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Free or very cheap resources for psychological therapy

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Cayvmann, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I've recently read a few threads about people needing to get therapy for depression or anxiety. I have a brother who, due to depression and pill dependency, has lost his job, and maybe his career as a pharmacist. Since he is broke, and has no medical coverage, I was wondering how he might be able to get some help to get him back on his feet. I have obviously not been a help, though I try.

    So, what are options for the poor and decrepit to get help?
  2. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Well, the first question is "where?" There are probably going to be local agencies that can help, but without knowing where he is, recommending the NYU program for former pharmacists when he's in San Diego isn't going to be much of a help.
  3. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    He is in Raleigh, NC basically. Whoops, mea culpa
  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Many therapists and treatment centers will charge based on a sliding scale. You might also consider contacting the local mental health authority and asking them about resources.

    Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk
  5. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I'll see what I can drum up. I've sent him a link to an online source, for what I think is his problem. Childhood molestation and bullying in the home. I'm just not sure he sees it as a viable alternative.

    I think I may be too close to the situation to see it very clearly. I have dealt with trauma completely differently than the rest of my family...
  6. He could try helplines aimed at children going through the same type of crap, they will be happy to refer him to any adult services that may be of help. Telephone counselling may not be the best, but its given freely with good heart and best of intentions - they may well care more than a paid professional - and you have to cut your cloth according to your needs dont you. Try and get him to build a new routine - volunteer once a week - having a small commitment is also having something to look forward to, that and the knowledge that you are of worth and appreciated will probably help him.
  7. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I'll try those. He has now convinced himself that he has Asperger's. Anything to ignore the real issue and try for something else. He was already diagnosed with PTSD, from a psychiatrist he saw before, but he didn't like the diagnosis. Why do people want it to be something exotic, when the obvious is staring them right in the face?

    I blame his mother ( mine too, for that matter ). She never directly dealt with any problem she ever had. She would diagnose herself with whatever the latest fad psychobabble said, and never tried to get resolution. She just went to the next diagnosis, or tried to pray it away. Either way, nothing ever worked. It all sickens me. The wasted potential of a better life.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    self diagnosis isn't a solution. he needs a professional opinion, even if he discounts it.
  9. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I agree. I am trying to get him to face up to what happened to him, and his responsibility for the self destructive crap that he's done recently. Seems to me that he is just looking for an excuse to screw up.
  10. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    I'm assuming that he doesn't visit a religious venue to partake of possible counseling there? There is very little that is free--even sliding scale is more than you might guess. A competent friend could be a valued asset. I realize 'going to therapy' can be a touchy subject--just getting started talking about what is truly ailing him could be helpful regardless of whether he sees a professional straight away. Diagnosis is extremely tricky thing--even pros struggle with get the proper diagnosis sometimes and often don't agree on what is what when there is a dual or multiple diagnosis situation. He's lucky he's got someone who cares enough to try and find help for him.
  11. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I suggested the religious angle, as he is a non-denominational believer, even though I am not a believer. I felt talking to someone might help. Also a good word from a pastor might help him over a hurdle he has created for himself, and get another job, thus some benefits and the ability to get some real therapy. He says he would feel like a hypocrite. Maybe he'll change his mind. It might be his only hope, at this point.
  12. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam

    This is what socialized medicine/mental health treatment looks like. It is a free CBT on-line program, even for foreigners.
  13. Given that most of the animal lot are a tad mad, what about volunteering at the local pound. Your brother will maybe get he chance to meet and help animals who have been fucked in the head. He will see that its not their fault, and in seeing that he may realise that the way he is is not his fault. A dog taught me that its what life has thrown (or in his case kicked) at us affects us, and we may become a little odd in the way we deal with some things. Fear reactions in mr Ben would involve him biting police - black boots and the same shoes he got kicked with - or reacting wrongly. you can retrain a dog to an extent, as you can with people. Remember to not just worry about your brother, remember to praise the good too - in honesty. At least he has love in his corner Cayvman. More riches than many have.
  14. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    get him to commit to keeping a journal. its surprising how much easier it is to reflect on thoughts after you've written them down (says the english major). once he identifies what his problem is, he can begin taking serious steps to confronting and hopefully solving it.
  15. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Crap, I forgot about journaling. I did it myself. Probably should keep it up. Thanks. If he ever gets back to a pro, he'll have something to discuss right away too.