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Geek girls unite!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by cynthetiq, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I'm glad to see more girls playing games.

    My wife enjoys playing but at the same time is very picky about her gaming. She only plays a handful of games, but when she does, it's full on. We play a few games together, World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, and Dragonvale. We've tried to play Never Winter Nights but never enjoyed it. She's not into FPS, so no COD. PvP is also not her style.

    Does you or your girl game? What do you/she play? What do you play together?
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  2. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    My SO loves playing games. Though unlike yours, she goes through games like Asians go through ricecrackers.

    I'm currently playing Battlefield 3 and the Call of Duty Modern Warfare series. My games revolve around action, tactics and strategy.

    She's playing the Mass Effect series right now. She generally chooses games with emphasis on one or more of the following: zombies, space/sci-fi, fantasy, drama.

    When she came around to visit me a month ago, she suggested we play L.A. Noire together so that we both give our input on what we think on the individual elements of the cases as we proceed through the story, and it's been a lot of fun. We also enjoy playing Left 4 Dead 2 together, whenever we both happen to be in the mood for it.
  3. Lordeden

    Lordeden Part of the Problem

    Redneckhell, NC
    CinnamonGirl plays tons of video games, but we never play them together. She has a VERY limited selection of games she can play (No 3D games, that means no FPS or any 3rd person games or anything made this century) and most of those are so old, there is no multi-player options on them. Most of her games run off of DOSbox. She is VERY old school and RPG/Sim games are her favorites.

    I've tried to find games for us to play together, but it's hard finding something she likes that allows co-op. I tried to get her into Worms Armageddon, but she didn't seem into it. We have looked for a RTS to play against each other, but she is a fan of WarIII and I am not (To much RPG in my RTS, I don't like them touching).

    I am in full support of Girls getting their game on without trolling. This con seems like a great idea.

    Now, to get her into WOW... *THAT* would be awesome.
  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I play a variety of games--I try a lot of games, but generally stick with RTS games and World of Warcraft. Skyrim was the first RPG I got into, although I've tried others. I also love simulation games--the Sims series, SimCity 4, etc. I like FPS games--my favorite, though, is Perfect Dark, which was a game for the N64. We run it on an emulator. If you play me, I will waste you, and I LOVE having guy friends come over and then just slaughtering their dreams of domination.

    Lordeden: I love Worms! So much fun! We used to play it in college--a bunch of us in a room taking turns to off each other at one computer.

    Recently, I've been playing Civilization IV--it came out when I was still deep into playing Age of Mythology. We just got an Xbox 360, so I'm waiting for my husband to finished Batman: Arkham City so that maybe some of the FPS games I put on our Gamefly queue will start showing up. I'm ready to shoot some dudes.
  5. Last edited: Aug 14, 2012
  6. Lordeden

    Lordeden Part of the Problem

    Redneckhell, NC
    She will never play WOW. It's a 3D Top down View game AND It's WOW. She loves the Warcraft 'verse but hates WOW.
  7. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    As most of you already know, I'm a gamer nut. I play several nights a week, always need my fix. ;)
    I play all kinds of games: RPGs, MMORPGs, FPS, the list goes on. Mostly PC gaming these days. Though I have the ps2 and ps3 kicking around with games to play. I just prefer the keyboard and mouse to the handheld device. At the moment, I'm absorbed in Star Wars The Old Republic. The game has changed drastically since it came out. In fact, the next week or so I'll be absorbed in the current event: its a smuggler's ring expedition. Good times. ;)

    My boyfriend and I do play games together. We love to play the Little Big Planet series together, and try to trip each other up in game. Haha. And we play Dead Island, also a fun one. At the moment, we've been playing the Mass Effect 3 multi-player together. We both love Mass Effect to pieces. There's a bunch of other games we hope to play together again: City of Heroes, SWTOR, The Secret World. There's always a list. :p
    Years ago, we played through the surgery series for the Wii: Trauma Center. And other crazy ones like Mario Cart. We've always had a mix of PVP, coop and RP games going on.

    I love that they have a Geek Girl Con! I would totally go. :) Sounds like a blast!
  8. Poetry

    Poetry Totally Sharky, Complete

    Los Angeles, CA
    I used to game all the time, but then I got busy with life and had to choose between pursuing my rather intensive goals or gaming.... so I had to give it up. :(
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  9. Indigo Kid

    Indigo Kid Getting Tilted

    Poetry has balls for a chick!!! Yeah, some of us have life & golas first...

    You go girls - Cuz you're not alone...
  10. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Holy crap, you guys. They had a panel on Quidditch and Roller Derby. THAT IS SO AWESOME.

    Ahem. I wish I lived closer to Seattle, I would've been all about going to GeekGirlCon. So awesome that it exists.

    As for gaming, Lordeden covered most of my PC gaming habits. I like console gaming as well, but I don't really like the war or sports games. And, well, I tend to like the old-school systems better, too. I don't think the Nintendo works anymore, but I'm pretty sure Mom has my Sega Genesis packed up somewhere...hmmm...
  11. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I'm making my plans for next year. You should come.
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  12. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    My wife likes cartoons and video games.
    Still doesn't get comics and DnD....but enjoys the superhero & fantasy movies. (horror too) :cool:
  13. Cwtch38

    Cwtch38 Bat Shit Crazy

    When the kids were growing up we used to have family game nights, I used to be pretty awesome playing ABE, I loved that little guy, also the tomb raider series. I can't get into the COD type games at all, I am more of a puzzle type person, although I can rock at guitar hero :) like Poetry, life has gotten in the way of fun for the last few years.
    I loved worms Armageddon.