are around her.

    Don't think about what your family is saying.
    You're just going to be pissed at them for breaking you up if you do it for them.
    Think seriously about where this is going.
    What are your dreams?
    Where do you see yourself down the road?
    Would she fit into any of that?

    Unless you plan on being a bouncer at a strip club or driving a tow truck (and I'm not knocking either of those jobs, I have good friends who do both) their is a chance you might want to make some decisions now.
    Be nice and move on.

    Now I could be completely wrong and this is just a phase she is going through.
    She could be going through a rough patch and need your support to become the best person she can be.
    The romantic side of me would love that to be the case but you would know better than I and I'm not counting on it.